Assessment program audit tool For Authority subjects Chinese 2008 The purpose of this audit tool is to enable schools to compare the requirements of their assessment program with the minimum assessment requirements of the syllabus, and to subsequently consider possible amendments to their school work program. Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre School assessment instruments (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions in school work program Variations Refer to syllabus verification and post-verification requirements Refer to the syllabus assessment section Refer to the school’s approved work program Refer to the school’s approved work program How does the school’s assessment program differ from syllabus requirements? Syllabus, pp. 52–53 School assessment program 1. A minimum of eight instruments demonstrating a variety of techniques over a range of topics, including: two assessment instruments from each macroskill: Listening Reading Speaking Writing at least three macroskills to be assessed in Term 3. 14769 Verification requirements Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre School assessment instruments (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Assessment categories Receptive skills: Listening instruments Dimensions assessed: Knowing and understanding Reasoning and responding. Instruments must allow students to produce responses to authentic texts differing in length, purpose and style. Conditions: instructions, questions and answers in English authentic texts, differing in length, purpose and style, based on familiar material, clearly articulated and spoken in slower range of normal background speaker rate of utterance texts generally heard twice, three times if complex judicious pauses allowed. Syllabus, p. 42 2. Reading instruments Dimensions assessed: Knowing and understanding Reasoning and responding. Instruments must allow students to produce responses to authentic texts, differing in length, purpose and complexity. Conditions: instructions, questions and responses in English text length and type to be appropriate to text type 3. Conditions in school work program Variations Each macroskill is assessed: separately under supervised conditions in communicative contexts. Assessment program audit tool Chinese 2008 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 2 of 6 Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre School assessment instruments (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions in school work program Variations dictionaries not permitted. Syllabus, p. 42 Productive skills: Speaking instruments Dimensions assessed: Knowing and using language features Creating and responding. Instruments must allow students to demonstrate spontaneous language use in realistic situations. Conditions: preparation time is to reflect text type: unprepared (unseen) tasks: up to 10 minutes (no access to reference material) prepared tasks: may use visual aids; may not read from a script; questioning to follow students are not given teacher questions prior to the task at least one spontaneous task (of a teacher–student performance) must be recorded. Syllabus, pp. 42–43 4. Assessment program audit tool Chinese 2008 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 3 of 6 Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre School assessment instruments (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Writing instruments Dimensions assessed: Knowing and using language features Creating and responding. Instruments require students to respond to unseen tasks that are set in an authentic social context with a realistic purpose and a specified audience. 5. Conditions: instructions given in English stimulus material (English or Chinese) to neither impede nor assist texts will differ in length, purpose and style length dependent on text type; at least one extended passage (approx. 300 characters) by the end of Year 12 dictionaries may be used. Syllabus, p. 43 6. Conditions in school work program Variations 7. Assessment program audit tool Chinese 2008 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 4 of 6 Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre School assessment instruments (including objectives and dimensions assessed) Conditions in school work program Variations 8. Post-verification requirements Minimum one, maximum two assessment instrument/s From macroskill/s of teacher’s choice All dimensions to be assessed. Conditions as above, relevant to the skill/s selected. Syllabus, pp. 42–43 Assessment program audit tool Chinese 2008 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 5 of 6 Summary Where the school’s assessment plan differs from the minimum syllabus requirements, consider: are these choices the most effective way to gather information about student learning? what is the rationale behind these school decisions? what changes could be made to the school’s work program? More information Please email or phone (07) 3864 0375. Assessment program audit tool Chinese 2008 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 6 of 6