TBCBSP Annual Meeting September 9, 2012 Joyce called the meeting to order at 2:03. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Joyce welcomed everyone and announced that today is the Annual meeting of the Society with the Memorial Service and Election of Officers. Joyce announced that the officers' reports will be available at the next few meetings. The minutes of August 12, 2012 were approved as presented. The August treasurer’s report was read by Bob and was approved as read. Covered bridge reports from members: George Rothlingshofer did a 2200 mile trip about 3 weeks ago and saw 90 bridges in a week in NY and VT. In Northfield Falls VT, there are 3 bridges within 2/10 mile of each other. Kingsley Bridge, near Rutland VT, has a Grist Mill and a great sunrise, which made for great pictures; this was his favorite bridge of the trip. Steve Wolfhope saw an article in the King of Prussia Courier about Knox Bridge in Valley Forge. He saw the freshly painted bridge and thought it looked good, but it was almost dark. He finally saw Buck Hill Farm Bridge, his last bridge to see in Lancaster County. He knocked on the door at the house, but no one was home. Janet and her husband went to NH. Her husband's cousin took them on a "little ride" (300 miles) to see Auburn Bridge. She had no camera with her, but the cousin took pictures and posted them on Facebook. Edie Flurkey's senior magazine has a review of Fred's new book and gives some personal information about Fred, including a mention of our society. Campbell Fitzhugh posted a press release about Dreibelbis Bridge on the bulletin board. He added that 2 other bridges in PA also won money to have work done. Betty Miller showed a photo from Country Extra magazine, showing a beautiful bridge in California, the longest single span in the country. This appears to be Bridgeport or Nyes Crossing Bridge (0529-01). Tina Chack went with her niece last weekend to see the movie Lawless. There are many scenes in the movie that show the covered bridge. Pat Cook went to Lancaster County on Aug 14 and saw 4 bridges: Baumgardner's (PA-36-25), Kauffman's Distillery (PA-36-32), Neff's (PA-36-22), and Shearer's (PA-36-31); they all look nice, even with the headache bars. She also saw a new romantic shelter near Atlantic City. She and Bonnie went to the Union Canal and saw 2 romantic shelters including the one Greg had found. Pat also stopped by the site of Siegrist Mill Bridge (PA-36-37) today. 1 Michael Chorazy reported that he, Janis, and her 2 dogs went to Kentucky over Labor Day Weekend and saw all 13 bridges. The Bennett Mill Bridge (KY-45-01) is the only surviving bridge with a Wheeler truss. They also saw a few bridges and barns in Ohio. Jim Lockart reported that Clyde & Alda Scheib are not here today because their grandchild is being born. Dave Evans reported that there will be a presentation about covered bridges on Monday Sep 17 at Lima Estates. There were 100 bridges in Delaware County; the presenter goes back and takes photos of what that same scene looks like now. Ben Evans visited Zooks Mill Bridge (PA-36-14), the site of his first television interview, which took place after the first book was published. The bridge is in good shape. Connie Francis saw an ad for a small covered bridge for sale in Delaware. Officers reports: President – Joyce Soroka Attended the painting of the Shearer’s Bridge (PA-36-31) on Saturday, August 18. Stopped by to see it finished with Bob and Jim the next day and saw the graffiti. Reported it to the police. They were aware of it. The patrolman had seen it in the morning. The 2 people who did it have since been caught. We had donated the extra paint to the borough. Assisted with the Country Store at the Lancaster Bicycle Club's 34th annual Covered Bridge Metric Century, on Sunday August 19th, 2012. First VP -- Jim Smedley Gave a covered bridge presentation at a nursing home in Maryland on Aug 15. About 25 people attended and the presentation was well received. He and Gloria helped paint Shearer's Bridge on Aug. 18. Traveled to Washington County, MD on Aug 26; visited an interesting museum, 3 authentic covered bridges, and 1 non-authentic bridge. Noted that the summer storms had knocked down some trees and done minor damage to some of the bridges. The annual Madison County Festival coin is out and it has a bridge on it. Second VP – Greg Williams Attended a 1944 steam engine special event at Enola Yards on Aug 18; rode the train over the Rockvale bridge and into Harrisburg. Has directions to the new romantic shelter near Palmyra; Pat Cook already found it. 2 His aunt in Lititz saved the newspaper article about the painting of Shearers and about the graffiti vandals being caught. Displayed old pictures on the table up front of bridges in Clearfield County. Some of the boards from the Curwensville Bridge were used to make a small replica at the VFW. Third VP -- Tom Walczak Last Sunday, he and his Dad drove to Westmoreland County; the paint is done on Bells Mills Bridge (PA-65-01); the metal roof is not done yet. The bridge is still closed to traffic. Visited the site of Siegrist Mill Bridge (PA-36-37) today. No work has started yet. The bidding will take place soon. Also visited Forry's (PA-36-28) just downstream; it's in the same condition it has been, with a sagging roof that needs some work. Fourth VP – Gloria Smedley Likes the video that George Rothlingshofer posted on Facebook. We have 157 Facebook members; 30,000 people are potentially seeing our page. Had fun painting Shearer's Bridge; posted lots of pictures on Facebook. Finally set up her permanent display at the I-83 Welcome Center; there is a picture of it on the bulletin board. Recording Secretary – Heather Watkins Stopped at Bells Mills Bridge (PA-65-01) on the way home from the August meeting; spoke to the painter, who said that the bridge would get 3 coats of "special paint" that contains a fire retardant and an insect repellent. Corresponding Secretary and Program Chair – Pam Heisey We need volunteers for programs for 2013. Treasurer -- Bob Kuether Set up the painting of Shearer's Bridge in Manheim. Was very disheartened to see the graffiti the next day. The vandals were caught 10 days later. Took the country store to the Lancaster Bicycle Ride. Needs volunteers to help with the country store at the Knoebel's Festival, Thurs-Sun, Oct 4-7. Thanked everyone who helped at the painting of Shearer's Bridge: Jim & Gloria Smedley, Ed Myers, Michael Chorazy, Campbell Fitzhugh, The Najmy Family, Fred, Dawn, their 2 children, Bonnie Shultz, Judy & Desi Kuether, Pam Heisey, and Joyce Soroka. Joyce mentioned that the Lancaster Bicycle Club had covered bridge models/banks to collect donations, which they want to give us, but they can't because we do not have 501(c)3 status. 3 Historian – Fred Moll Joyce congratulated Fred on his newly published book from Arcadia Publishing Pennsylvania’s Covered Bridges, part of the Images of America series. Fred visited the Dreibelbis Bridge to get "before" pictures. Wertz's bridge, which has many holes in the roof, will get a new roof and fresh paint in the spring. Fred wanted to include a chapter on preservation of covered bridges in his new book; the publisher agreed. There is also a page showing our Society emblem and website. Our full society name is mentioned 78 times throughout book. Newsletter co-editors – Jim & Gloria Smedley The next deadline for PA Crossings is Oct 7 at Knoebels. The issue will be published around Oct 20. Sharing sessions Today's sharing session is Tom Walczak showing his collection of shot glasses. In November, Greg will share his mother's salt and pepper shaker collection. We are looking for volunteers to sign up for sharing sessions beginning with February 2013. Reports of illness or death of members Ginny Eyrich thanked everyone who prayed for her, sent cards, or called. Joyce reported that her mom is having shoulder replacement surgery tomorrow Old business Joyce apologized for not asking the membership to vote for the painting of the Shearer’s Bridge (PA36-31) on Saturday, August 18. Bonnie Shultz made a motion to paint Shearer’s Bridge at a cost of $2893; Ray Finkelstein made the second motion; the vote was unanimous in favor. New business The cost for our current meeting room would increase from $50 to $155 next year. Our best option is Pam's church in Manheim; we will start meeting there in February and try it for a few months. We will donate $50 each month we use it since that's what we have been paying. Joyce asked the members to vote on a 2013 safari location; the members voted for Northumberland, Union, Montour, and Snyder Counties. Michael Chorazy will think about leading it. Joyce asked for volunteers to help Jim with the 2014 calendar; Connie Francis, Ray Finkelstein, and Steve Wolfhope volunteered. 4 Greg Williams conducted a Memorial Service for the 2 society members who passed away in the last year. Annual reports Joyce presented her Annual President’s Report. All officers reports will be available to members at the next few meetings. Election of Officers Katie Helm read the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers: President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Fourth Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary/Program Chairperson Treasurer Historian Joyce Soroka Jim Smedley Gregory Williams Tom Walczak Gloria Smedley Heather Watkins Pamela Heisey Robert Kuether Fred Moll Since there were no nominations from the floor, the Recording Secretary cast a unanimous ballot. Other covered bridge events September 15-16, 2012 Washington-Greene County Covered Bridge Festival at Mingo Creek County Park. October 4-7, 2012 Columbia-Montour Covered Bridge Festival at Knoebels Amusement Resort. November 28-December 2, 2012 Pennsylvania Christmas & Gift Show at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. Betty Miller announced that this Saturday is the Harvest Festival at Poole Forge. The Society’s next meeting will be October 7, 2012 at The Alamo Restaurant, Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Columbia County, PA at 2 p.m. For those who may not be attending the meeting in October at Knoebels, just a reminder that the November meeting will have a bake sale and auction with the proceeds going to the General Fund. The meeting was adjourned at 3:38. 5