Utopia Website Name: Standards Criteria Organization & Format Mechanics Rules & Order Education & Economics Declaration & Motto Date: Theme: Arts and Humanities Social Studies 6.2.A. Technology 8.1.8.B.1, 8.2.2.D.1, 8.1.2.E.1, 8.1.4.E.1 Language Arts 3.2 5 (Advanced) 4 (Proficient) 3 (Developing) 2 (Novice) The website is very well organized and The website is well organized and The website has some Website attempts includes all topics, working links, and includes many topics, working organization and includes some organization and lacks many exceptionally attractive graphics. links, and attractive graphics. topics, some working links, and topics, links, or graphics. Website would attract all people who Website would attract many graphics. Website may attract Website will not attract read it to visit the location. people who read it to visit the some visitors. visitors. location. Many spelling and/or No spelling or grammar errors. Few spelling or grammar errors. Some spelling and/or grammar grammar errors. Includes Includes all complete sentences that vary Includes mostly complete errors. Includes some complete incomplete sentences that do in word choice. sentences that vary in word sentences that do not vary in word not vary in word choice. No errors in capitalization or choice. choice. Numerous errors in punctuation. Few errors in capitalization and Some errors in capitalization capitalization and punctuation. and/or punctuation. punctuation. The website clearly explains rules and The website explains rules and The website somewhat explains The website does not explain order. At least ten rules with clearly order. Ten rules with rationales rules and order. Rules, without rules and order. Rationales defined rationales are included. A legal are included. A legal system is rationales, are included. A legal are not included, a legal system is clearly outlined. outlined. system is somewhat outlined. system is not outlined. The website clearly explains education The website somewhat explains The website does not explain and economics. Children’s roles are The website explains education education and economics. education and/or economics. well-defined; an education system is and economics. Children’s roles Children’s roles are loosely Children’s roles, an thoroughly explained. A system of are defined, an education system defined; an education system is education system, a system of goods and services is well laid out, is explained. A system of goods loosely explained. A system of goods and services and/or distribution of wealth and currency is and services is laid out, goods and services is somewhat distribution of wealth and thoroughly explained. distribution of wealth and laid out, distribution of wealth currency are not defined or currency is explained. and currency is loosely explained. explained. The website clearly includes a declaration of independence and a The website includes a The website mentions a The website does not include motto. The declaration includes a declaration of independence and a declaration of independence and a a declaration of independence preamble and statement of beliefs with motto. The declaration includes a motto. The declaration somewhat and/or a motto. A list of clear values, goals, and ideals. A list of preamble and statement of beliefs. includes a statement of beliefs. A complaints is not included. complaints is included as the reasons for A list of complaints is included as list of complaints is somewhat forming the society. A motto that the reasons for forming the included as the reasons for expresses the society’s values is society. A motto that expresses forming the society. A motto is included on the site’s homepage. the society’s values is included. included. TOTAL POINTS: 1 (Inadequate Progress) Website organization is not evident. No use of basic capitalization and punctuation. The website lacks rules and a legal system. The website lacks education, economics, a system of goods and services, wealth, and currency. The website lacks a declaration of independence, motto, and list of complaints.