Guidelines for Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

Reference: EO 1081
Definitions: Credit bearing campus study abroad programs are faculty-led courses which are taught
abroad by CSULB faculty members. All courses are regular courses from the university catalog. Study
abroad courses are primarily intended for matriculated CSULB students.
Short-Term Study Abroad programs (Winter and Summer) are normally self-support operations, and
follow all of the guidelines and operational procedures outlined by the College of Continuing and
Professional Education (CCPE). Under some circumstances, a faculty member may offer a course
outside of either the Winter or Summer Sessions (e.g., Spring Break or attached to a fall or spring
semester course). Such courses undergo a similar campus review and implementation process as
Summer and Winter Session programs. All programs must comply with policies and procedures outlined
in Executive Order 1081 and other related executive orders (e.g., those on air travel, risk management).
Approval Process and Procedures
1. The first step is for the faculty member to meet with the Director of Education Abroad (Sharon
Olson, ext. 5-5585, or via email at Four main items will be
discussed: an overall concept of the goals and intent of the program; a proposed destination
(itinerary); budget considerations; and safety and risk guidelines. In addition, general
Chancellor’s Office guidelines for operation of international study courses will be reviewed.
2. Next faculty must complete the Short Term Study Abroad Approval form and schedule a
meeting with their Department Chair to discuss teaching the proposed course abroad. In order
to maximize the educational experience for students in short-term study abroad courses offered
by CSULB faculty, the following guidelines have been established.
The course instructor typically will have in-depth knowledge of and personal familiarity
with the study abroad destination, and will be able to provide guidance to students about its
cultural norms and practices that will enhance their educational experience. Alternatively,
the instructor will collaborate with a counterpart at the study abroad destination who will
have such in-depth knowledge and familiarity.
The proposal for the short-term study abroad course will make clear the educational
connection between the content of the course and the study abroad destination,
demonstrating that the study abroad experience is an integral part of student learning in the
Student learning outcomes established for the course specifically will address the study
abroad experience for the destination.
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3. Faculty must then obtain the signatures of the Department Chair and College Dean or
Associate Dean on the Short-Term Study Abroad Approval form.
4. After review by the Chair and Dean, the proposal will be sent to the Vice Provost for
Academic Affairs and to the Associate Vice President and Dean of International Education and
Global Engagement for final review and approval.
5. In order for there to be sufficient time to plan the program, and to advertise it among students
likely to be interested in participating, it is required that faculty submit the completed
Short-Term Approval Form for Winter Session programs no later than the last day of the
spring semester and for Summer Session programs no later than the last day of the fall
6. Before implementing any Short-Term Study Abroad program, all appropriate signatures must
be obtained.
Implementation Policy and Procedures
Procedures may vary somewhat, depending on whether the Short-Term Study Abroad program
operates during the Winter or Summer Session or during the Academic Year.
Logistics and Budget:
 For some Winter and Summer session programs, student fees for operational logistics
(e.g. transportation, accommodations, museum fees, etc.) will be required in advance and
it is the student’s responsibility to pay them through the Student Services department at
CCPE. If student fees are required, a program fee account will be set up by CCPE and
procedures established for collection and distribution of funds to travels agents, foreign
universities, or non-government organizations. These fees will not be distributed to the
faculty member as a travel advance, rather all distributions must be paid directly to the
vendor. Students who do not adhere to the registration timeline under Participation
Policy and Procedures may lose the funds deposited in the program fee account for
operational logistics. An estimated budget will be required.
 If, on the other hand, students will pay an outside agency directly (e.g. a study abroad
organization, or a travel agent) for the operational logistics of the program, and no
operational logistics fees are collected by the campus from students, then the travel
agent/study abroad organization must be an approved program provider and provide to
students a clear refund policy statement in the event that the program has to be canceled.
(See Internal Procedures for International Student Exchange and Non-CSU Program
Providers for processes and procedures governing approval of study abroad program
 Faculty are NOT permitted to serve as financial intermediaries between students and
travel agents/study abroad providers, or to pay travel agents/study abroad providers up
front, and be “reimbursed” by students.
Faculty Orientation:
 Faculty orientation sessions will be held during the spring semester. The sessions will
include emergency response training, communication from abroad, student conduct code,
alcohol and drug policy, and disciplinary procedures.
Faculty Compensation:
Winter and Summer Programs (operated by CCPE):
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 Faculty pay will be based on the salary schedule for “Instructional Faculty, Special
Programs (class code 2322),” and will be commensurate with rank, numbers of enrolled
students, and number of assigned weighted teaching units.
Other Models:
 For courses offered during the Spring or Fall Semester with the travel portion completed
in Summer or Winter (or during spring break), faculty teach the course as part of their
regular teaching load and are paid by the State.
 Faculty may also apply to teach a summer course at a partner university. The faculty
member is then paid by the host university (e.g., John Cabot University in Rome, Italy
and Semester at Sea).
Participation Policy and Procedures
 All participants in a CSULB short-term study abroad program must be registered for a
CSULB course and must remain enrolled in the course throughout the program.
 If a participant is not a matriculated CSULB student, (e.g., alumni, community member)
or wishes to participate in the study abroad program but not take the approved course(s)
for CSULB academic credit, the participant, with faculty permission, may register for a
1-unit International Education course (INTL 400/500) or 1-unit Independent Study
through CCPE. With faculty permission, the participant may select the audit grading
 All participants MUST be registered at least 15 working days before the start date of the
Foreign Travel Policy and Procedures
[For additional information or reference, Academic Affairs travel guidelines may be found at:
At least three months prior to the start date of the course, faculty must complete the university
documents required for foreign travel. Electronic copies of these documents will be sent to all
approved faculty by the Director of Education abroad and will include the following:
1. Request for Travel form—Faculty fill out the top portion of the form with the trip
information and sign on the line "Traveler's Signature." (Do not fill out the Funding
Source section.) Send the signed form to the Director of Education Abroad in the campus
mail who will obtain the remaining signatures.
2. Foreign Travel Questionnaire—Fill out all relevant sections and send to the Director of
Education Abroad.
3. Participant List—Fill out the top portion with trip information. Faculty should list
themselves and any students who have been recruited. (Contact information for the
students does not need to be included at this stage.) If faculty do not have any committed
students at this point, then they should just list themselves on the form. The final
Participant List must be submitted to the Director of Education Abroad at least 15
working days prior to the start date of the course.
4. If CCPE has created a deposit account for the course to cover travel and logistics, faculty
will also need to complete the Worksheet for Study Abroad Travel.
Safety and Risk Policy and Procedures:
 In accordance with Executive Order No. 1051, students shall be informed in writing that
participation in study abroad programs is voluntary, and that travel involves risks to
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personal safety which could result in damage to property, injury, or death. Students shall
also be informed in writing that the CSU assumes no liability for damage, injury, or death
occurring on such voluntary air travel, and that they undertake such travel at their own
 A pre-departure orientation meeting is required for all participants, to cover information
about the destination including health, safety, security, legal exposure or political
restrictions related to their status in the country as well as logistics and Safety and Risk
requirements, campus policy and procedures for study abroad, and financial information.
Each student shall sign an attendance sheet. If a student misses the meeting with a valid
excuse, a one-on-one orientation shall be conducted by the faculty member.
 All students participating in study abroad programs shall be required to acknowledge that
they have been informed of the risks of travel required by such programs, and to sign a
Release of Liability, Promise Not to Sue statement.
 All program participants must complete and sign a Medical Disclosure and Assumption
of Risk form. The disclosed medical information shall be kept confidential and used only
to assist medical staff to respond to an injury or illness. Students must also sign a
CSULB Behavior and Student Code of Conduct agreement.
 Students MUST have appropriate medical insurance coverage while participating in a
university sponsored study abroad program. In order to insure the proper level of
coverage, and to create a centralized data base to quickly and accurately identify students,
faculty, and staff who are in a country affected by a natural or man-made disaster, the
following actions are now implemented:
o Payment of foreign travel liability insurance premiums will be paid to the Student
Services department in CCPE (except for spring break or semester programs) as part
of the course registration process.
o Faculty study abroad leaders must also provide all required information on
participants to the Office of the Director of Education Abroad (Sharon Olson, ext. 55585, or via email at a minimum of 15 working days prior
to departure date. An electronic request form will provided for use by faculty leaders.
Note that it is University policy to immediately cancel a program to any country, if the
United States Department of State issues an official Travel Warning regarding that
country. Travel approval may also be withdrawn if the country or area is listed on a
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Travel Advisory, and/or a World Health Organization
(WHO) listing of “consideration to postpone all but essential travel.” Such a cancellation
could happen at any time prior to departure, or while the program is already in progress.
If the latter, the faculty leader will be asked to immediately make arrangements for all
students to depart the country in question.
Review and Evaluation
Faculty are required to administer both a Student International Experience Evaluation and an Instructor
Course Evaluation to students at the end of the short-term program. These will be evaluated to
determine improvements to the study abroad program. In addition, a debriefing meeting will be held for
the faculty at the end of each summer.
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Key Dates and Deadlines
Key Date(s)
Responsible Person/Office
Summer Courses
Sept. 1- Dec. 15
Short Term Study Abroad Approval Form approved & signed
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
October 15December 15
Budget Worksheet due/Request for deposit account
(if travel funds are to be collected by CCPE)
Kristine West, CCPE
October 15 December 15
Contracts for Foreign Travel Agents reviewed and signed
(if applicable)
Laurinda Fuller, Purchasing
via Kristine West, CCPE
October 15 December 15
Agreements with 3rd Party Program Providers reviewed
and approved (if applicable)
Risk Management and CO
via Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
February 14
Student Scholarship Applications due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Request for Travel, Travel Questionnaire, and
Preliminary Participant List due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Faculty Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop
Sharon Olson, Education
Course Registration deadline (15 days before start date)
Kristine West, CCPE
Final Participant List (due 15 days before start date)
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Signed Liability and Promise Not to Sue forms due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Winter Courses
Feb. 1- May 15
Short Term Study Abroad Approval Form approved and signed
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
February 15May 15
Budget Worksheet due/Request for deposit account in CCPE
(if travel funds are to be collected by CSULB )
Kristine West, CCPE
February 15 May 15
Contracts for Foreign Travel Agents reviewed and signed
(if applicable)
Laurinda Fuller, Purchasing
via Kristine West, CCPE
February 15 May 15
Agreements with 3rd Party Program Providers reviewed
and approved (if applicable)
Risk Management and CO
via Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Request for Travel, Travel Questionnaire, and
Preliminary Participant List due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
October 10
Student Scholarship Applications due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Course Registration deadline (15 days before start date)
Kristine West, CCPE
Final Participant List (due 15 days before start date)
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Signed Liability and Promise Not to Sue forms due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
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Spring Break Courses
Sept. 15 – Dec. 15
Short Term Study Abroad Approval Form approved and signed
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
February 1
Request for Travel, Travel Questionnaire, and
Preliminary Participant List due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Final Participant List (due 15 days before start date)
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
Signed Liability and Promise Not to Sue forms due
Sharon Olson, Education Abroad
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