TEST ONE – TOPICS 1 -4 v.1
Name: ___________________________
Date: ___________________
SECTION: _________________
1) What is 'realism?'
a) It's a particular way of doing something.
b) It's the way something is painted, drawn or built etc.
c) It's a really good painting, drawing or book.
d) It's a style of art that shows things as they are.
2) An album is
a) a collection of usually eight or ten songs.
b) the words of a song.
c) the sound someone makes when they sing.
d) a room with special equipment where music recordings are made.
3) What does a director do?
a) He / She makes the practical and financial arrangements needed to make a film or play.
b) He / She tells the actors what to do in a film or play.
c) He / She corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown.
d) He / She directs the musicians in an orchestra.
4) Current affairs are
a) newspapers and the journalists who work for them.
b) important political or social events happening now.
c) difficult things that people have done successfully.
d) newspapers that are published daily.
5) A portrait is
a) a painting which has been painted with oil paint.
b) a painting which has been painted with a mixture of water and paint.
c) a painting of a person or group or people.
d) a painting of mountains, a river, houses and trees etc.
6) A composer is
a) the most important role in a film or play.
b) a person who writes music.
c) one person who is seen separately from a group.
d) the person in an orchestra who directs the musicians
7) A landscape painting is
a) a view or picture of the countryside
b) a painting of a person .
c) a picture made with a pencil, pen but not paint
d) a painting of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit, bowls, etc.
8) Lyrics are
a) a small group of musicians who play together
b) a collection of songs
c) a series of musical notes in a particular order
d) the words of a song
Match the words in the left with their meanings on the right.
9) ______ drawing
a) The profession of collecting and writing news.
10) ______ individual
b) Shown in a place where people will see it.
11) ______ melody
c) Adjust a camera lens so the image is clear.
12) ______ publish
d) A picture made with a pen or pencil.
13) ______ focus on
e) The most important part in a film or play
14) ______ journalism
f) A large group of musicians playing different
15) ______ on display
g) Put music, film etc. onto a CD or tape.
16) ______ record
h) The title of a newspaper story
17) ______ headline
i) Make information available to people in a
18) ______ leading role
book, magazine or newspaper
19) ______ orchestra
j) Someone seen separately from others.
20) ______ technique
k) A series of musical notes
l) A particular way of doing something
Word Bank
solo artist
solo artist
21) Can you play that _______________ on the piano?
22) Snoop Dog has a new _______________; it will be _______________ next month.
23) That _______________ has made more than 50 films.
24) My favorite style of painting is _______________ art.
25) A _______________ stands in front of an orchestra and directs the musicians.
26) I'm going to see a modern art _______________ tomorrow.
27) My brother is a newspaper _______________; he decides what will be written before the paper is
28) She's a _______________; she doesn't have her own band.
29) That book will be _______________ next month.
30) The actor won an _______________ for his excellent acting.