6HT Newsletter

Welcome to Miss Taylor’s class
September 2015 – October 2015
First of all I hope everyone had a brilliant summer break, I have heard lots of exciting tales about holidays, day
trips and fun activities the children enjoyed over the summer. It’s an exciting time when you get a new class and I
am really looking forward to working with your children and seeing them become fantastic Year 6 pupils! They have
all come back to school with smiles on their faces, positive attitudes and a real desire to achieve their potential.
This is simply wonderful to see!
This half term we have lots of creative, fun activities planned around our topic ‘Gothic Victorians’ and the children
are going to be making great use of their imaginations in their writing. They are going to be working towards
producing a Gothic Museum, which you will be invited to visit at the end of Autumn term. I can’t wait!
At any time if you have any concerns you wish to discuss, my door is always open so please feel free to come in and
see me.
This half term the children will be learning all about: Important dates and days:
‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker
‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley
Gothic Victorian Literature
Written methods for all four operations
Problem solving
Victorian Britain
Famous Victorians and their influence on life
Victorian inventions
Victorian crime and
Evolution and
The human body
The children will:
 Take part in a TV debate about the real victim in
Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’
 Create newspaper reports about Dracula’s
crimes in Whitby
 Write a biography about a famous Victorian
 Solve a wide range of mathematical problems in
 Design and build Victorian inventions
 Make 3d models of the human body and design
information booklets to go
with this
 Design gothic artwork
based on a range of
Victorian gothic novels
 Explore crime and
punishment and write a
balanced argument about these methods
PE will be on Wednesdays
Steel pan drumming will take
place on Mondays
 Homework will go out on a
Friday and is due back on a
Wednesday (there will also be a half termly
homework project due back in the last week of
the half term)
 Reading books can be changed once a week (every
child knows their day)
 6HT Coffee Morning – Friday 11th September
 ‘Crow Heart’ Alive and Kicking Workshop –
Wednesday 16th September and Wednesday 23rd
 Trip to Whitby – Tuesday 6th October
You can help by:
 Listening to your child read on
a regular basis and asking
questions about the book
 Practising times tables (every
child knows which tables they
are working on)
 Practising spellings on the look, cover, say, write,
check sheet
 Supporting your child with their homework
project for their half term as well as weekly
 Allowing your child to complete some
independent research into Victorian Britain
 Encouraging your child to keep a daily diary,
allowing them to practise the writing skills they
have been learning in class