these five courses

C2: Curriculum Collaborative Courses
The Demand for Cognitive Rigor in Science and CTE
Are you currently wondering if your assessments are aligned to the CCSS for Literacy in Science,
Social Studies or CTE? Are you unsure of what cognitive demand you are requiring of your
students? In this course, teachers will collaboratively explore the Cognitive Rigor Matrix and
determine ways we can cognitively demand more from our students through the creation of
assessments that begin with the end in mind!
HardCORE Strategies for Secondary ELA (6-12)
Have you been using the Common Core State Standards in your classroom? Do you feel like you
are adequately prepared with a good understanding of the standards, strategies, and materials
available to implement CCSS in English language arts? Middle and high school ELA teachers will
work in a collaborative setting to gain a deeper understanding of the standards and the tools
necessary for effective implementation. Special focus will be placed on accountable talk,
selecting complex test, and writing text-based questions.
Teaching Common Core to the Elementary ESL Child
Do you have ESL students in your ELA classroom and need help implementing Common Core
skills? Are you an ESL teacher who struggles to relate Common Core skills to your students? This
course is designed to support K-5 ELA and ESL teachers by providing teacher resources and best
practices to implement in your classroom. Topics covered will include Common Core 101,
Implementing Common Core into the ELA classroom, Assessing the Common Core way, and
accommodating ELLs in your ELA classroom.
Mathematical Practices: Building Thinkers Within Your K-5
Are you ready to create mathematical thinkers? Common Core Mathematics is a way to
approach teaching so your students can develop a mathematical mindset and see the math in
the world around them. In this course we will dive deep into the Common Core State Standards
Eight Mathematical Practices, which are guides to productive mathematical classroom
instruction. We will engage in fun, educational activities and instructional practices that can be
implemented in your K-5 classrooms.
A “Closer” look at Close Reads
How would you like to use one piece of challenging non-fiction text appropriate to teach across
the curriculum and meet Common Core Standards? In this session, you will gain a deeper
understanding of close reads and how to utilize them to teach science, social studies, phonics,
grammar and reading. We will examine how this one tool can maximize instruction time, teach
across the curriculum and meet numerous Common Core Standards.