MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT ZIMBABWE TOURISM GEOGRAPHY (THM 102) SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER 2011 TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 Instructions 1) Answer any four questions 2) All questions carry equal marks Topic A 1. The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) recently launched a destination rebranding initiative or campaign. a) Identify and elaborate on any four of the seven elements that constitute this new brand. (16) b) Explain any three counter-strategies that a destination suffering from an image crisis can adopt. (9) 2. Give a detailed account of the Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa (RETOSA) that includes its objectives and tourism-related initiatives. (25). 4. Outline the mandate, relevance and activities of the following organisations that constitute part of some of the critical stakeholders of Zimbabwe’s tourism industry a) The Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe (8) b) The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (8) c) The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality (9) Topic B 1. “Accessibility can make or break a destination.” Discuss the validity of this assertion with reference to a tourist destination of your choice in Zimbabwe. (25). 2 a) In light of recent developments, does Zimbabwe need a national airline or an airline service? Justify your response. (5) b) Explain any five key challenges facing Zimbabwe’s national flag carrier (15) c) In light of these challenges, what would you recommend as the best way forward? Justify your answer. (5) 3. 4. Identify and assess what tourists would do and see in either Victoria Falls or Matopo National Park in a five day holiday package. (25) Topic C 1. Produce a detailed account of the salient features of the CAMPFIRE programme including its origin, objectives, achievements and challenges. (25) 2. Detail the challenges faced by non-consumptive CAMPFIRE tourism projects and suggest a set of feasible recommendations (25). 3. Detail the challenges faced by one named consumptive tourism CAMPFIRE project and suggest a set of feasible recommendations (25). Topic D 2) What else can be done to ensure positive people-park relationships by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority? Refer to real world examples in your answer. (25). 3. a) Most national park agencies across Africa have especially from the late 1990s been commercialised. Explain the rationale behind the commercialisation of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. (15) b) “Effective park management requires park managers to look beyond the park boundary.” Comment on the validity of this assertion, with reference to the various strategies adopted by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. (10) 4.a) Poaching of animals from Zimbabwe’s national parks estate is rife. Why? (10) b) Identify and comment on the anti-poaching measures adopted by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority? (15) Topic E 1. *a) With reference to a Zimbabwean case study, identify and discuss the documented impacts of tourism. (15) b) Proffer three strategies that can be used to resolve any three negative impacts you referred to in the case study. (9) 2. Citing empirical evidence, discuss the physical impacts of tourism in Zimbabwe. (25) 3. a) Give an account of the salient features of the current state of human resources training and development for Zimbabwe’s tourism industry. (15) b) Provide a set of feasible recommendations that will enable ‘destination Zimbabwe’ to enhance its competitiveness through its human capital (10). 4. With reference to a Zimbabwean tourist destination of your choice, discuss the economic significance of tourism. (25) Topic F 1. a) Explain the rationale behind the creation of ‘peace parks’ such as the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. (10) b) Comment on the progress made to date with regards to the establishment of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area including the key challenges and criticism it faces. (15) 2. Highlight the key milestones and constraints associated with the development of the tourism industry in the post-independent era. (25) 4. To what extent do you agree with the contention that tourism in Zimbabwe has been a missed opportunity (25). THM 102: Zimbabwe Tourism Geography Lecturer: Dr D.K. Nyahunzvi Email: nyahunzvidk@msu.ac.zw Module description This module focuses on the nature, history and prospects of tourism development in Zimbabwe. A variety of themes such as tourism planning and organisation, tourism impacts, destination marketing, accessibility and product development will be explored to give students a firm understanding of Zimbabwe’s tourism industry. In addition, a comparative approach will be adopted to facilitate an appreciation of the competitive position and prospects of destination Zimbabwe. Module objectives The module responds to the call for increased product knowledge among tourism students and professionals working in the tourism and hospitality industry of Zimbabwe. The module is set to increase students’ awareness and knowledge of the sector’s strategic issues and contribute to their ability to craft sustainable business strategies. Module outline 1. A historical overview of tourism development in Zimbabwe Colonial phase developments Post-colonial developments Zimbabwe’s market share and performance 2. Organisation of the tourism industry Internal stakeholders’ roles and relevance External stakeholders’ roles and relevance Competitive positions of selected private sector players 3. Destination marketing: ZTA’s initiatives RETOSA initiatives Prospects 4. Accessibility Physical accessibility Financial accessibility Perceptual accessibility 5. Attractions and amenities The range of attractions and level of development/utilisation An evaluation of amenities 6. The national parks estate: History, categories of land-use and the commercialisation thrust Managing people-park relationships CAMPFIRE-philosophy, achievements and constraints TFCAs-rationale, progress and case studies 7. Human resource issues and challenges A training and development audit Recommendations and prospects 8. Outcomes of tourism development Social impacts Economic impacts Physical impacts Case studies 9. Prospects and challenges of destination Zimbabwe Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Assessment: Coursework-30%; Final Exam-70% Reference There are varied sources including: o World Tourism Organisation publications o RETOSA publications o Zimbabwe Tourism Authority publications o Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality publications o Journal articles