Common Assessments Psychological: Assesses your student`s

Common Assessments
Assesses your student’s pattern of strengths and
weaknesses, their general intelligence, social
skills, emotional development, and processing
Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th Edition (WISC-4)
Differential Ability Scales (DAS)
Stanford-Binet, 5th Edition (SB:V)
Woodcock-Johnson II Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-III COG)
Leiter International Performance Scale, Revised (Leiter-R)
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (C-TONI)
Assesses your student’s current educational
performance. Identifies student’s strengths and
weakness in reading, math, and written language.
Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Achievement (WJ-III ACH)
Wide Range Achievement test (WRAT-3)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement 2nd edition(KTEA-II)
Wechsler Individual Achievement test, 2nd Edition (WIAT-II)
Peabody Individual Achievement test, Revised (PIAT-R)
Assesses your pre-school age child’s current
developmental age under the domains of
personal and social, adaptive, cognitive, receptive
and expressive communication, and gross and
fine motor skills.
Speech &
Assesses your student’s ability to understand and
use functional oral communication skills to
include oral-motor, voice, and fluency skills.
Adaptive Skills
Assesses your student’s functional level of
physical development, motor skills, and self-care
Cognitive Abilities Scale 2nd edition (CAS-2)
Developmental Activities Screening Inventory 2nd ed (DASI-II)
Kaufman Developmental Scale (KDS)
Preschool Evaluation Scale (PES)
Preschool Language Scale 4th edition (PLS-4)
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-2nd Edition (VABS-2)
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -4 (CELF-4)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III)
Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT)
Goldman-Fristoe Test Articulation
Oral & Written Language Scales (OWLS)
Test of Language Development (TOLD-3)
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL)
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor proficiency
Brigance Inventory of Early Development II
Visual-Motor Integration (VMI)
Test of Visual–Perceptual Skills (VPS-R)
Behavioral Scale Assesses your student’s behavioral that impacts
their educational performance through
observations and/or consultation with student,
staff, and/or parents.
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC-2)
Functional Analysis Assessment (FAA)
Conner’s Rating Scales (CRS-R)
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Vineland-II)
Hearing &
Assesses your student’s acuity for hearing and
Vision Screening vision. The report is prepared by the school
Assesses your student’s ability to hear, middle ear
functioning, and the level at which the child can
hear comfortably. The testing is provided by an
Test of Auditory Processing Skills (TAPS-R)
Comprehensive Test of
Phonological Processing (CTOPP)
Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS)
Autism Diagnostic Interview –Revised (ADI-R)
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS)
Psychoeducational Profile 3rd edition (PEP)
Assesses your student’s for characteristics specific
to Autism and the impact these characteristics are
having on education performance.
Social history is completed by the school social
worker through an interview process with the
parent to include your child’s developmental
history, social/adaptive behavior in the home,
school, and community.
The medical history is a written report from a
physician indicating general medical history and
any medical/health problems or diagnoses.
Assesses your student’s need for assistive
technology for the purpose of assisting the
student in meeting their educational goals.