EYPP - Schools and Academies Letter - Autumn

Corporate Director: John Wilson
1 September 2015
To: Schools and Academies with part-time children
Early Years Team
Wakefield One, PO Box 700
Burton Street, Wakefield
T 01924 306373; E information@wakefield.gov.uk
Typetalk calls welcome
Dear Colleague
Welcome to the second term of the EYPP. As expected a number of ‘tweaks’ have been made
to the forms and process and these are outlined within this letter alongside the various deadline
The take-up was 63% during the summer term. However we need to improve upon this.
Because there are significantly less children in your nursery this term and with only one term of
new children we are confident that we can aim for an increase in take-up. The main ways that
you can assist with this is to ensure that you:
Receive a completed form from the parent/guardian of every part-time child
The details are correctly recorded on the spreadsheet that you complete.
We have cross referenced the children we believe could have been eligible during the summer
term compared to those you asked for a check to be carried out. We will be contacting those
schools during the first weeks of the term who we believe could have had an increased EYPP
Autumn Term 2015 Timetable
Wakefield Council has written to some parents to inform them that they could be eligible
and to expect a letter and form from their school.
School to provide parents of part-time children with a copy of the revised form during the
first weeks of the term and for this to be returned to school by around 18th September.
School to complete and upload EYPP spreadsheet to VLE by 25 th September.
By 9th October we will have completed the EYPP checks and re-uploaded to the VLE stating
who is / isn’t eligible. School to then notify parents using the relevant eligible or not eligible
School to include on PLASC Census return for the autumn term which children have been
allocated the EYPP.
You will receive payment for eligible EYPP children at the end of the autumn term 2015.
Eligibility and the Parents Form
Any child that receives the EYPP during the summer term will automatically receive this again if
they are still in your nursery. We are happy to carry out a further check on the children that
came back as not eligible. However please ensure that the details on the spreadsheet are
accurate. It is not necessary to ask them to complete another form unless their surname has
The parents form has been updated and re-designed. If you have any comments on the form or
suggested amendments please let me know.
Ensure all details entered correctly. Ensure surname and forename are in the correct column.
The spreadsheet has been updated so the date of birth and National Insurance number has to
be entered in the correct format.
The forms must not be returned to Wakefield Council. It is each school’s responsibility to collect
the form and claim on behalf of parents.
Please give a copy of the form to the parents of any part-time children who did not complete a
form during the summer term. This should be accompanied with a covering letter. If you
previously had a poor response from parents it may help if you explain how receiving this
funding could benefit their child within your nursery.
How to complete the spreadsheet
Data from your summer term spreadsheet has been carried forward to this autumn term.
These children are highlighted in grey.
Children that are now eligible to attend a reception class full-time have been deleted from
the spreadsheet. If any of these were receiving the EYPP they will have to apply afresh for
the Pupil Premium.
Children that received EYPP during summer have automatically been assigned funding
again. We will also carry out a new check on the children that came back as not eligible. If
a check was not able to be carried out we have highlighted the relevant box. You can
amend the details if necessary. For the eligible and not eligible children please complete
the box to confirm they still attend your nursery.
At the bottom of the spreadsheet include any new children that you would like a check to be
carried out for.
Where a parent has completed a form and indicated that they are not eligible it is your
decision if you wish to include these children on the spreadsheet.
On the spreadsheet please indicate if the child is one of the following:
Looked after by the local authority
Adopted from care
Left care through a special guardianship arrangement
Left care and is subject to a child arrangement order
If you have been allocated any funding for any of the above children then please ensure
that you have seen sight of a relevant document to confirm their eligibility.
Please upload your completed spreadsheet to the VLE by 25th September.
Points to note include
Parents need to give you, as their nursery place provider, permission to access this funding.
It is entirely voluntary and they do not have to declare that their child is eligible.
You are responsible for claiming the EYPP on behalf of eligible children.
You can only receive funding for eligible children if they are on your Census return for the
autumn term 2015.
You will be paid the equivalent of an hourly rate of 53p per child (up to £302 per year per
child). The funding will follow the child.
The maximum funding allocated for the autumn term is £119.25. £0.53 per hour x 15 hours
x 15 weeks.
The aim of the Early Years Pupil Premium is to support providers to close the attainment
gap at ages 3 and 4.
You must use the funding received to improve the quality of early years education and
support these children to close the education gap with their peers.
Ofsted will assess the impact of the EYPP under the Leadership and Management
A full explanation of the EYPP can be found on the VLE – EY Pupil Premium page. Please
refer to the ‘Parent/Guardian Registration Form’ for a list of the criteria. Eligible children are
defined as meeting the criteria for free school meals (FSM).
If you have any queries relating to the EYPP please contact Chris Rowell, Early Years Free
Entitlement Officer in the first instance on either 01924 306373 or crowell@wakefield.gov.uk
Yours sincerely
Rachel Laybourne
Early Years Team Manager