SO NOTED GR 3 Science Mar 21

Grade 3 Science
Week of March 21-25
Unit 7: Investigating Characteristics of Living Things (13 Days)
TEKS: 3.10B Recognize some behaviors are learned in response to living in a certain environment, such as animals using tools to get food
Key Understanding(s)
 Learned behaviors are acquired by an organism’s interaction with its environment and/or its parents
Performance Indicator
 Create a visual that communicates how an organism relies on a learned behavior to meet its basic needs. Share findings with class through
group dramatization based on the visual. (3.2A, 3.2C; 3.10B)
Date Day
Lesson concept
Notes/Instructional ideas
10 Research Day: Students will work 
 Students can work on research projects started on Day 5
and complete research projects
 Share with students rubric prior to working on project
o Stated assigned animal
o Provided name of offspring
o Picture (drawn or electronic) of animal
o Used and listed at least 1 resource (book or internet)
o Stated at least 10 inherited traits of the animal and its
o Stated at least 4 inherited behavioral traits of the common
to the animal, its offspring and/or its species
o Identify a tool or a specific inherited trait the animal uses
tools to meet one of their basic needs (This will be
discussed on Day 9; Student can begin research on this
after instruction on the concept)
 If students are ready, presentations can begin (see audience
information in Day 11)
11 Evaluate: Students will present
 During each presentation, audience members can list in their
research projects
science journal for each presentation
o The name of the animal
o List 2 of the animal’s inherited traits
o List 1 learned behavior
o Identify and describe the tool the animal uses to meet one
of their basic needs(as demonstrated by the student)
Grade 3 Science
Week of March 21-25
3.10C Investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles such as tomato plants,
frogs, and lady bugs.
Key Understanding(s)
 All plants and animals go through a life cycle.
 An organism’s life cycle is predictable and describable, but differs from species to species.
Performance Indicator
 Illustrate and identify each stage in the life cycle of a researched organism. Compare and contrast it with the life cycle of an organism being
studied in class. (3.2A; 3.2C; 3.10C)
Date Day
Lesson concept
Notes/Instructional ideas
12 Engage, Explore (Unit 6, lesson 2
 A book related to the topic Engage
p. 3-4): Does offspring represent
of mismatched offspring
 A book that depicts a tale of a misplaced, mismatched
their parents in the beginning;
and parent
offspring and parent that eventually find out the truth about
Observe and record
the offspring's (See list in CScope)
 Chart tablet and markers
characteristics of mystery animal
Discussion of what types of things all animals need to survive
 Stages in the Life Cycles of
and reproduce
a Butterfly colored
Ladybugs – we are requesting for
 Discussion of habitat; Place on word wall and in glossary in
it to be delivered on March 21st
science journal
and get them out to teachers that
Monday or Tuesday; Ordering the  Ladybug larvae in clear
 Replace all references to mealworms with larvae.
whole habitat with the larva
 Students are not to know that the mystery animal is a ladybug
 Hand lens
(will not discuss until tomorrow)
 Paper plate
Since these larvae will crawl out of a cup rather quickly,
 Plastic spoon
either provide a lid for the cup, or place the organisms in
 Pipe cleaners
magnification boxes/jars. Otherwise, follow the basic
 Straws
procedures listed with any necessary modifications.
 1 dropper of water
 Step 1: Have students compare and contrast the mystery
organism with the butterfly caterpillar.
 Step 2: You might show a photo of the eggs from which the
mystery larvae developed.
 Steps 3 & 4: These larvae are not as easily studied as
mealworms. Adjust the procedures as needed.
 Step 5: Move on to the Explain so that the larvae can be
immediately placed in their habitat.
Grade 3 Science
Week of March 21-25
Lesson concept
Explain, Elaborate (Unit 6, lesson
2 p. 5): View animal and create
appropriate habitat
 Materials for ladybug
 All About Ladybugs
Notes/Instructional ideas
 Be sure any labels with “Ladybug” have been deleted or
covered up. Use the instructions that came with your larvae to
discuss with students how to set up and maintain a habitat to
meet the organism’s needs.
 Replace all references to mealworms and darkling beetles with
“larvae” and “lady beetles” or “ladybugs.”
 Once students realize that the larva is a ladybug, teacher can
share All About Ladybugs handout for reading and class
 Students will need a page in their science journal to document
and collect data and pictures on the ladybug as they progress.
This can take several weeks and need to be brought into the
science lessons as a warm-up until the life cycle is complete
 Performance Indicator listed will be administered after
students observe the life cycle of butterfly
Teacher Day – Early Release
 Need to have a conversation with teachers about what to do
with the ladybugs is they decide to get rid of them; Have
teachers follow the directions provided with the packaging.