

Coats et al.

Feasibility and effectiveness of a home-based exercise training program prior to lung resection surgery


Valérie Coats MSc, François Maltais MD, Sébastien Simard PhD, Éric Fréchette MD,

Lise Tremblay MD and Didier Saey PhD.


Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de


, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

Financial support:

V. Coats is a recipient of a research training award of the Canadian Institute of Heath

Research . This work was supported by the Canadian Lung Association .

Address of correspondence: Dr Didier Saey

Institut Universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec

2725 Chemin Ste-Foy

Québec, Québec

G1V 4G5


Tel: 418-656-8711, # 2614

Fax: 418-656-4509


Author’s contributions:

All authors were substantially involved in design, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the study. All authors contributed to the intellectual content of the manuscript and were consulted for final approval of the submitted version.

Accordingly, we did not omit to include any other author that would fulfill these authorship requirements.


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BMI: Body mass index

COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



: Carbon monoxide diffusion capacity

EORTC QLQ-30: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire



: Forced expiratory volume in one second

FVC: Forced vital capacity

HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

HBETP: Home-based exercise training program

HR: Heart rate

MID: Minimal important difference

MVC: Maximal voluntary contraction

NSCLC: Non-small cell lung cancer

RER: Respiratory exchange ratio

RV: Residual volume

SF-36: Health survey questionnaire



: Pulse oxygen saturation

TLC: Total lung capacity



: Carbon dioxide output

V̇E: Ventilation



: Oxygen uptake

6MWT: Six minute walking test


Lung cancer, exercise, home-based pulmonary rehabilitation, exercise tolerance, muscle strength, quality of life, training


Coats et al.


Background: Patients with lung cancer often experience a reduction in exercise tolerance, muscle weakness and decreased quality of life. Despite that the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs is well recognized in other form of cancers and in many pulmonary diseases, few researches have studied its impact in lung cancer patients, particularly in patients awaiting lung resection surgery (LRS).

Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of a short home-based exercise training program

(HBETP) in patients with suspicion of lung cancer awaiting LRS and to determine its effectiveness on exercise tolerance, skeletal muscle strength and quality of life.

Methods: Sixteen patients with lung cancer awaiting LRS participated to a 4-week

HBETP including moderate aerobic activities (walking and cycling) and muscle training performed three times weekly. Prior to and after the intervention, a cardiopulmonary exercise test, a six-minute walking test (6MWT) and the assessment of muscle strength and quality of life were obtained.

Results: Thirteen patients completed the 4-week HBETP and all the patients completed

75% of the prescribed exercise sessions. The duration of the cycle endurance test

(263.77±79.12 Vs 421.23±240.87 s, p <0.05

) and the 6MWT distance (534±97 Vs

567±101 m, p <0.05

) were significantly improved. Moreover, the strength of the deltoid, triceps and hamstrings was significantly improved (1.82±2.83, 1.32±1.75, 3.41±3.7 Kg, p


, respectively).

Conclusion: In patients with lung cancer awaiting lung resection surgery, HBETP was feasible and it improved exercise tolerance and muscle strength. This may be clinically relevant because poor exercise capacity and muscle weakness are predictors of postoperative complications.


Coats et al.


With 1.6 million new cases diagnosed each year and 1.3 million deaths, lung cancer is the leading cancer related deaths worldwide and it represents a pressing health issue which generates significant personal and social costs 1 .

Patients with lung cancer often experience a greater fatigability, a reduction in exercise tolerance, muscle weakness and compromised quality of life (QOL) as a direct consequence of their disease or as an indirect consequence of their cancer therapy 2-4 . For people with localized non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), lung resection surgery offers the best chance of recovery. Even though survival rates have improved following the surgery, morbidity and mortality rates resulting from postoperative cardio-pulmonary complications are still considerable. Moreover, because of the link between low exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary complications following lung resection surgery 5-7 , exercise tolerance is an important element in the decision-making process regarding the feasibility of lung cancer resection especially in patients with low aerobic capacity.

Although the effectiveness of exercise-based rehabilitation program is well-recognized to improve exercise capacity, muscle strength and quality of life for patients with various pulmonary disorders


, the role of this intervention in an oncology setting is less well defined. However, there is an emerging literature suggesting that exercise-based rehabilitation may improve oxygen uptake, physical fitness, muscle function and quality of life of cancer patients


. In lung cancer patients, exercise-based rehabilitation has received growing attention 12-15 , and the some available studies are promising and tend to demonstrate that it’s possible to improve exercise performance and symptoms, without risk of promoting cancer progression 12;13;16 .

Consequently, the implementation of a preoperative exercise-based rehabilitation program, focused on improving exercise capacity and muscle function, could have significant positive outcomes in patients with pulmonary cancer, notably by reducing postoperative mortality and morbidity 7 . In this regard, it seems clinically relevant to use the preoperative waiting period to increase exercise tolerance of patients with lung cancer.

However, implementation of a exercise based rehabilitation in a supervised setting would


Coats et al. be difficult, since one important and well recognized limitation is the lack of accessibility of the resources and also because that the diagnosis period itself lead to a bad timing which may impact patients willingness to engage in such a program 16;17 .

The effectiveness and safety of a home-based exercise training intervention have already been demonstrated in patients with severe emphysema awaiting lung volume reduction surgery


. In addition, those results were recently confirmed in a randomized multicentre clinical trial on home-based pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary that was conducted in our center 19 . However, its implementation and efficacy in patients with lung cancer need to be addressed.

We thus aimed to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of a short home-based exercisetraining program (HBETP) in patients under investigation for lung cancer and awaiting lung resection surgery. Accordingly, the objective of the present study was twofold: 1) to investigate the feasibility of a 4-week HBETP and 2) to determine its effects on exercise capacity, muscle strength and quality of life in patients under investigation for lung cancer and awaiting lung resection surgery.


Study design

This was a non-randomised interventional study conducted at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec

(IUCPQ). The research protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee. All of the participants signed an informed consent prior to study enrolment.

Potentially eligible patients (men or women, between 45 and 80 years of age, under investigation for non-small cell lung cancer) were recruited from the Clinique spécialisée en pneumologie of IUCPQ . Exclusion criteria were 1) O


pulsed saturation (SpO


) less than 80% during the cardiopulmonary exercise test. 2) Contraindications to exercise testing (per American Thoracic Society/American College of Chest Physicians Exercise


Coats et al.

Testing Guidelines ) 20 3) A history of significant cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, or musculoskeletal concerns that might limit the ability of these subjects to perform active exercises, and 4) Severe psychiatric illness compromising training rehabilitation observance.

A complete assessment of pulmonary functions, exercise capacity, muscle strength and quality of live was performed before and after completion of the 4-week home-based exercise-training program.


Antropometric and pulmonary measurements:

The weight and height were measured to determine the body-mass index (BMI). Standard pulmonary function tests including spirometry, lung volumes, and carbon monoxide diffusion capacity were obtained for all subjects, according to previously described guidelines 21 , and related to predicted reference values 22;23 .

Exercise capacity:

Exercise capacity was assessed using the following exercise tests:

Incremental cycling exercise test: Peak exercise capacity and oxygen consumption, were determined during incremental cycle ergometry with 12-lead ECG monitoring (Cardiosoft program-Corina, USA) as originally described by Jones and colleagues 3 and following the

American Thoracic Society guidelines 20 . Briefly, the tests were performed on an electronically braked cycle ergometer (Quinton Corival 400; A-H Robins, Seattle, WA) with breath-by-breath expired gas analysis (Sensor Medics, Vmax Legacy, Yorba Linda,

CA). After 3 minutes of rest, participants began cycling without load for 1 minute. Each subsequent minute, workloads were increased by 10–20W until volitional exhaustion or until a symptom limitation was achieved. During exercise SpO

2 was monitored continuously (OSM2 Hexoximeter; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmar ) whereas blood pressure was measured every 2 minutes ( Quinton 410, A-H Robins Cie, Seattle, USA).

Symptoms of dyspnea and leg fatigue were evaluated using a modified Borg scale for perceived exertion 24 .


Coats et al.

Constant workrate cycle exercise: The constant workrate cycle exercise test was monitored similarly to the maximal exercise test. After one minute of unloading cycling, patients were asked to pedal up to exhaustion at 80% of the maximal exercise workload determined during the maximal test. Heart rate, dyspnea Borg score, and oxygen saturation were monitored. The endurance time was defined as the duration of the test excluding the 1-min warm-up period.

6-minute walking test (6MWT): According to the guidelines of the ATS 25 , the 6-minute walk test was conducted in an enclosed corridor on a flat 30-meter long course between two cones. Patients were instructed to cover the longest distance possible in 6 minutes with or without pause. During the test, only standardized encouragements were given to the patient


. The test was performed twice and the best essay was noted.

Muscle strength:

Quadriceps strength of the dominant leg was assessed by measuring the maximum voluntary contraction. Subjects were seated in a recumbent chair (N-K 330 Exercise

Table; N-K Products, Elsinore, CA) with 90° knee flexion and the ankle attached to a strain gauge (Hewlett-Packard, Houston, TX). B) Maximum voluntary contraction of the dominant biceps, triceps, deltoid and hamstring were measured with a hand-held dynamometer (Microfet. Hoggan Inc, USA), using the method described and validated by

Andrews and colleagues 26 . Finally, maximal prehension strength was assessed with a hydraulic dynamometer (Jamar, Lafayette Instrumet Compagny, USA).

Reported values for MVC of all muscles are the mean of the two stronger contractions and strength is reported in kilograms.

Quality of life:

Quality of life was assessed using three standard questionnaires described and valided for patients with lung cancer.

The SF-36 survey was selected as a generic questionnaire to assess quality of life for its ease of administration and because that it has comparative normative values 27 . A French Canadian version of the SF-36 is currently available and was previously validated 27 . The cancer related quality of life was assessed using the self-


Coats et al. reported European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life

Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-30) including the lung cancer specific questionnaire QLQ-



. The questionnaire has been developped and validated for cancer patients. It includes 30 items divided into functional, symptom and health related sub-scales. Finally, the French Canadian version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to identify patients suffering of anxiety disorders or depression


.It has 14 questions divided into an Anxiety subscale (HADS-A) and a Depression subscale (HADS-D).

Motivational survey:

In addition to the above standard questionnaires, a homemade motivational survey was used to understand which situations may increase or decrease the motivation of the patient to do physical activities. The questionnaire also asked questions about anticipated benefits, obstacles and perception of physical fitness. Questions such as the following one were asked: “ Overall, how would you rate your current physical condition ?” All questions were answered on a 1-7 scale. A high score generally indicates a better motivation, except for the obstacles scales where a higher score indicates more perceived obstacles.

Home-based exercise program

Following the initial assessment, participants began a 4-week exercise-training program.

This was a self-monitored and minimally supervised home-exercise program. Exercise training modalities and intensity were adapted to patient's individual condition. Basically, it included aerobic and strength exercises 3-5 times a week for 4 weeks. Aerobic training was done on a portable ergocycle, whose resistance could be manually adjusted. The target intensity corresponded to 60-80% of the maximal work rate achieved during the maximal progressive cardio-pulmonary exercise test, aiming for a cumulative time of 30 minutes. Patients were also instructed to reduce the intensity of training in case of a dyspnea Borg score ≥ 6. Free weights (1-2 kg) and action of gravity were used to training the muscle groups of the upper (biceps curl, wall push-up, lateral shoulder raise), lower limbs (wall squat, hips raise) and abdominal muscles (sit up). Ten repetitions of each movement were initially performed. The number of repetitions was progressively


Coats et al. increased, as tolerated, until two set of fifteen repetitions were accomplished. Home training periods, training intensity and adverse events were noted by patients into a diary.

Individual teaching with practice and feedback were performed by a kinesiologist before the program to ensure a complete understanding from participants. Also, weekly phone follow-up were made by to ensure patient's observance and to adjust the exercise prescription. We have previously used this strategy successfully in clinical trials involving patients with COPD 19 and patients with emphysema in preparation for lung volume reduction surgery 18 .

Statistical analysis

Baseline subject characteristics, including demographic, pulmonary function, muscle strength and score on all exercise and functional tests were reported using descriptive data

(mean ± SD). Iso-time was defined as the latest exercise time that was reached on both the pre and post HBETP cycle endurance tests. Pre and post-training comparisons were made using a paired t test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The data were analyzed using the statistical package program SAS 9.2 (Service Pack 4, SAS

Institute Inc., Cary, NC).

We used the adherence rate to assess the feasibility of a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program for patients with NSCLC. The adherence rate was calculated from the ratio of the number of completed exercise sessions over the number of prescribed sessions (12). In pulmonary rehabilitation programs involving chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, our experience and reported adherence rates vary between 74 and 83%


. So, we anticipate a similar adherence rate in our population. It was thus determined a priori that patients who attended 9 training sessions during the 4-week period (75%) will be classified as meeting the adherence requirement.


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Participant characteristics :

A flow chart of the study is shown on Figure 1.

Seventy-two patients were initially identified as potentially eligible. After reviewed medical story, 52 patients were excluded because they were ineligible or because they declined to participate. The main reasons for non-consent were high level of anxiety, lack of interest or lack of time. Of the 20 patients who consented, 16 (80%) completed the baseline evaluation. Four patients were excluded before the baseline evaluation due to scheduled surgery within a week of consent ( n= 3) or clinical deterioration ( n= 1). Three patients failed to complete the rehabilitation program due to clinical deterioration (n=2) or psychological distress (n=1). The remaining 13 patients completed a mean of 15 ± 5 aerobic exercise sessions and a mean of 10 ± 4 muscle strengthening sessions.

The baseline characteristics for the 13 patients who completed the 4-week HBETP are presented in Table 1 . Patients who completed the HBETP had a relatively preserved exercise capacity with a mean V̇O

2 peak

of 22

± 8 mL• kg -1 • min -1

. No difference was observed between patients who completed the program and those who did not complete it.


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Physiological effects

The physiological data before and after completing the HBETP are presented in Table 2 .

Compared to baseline, V̇O

2 peak

, peak workrate, pulmonary functions were not significantly modified after the HBETP. Constant workrate cycle exercise duration improved significantly by 60% (157 ± 195 sec) with seven patients increasing their endurance time by more than 100 sec ( Figure 2, panels A and B ). The 6MWT distance improved by 28 ± 30m (539 ± 97 pre-rehabilitation vs 567 ± 101 post-rehabilitation, p<0.05) with seven patients increasing their walking distance by more than 26 meters

( Figure 2, panels C and D ), In comparison to baseline, isotime V̇O


, V̇CO


, ventilation

(V̇E) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were significantly reduced after the HBETP

( Figure 3 ).

Improvements in quadriceps strength with training reached borderline significance

(p=0.09) whereas the strength of the deltoid, triceps and hamstring increased significantly by 12 (1.82 ± 2.83 Kg), 10 (1.32 ± 1.75 Kg) and 21 % (3.41± 3.7 Kg), respectively p


0.05, following the program.

Quality of life

The impact of the HBETP on health-related quality of life is presented in Table 3.

Excepted for an improvement in the depression scale of the HADS, there were no significant changes for any measure of quality of life after the intervention

Motivational survey

After the HBETP, perceived physical fitness improved significantly (3.38 ± 1.26 prerehabilitation vs 4.69 ± 0.95 post-rehabilitation, p <

0.05). Also, the most commonly perceived benefits reported by the patients were: i) helped to start doing physical activities

(n=6), ii) improved dyspnea (n=5), iii) improved strength (n=3) and iv) having more energy (n=3). The most important obstacle was the lack of time to do the program and the difficulties in integrating it in an already busy schedule of several medical appointments.


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Patients nevertheless felt that intervention was relevant for people with lung cancer, that they were willing to encourage a friend with cancer to engage in such a program and that they were globally very satisfied with their participation (with a mean of respectively,

5.85, 6.08 and 6.07 on the 0 to 7 scale).


To our knowledge, this investigation is the first one to examine the feasibility and potential benefit of a short home-based exercise training program (4 weeks) in patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer awaiting resection surgery. The main finding of this study is that a short, moderate intensity, home-based exercise training program was feasible, safe and well tolerated in this context. In addition, participation in such a program produced physiological effects, including improved cycling endurance, walking distance and muscle strength.

Although the recruitment rate was low, adherence to the program was good. In other studies, completion rates for exercise intervention programs varied widely. For example,

Temel and al.


reported a completion rate of 44% in patients with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma. There are several possible explanations for the high completion rate in our study. First, most of our patients were young and had early stage lung cancer. Also, as suggested by Temel and al.


a HBETP may be more feasible in this population.

Moreover, modalities and intensities of training were adapted to patient’s individual condition and a weekly phone follow-up was made to reinforce the importance of the exercises, to detect problems and to adjust the exercise prescription, if necessary. In addition of this close follow-up, a potential selection bias associated with referral patterns by the nurses, pulmonologists and surgeon may have influenced our results by selecting people who were initially more motivated to do physical activities. On the other hand, none of the participating patients were regularly physically active before the intervention.

No adverse event reported and our findings demonstrate that all patients were able to complete the exercise program and achieve the target adherence rate.


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Another important finding was that the HBETP had beneficial effects on exercise capacity and muscle strength. The absence of improved peak exercise capacity in such a short training program is not unexpected as this parameter does not change markedly with exercise training


.We found a statistically and clinically significant improvement in the endurance time to constant workrate cycling exercise and in the 6MWT distance. The

157-sec increase in the endurance time to constant workrate exercise exceeded the 100sec that is generally considered to represent a clinically significant outcome for this variable 35 . Similarly, the gain in the 6-min walking distance was superior to the minimal important difference for this variable



The possibility to improve muscle strength prior to the surgery is of clinical interest.

Bolliger and al.


recently reported the frequent occurrence of muscle weakness in lung cancer patients, and confirmed that after lobectomy, much of the limitation in exercise capacity may be explained by peripheral muscle fatigue. Following those lines, the improvements in skeletal muscle function may, in part, explain the improvements in cycle endurance test duration and 6MWT distance seen in our patients.

While exercise led to a substantial improvement of physiological parameters, no statistically significant or clinically meaningful changes in quality of life were observed, apart from a reduction in depression score which was statically and clinically reduced post-rehabilitation. This improvement may be clinically relevant because in cancer patients depression is associated with increased mortality, poorer adherence to treatment and increased length of hospitalization after thoracic surgery for malignancy


.Also, for the SF-36, compared to normative data


, physical functioning, general health and social functioning were all significantly lower in our patients. However, following the program, social functioning was no longer different from normative data but role physical, role emotional and mental health were became suggesting that the preoperative period itself may impacted on QOL. On a positive note, the possibility exists that without exercise training, patients might have experienced a worst decline of their QOL. However, in the absence of a control group, it is difficult to conclude on this. Nevertheless, those findings are consistent with the conflicting results in the literature and with the others studies which did not found any change in quality of life following exercise training in patients


Coats et al. with lung cancer


. Other studies specially designed to address this relevant question need to be conducted.

Even though we found that HBETP was feasible in patients with lung cancer awaiting lung resection surgery, we acknowledge that only 20 patients from the 72 potentially eligible candidates accepted to participate to the study. The main reasons for this relatively low acceptance rate included a high level of anxiety, lack of interest or lack of time. Non-participation to this type of intervention could be explained by a variety of barriers such as psychological distress (anxiety, depression) or physical symptoms (pain, fatigue). The challenge of facing a cancer diagnosis may have, by itself, impacted on the patients’ willingness to participate to our study 16


Some methodological aspects of our study deserve to be mentioned. The small number of patients who accepted to participate reduced the statistical power of the study. One message to gain from this is that rehabilitative interventions are challenging to implement in clinical practice .

The absence of control group is another potential limitation regarding the interpretation of the findings. We elected not to include a control group considering that one of our main goals was to demonstrate the feasibility of the intervention. At this stage, we did not want to compromise and to slow down the progression of the study by trying to include a control group. A crossover study design would have been impossible given the imperative surgery schedule. Only few studies evaluating the impact of exercise training in post-operative lung cancer patients have included a control group, confirming the challenges associated with this methodological design


. The present study was not designed to determine whether exercise training could lower post-operative surgical complications. Large prospective randomized controlled trials are required to formally address this question.


In conclusion, in motivated patients under investigation for lung cancer and awaiting lung resection surgery, a home-based exercise program is a feasible therapeutic modality.

Patients showed good adherence and were able to achieve the objectives of participation.


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In addition, our study found that a 4-week HBETP produces physiological effects such as improved cycling exercise endurance, walking distance and muscle strength. Such improvements could be clinically relevant, because exercise intolerance and muscle weakness are predictors of cardiopulmonary complications surrounding a thoracic surgical procedure.


The authors acknowledge the help of Dr Rosaire Vaillancourt, Dr Massimo Conti, Dr

Jocelyn Grégoire, Marie-Josée Breton, Dominique Léveillée and all the personnel at the

Clinique Spécialisée en pneumologie de l’IUCPQ, in accomplishing this study and are grateful to Eric Nadreau and Cynthia Brouillard for their technical support during the exercise testing. The authors also thank Serge Simard for statistical assistance.


No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the author(s).


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