Master of Engineering Project: Building a Model to Assess the Effects of Road Salt on Water Quality By Breann Liebermann Cornell Biological and Environmental Engineering December 2014 1 Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Site Description......................................................................................................................................... 5 Data Collection ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Model Description and Assumptions ........................................................................................................ 7 TWMC and FWMC Calculations ........................................................................................................... 10 Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Model Performance ................................................................................................................................. 12 Current Trends: Have Chloride Concentrations Been Too High? .......................................................... 19 Future Scenario: Will Chloride Concentrations Be Too High? .............................................................. 21 TWMC and FWMC Estimates................................................................................................................ 24 Discussion ................................................................................................................................................... 26 Model Limitations and Improvements .................................................................................................... 26 Takeaways............................................................................................................................................... 28 Sources ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 Appendix A: Road Salt Application ........................................................................................................... 29 Appendix B: Streamflow Samples .............................................................................................................. 30 Appendix C: Runoff Samples ..................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix D: Soil Samples .......................................................................................................................... 34 Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 35 2 INTRODUCTION Application of road salt began in the United States in the 1940’s as a response to the “bare pavement” policy that emerged in highway departments so people could travel safely on roads in all weather conditions (Bradof, 1994). Though there have been many changes between the 1940’s and the present day, one thing has remained constant: road salt is the predominant deicer. There are no laws limiting the amount of road salt applied; as much as needed for road safety is applied. Annually, approximately 20 million tons of road salt is applied in the United States (Novotny & Stefan, 2012). It is an effective and affordable deicer, but it comes with its risks. Because road salt is highly soluble, it is easily transported when snow and ice on the road melts (Novotny & Stefan, 2012). The problem is, as Novotny and Stefan (2012) report, “chloride can be toxic to freshwater organisms”. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of chloride on aquatic life and plant communities. Findings have included negative impacts on amphibian embryos (Karraker & Ruthig, 2009) and amphibian tadpoles (Denoël et al., 2010). Because of the clear link between chloride and effects on amphibian health, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed guidelines on recommended maximum chloride short-term and long-term exposure levels (Mullaney, Lorenz, & Arntson, 2009). However, no such guidelines exist for local flora. Effects on flora have been found to be death (Parida & Das, 2005), favorable conditions for non-native invasive species (Richburg, Patterson, & Lowenstein, 2001) and even ecosystem function changes and decreases in biodiversity (Daaehler, 2003). Though chloride is not harmful to humans, the frequency and high levels at which it is applied in many areas have led to significant changes in local and seasonal water 3 quality (Gardner & Royer, 2010, Cassanelli & Robbins, 2013). Effects on aquatic organisms, local flora, and water quality may be exacerbated in the near future due to anticipated climate change, including changes in temperature and the frequency and duration of storm events (US EPA, 2014). This study will focus on the Fall Creek watershed in Ithaca, NY. Climatic, hydrologic, and field data will be gathered to build a model that predicts chloride concentrations in the watershed given a known amount of road salt applied. Chloride is used here as a proxy for road salt. The implications of the predicted chloride concentrations will be explored, and an analysis of future conditions will be conducted to address the potential effects of climate change. OBJECTIVES It is clear that high concentrations of road salt can have an impact on plants and aquatic life in the watershed. Effects have already been discussed but include death of local flora and fauna, favorable conditions for invasive plant species, and mortality in amphibian eggs. Thus, data on road salt concentrations in the watershed could be incredibly useful in determining whether the amount of road salt applied has potential to cause harmful effects. My first objective is to determine whether the amount of road salt applied in Ithaca in the past, present, and future is at levels harmful to aquatic life. To answer this question, I will gather historical and current road salt application data. The main deliverable will be a model that estimates chloride concentrations (used as a proxy for road salt) given a certain input of road salt and known environmental conditions. I will sample stream water and runoff in the Fall Creek watershed to evaluate the performance of the model. Model predictions of chloride concentrations will be compared to toxicity standards for aquatic life to determine whether their health is at risk. Next, I will estimate future environmental conditions and road salt inputs based on climate change 4 research to determine if there is a greater risk ahead for toxic chloride levels. This model could be useful for many other areas of study as well. Most watersheds or municipalities do not routinely sample water for chloride concentrations, but many areas do apply road salt. Thus, a model that estimates chloride concentrations in a watershed could be very useful in estimating risk associated with road salt application without the need for laborious and expensive field sampling. The second objective of my study is to determine the current time-weighted and flowweighted mean chloride concentrations. These parameters each provide different depictions of the average chloride concentration. The time-weighted mean concentration (TWMC) is the average concentration seen by aquatic life in streams, while the flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) is the average concentration seen by the outlet of the watershed (Heidelberg College, 2005). The TWMC is useful for assessing whether aquatic life is at risk of chronic toxicity levels. The FWMC will supplement data from a previous 2012 study of the Fall Creek Watershed, in which FWMCs for chloride were modeled for data collected from 1972 through 2003 and were predicted for the future (Shaw et al. 2012). The FWMC I determine for 2014 will be compared to the paper’s modeled value to assess the performance of their model. METHODS SITE DESCRIPTION The study site is Fall Creek watershed which includes the towns of Ithaca, Freeville, and Dryden, NY. This site was chosen for three main reasons: 1) because precipitation, snowmelt, and temperature data was readily available, 2) because field data could be easily collected, and 3) because I hoped to gain a better understanding of water quality in the region I live in. 5 DATA COLLECTION Road salt data in tons applied per winter was obtained from the New York State Office of General Services (NY State Government, 2014). This data was available for Tompkins County from the winter of 2002-2003 to 2013-2014. Since the model is applied to Fall Creek, not Tompkins County, the amount of road salt applied was scaled down based on the areas of Tompkins County and Fall Creek watershed. This calculation and the specific areas were based on that done in a paper published by Shaw, Marjerison, Bouldin, Parlange, and Walter (2012). Temperature, precipitation, and snow depth data was obtained from the National Climatic Data Center ( for the Cornell University station in Ithaca, NY. Streamflow data was obtained from the USGS website for Fall Creek ( Two types of field samples were taken: stream samples and runoff samples. Stream samples were taken from Fall Creek at the USGS gauging station upstream from Beebe Lake. These samples were taken initially twice a week and eventually less frequently, approximately once a week from March 26th to August 11th for a total of 22 sampling dates. Samples were taken by the author, Breann Liebermann, until May 5th and by an undergraduate researcher, Sarah Nadeau, until the end of the sampling period. Water samples were also taken in four detention basins on campus and in nearby areas: the Library Annex basin, LARTU (Large Animal Research and Teaching Unit) basin, Oxley basin, and EHOB (East Hill Office Buildings) basin. Technically, EHOB is not located in Fall Creek watershed, but because of its close proximity and ease of collection it was included in this study. Collection bottles were left in basins and during rain events, runoff water collected in the bottles. These samples were obtained after most, but not all storm events. Table 1 shows the number of sampling days for each basin. Breann 6 Liebermann, Sarah Nadeau, Felice Chan, and Sharon Zhang collected runoff samples throughout the study period. Both stream and runoff samples were analyzed using an Ion Chromatography (IC) system in the Cornell Soil and Water Lab for chloride concentrations. Breann Liebermann, Lauren McPhillips, and Sarah Nadeau analyzed samples on the IC. Basin # of days sampled Annex 13 LARTU 13 Oxley 8 EHOB 10 Table 1: Number of sampling days in each basin MODEL DESCRIPTION AND ASSUMPTIONS The purpose of the model is to approximate chloride concentrations in the watershed given a certain amount of road salt applied. In many areas, water quality data is not regularly collected, and this model could approximate chloride as a water quality parameter to inform scientists and policy-makers. The model involves two functions: one manipulating road salt inputs and one that is based on hydrologic processes. The model assumes a well-mixed watershed, meaning spatial variation is assumed to be negligible. This would mean that chloride concentration in soil water is all the same in the entire watershed, and similarly for chloride in runoff and streamflow. The first function written converts from road salt applied in tons per year to chloride applied in milligrams per day. The only input required is a vector of tons of road salt applied each winter. I have assumed that the amount of road salt reported in the delivery schedule is 7 equal to the amount applied in a given year, the application rate in Tompkins County is equivalent to the application rate in Fall Creek, the composition of road salt is primarily sodiumchloride (NaCl), and no sand is mixed in. I have also assumed that in a given year road salt is applied equally each day from Nov 1- March 31. This assumption was made for model simplicity. This function also assumes that no road salt is applied the rest of the year and that road salt is the only factor contributing to chloride inputs to the watershed. The Thornthwaite-Mather model for watershed yield is a well-known hydrologic model (Thornthwaite & Mather 1955). It calculates soil water, watershed storage, and river discharge based on precipitation, snowmelt, evapotranspiration, available water capacity in the soils, and a reservoir coefficient. In BEE 6740 Ecohydrology , as a class a Thornthwaite-Mather model was written in R, the statistical computing software. I have made several edits to that function so that it acts as a simple “salt budget” function. In addition to calculating water quantity (soil water, runoff, and streamflow), the salt budget function also calculates water quality in terms of the concentration of chloride in soil water, runoff, and streamflow. Chloride is used as a proxy for road salt because it is largely stable. The second function written is the salt budget function using the Thornthwaite-Mather model . Inputs include mass of chloride applied, precipitation, snowmelt, evapotranspiration (all on a daily time step) available water capacity in the soils, a runoff coefficient, and a reservoir coefficient. Available water capacity in the soils was assumed to be 150 and the reservoir coefficient was assumed to be 0.25, based on class discussions in BEE 6740 Ecohydrology. These values are specific for the Fall Creek watershed. The runoff coefficient was assumed to be 0.10, based on an assumption made in the paper published by Shaw et al. (2012). This means that 10% of road salt is lost to direct runoff. 8 It is assumed that there is no chloride in the watershed on day 1. Soil water is initialized to be equal to the available water content. Streamflow is initialized as the streamflow recorded by the USGS gauging station on the day that the model begins. Storage is initialized to be initial streamflow divided by the reservoir coefficient. The initial concentration of chloride in soil water, streamflow, and runoff are all set as 0. A running total of the mass of chloride on the road, in soil water, in runoff, in storage, and in streamflow is all calculated on a daily time step. The concentration of chloride in streamflow and runoff is then calculated by dividing each day’s mass by the volume of water in streamflow and runoff respectively. Figure 1 shows the general schematic. There are three different hydrologic scenarios possible for each day, and calculations are slightly different for each scenario: 1) Daily precipitation (rain plus snowmelt) is less than potential evapotranspiration which causes the soil to dry. If it is winter, road salt accumulates on the road but does not enter the soil water because there is not enough water to transport it off the roads. No runoff or excess water is generated. Streamflow is directly dependent on storage. 2) Daily precipitation is greater than potential evapotranspiration, but soil is not filled to field capacity. There is no runoff or excess water generated. All road salt that has accumulated on the road is washed into the soil, so the mass of chloride in soil water includes the mass that was already there plus the additional mass from the road. Streamflow is directly dependent on storage. 3) Daily precipitation is greater than potential evapotranspiration and soil has filled above field capacity. All road salt that has accumulated on the road is washed out into runoff and soil water. Overland runoff is generated and is directly dependent on excess water (amount of water above field capacity). Runoff is transported directly to streamflow. 9 Excess water enters storage. A proportion of storage is carried to streamflow. Streamflow is thus dependent on storage and runoff. Figure 1: Model schematic. Note abbreviations: P: precipitation ET: potential evapotranspiration Cl: chloride SW: soil water R: runoff X: excess f: unitless coefficient of runoff S: storage Res_coef: reservoir coefficient Q: streamflow Model outputs include streamflow in mm/day, and the concentration of chloride in soil water, runoff, and streamflow in mg/L. TWMC AND FWMC CALCULATIONS TWMC and FWMC were determined for Fall Creek for November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014. Since stream samples were only collected from March 2014 to August 2014, an equation for chloride concentration given a specific stream flow was determined for two different time periods. Figure 2 shows the two different curves. 10 50.00 45.00 Chloride (mg/L) 40.00 Winter/Spring 35.00 30.00 25.00 Summer/Fall 20.00 15.00 Poly. (Winter/Spring) 10.00 y = 0.0419x2 - 1.6522x + 45.343 R² = 0.6675 Log. (Summer/Fall) 5.00 0.00 1 10 Streamflow (m^3/s) 100 y = -5.405ln(x) + 34.939 R² = 0.7418 Figure 2: Chloride-streamflow curves The winter/spring time period is clearly distinct from the summer/fall time period. Winter/spring here is defined as November 1 to June 21, signifying the time period of active road salt application and the flushing out of chloride from the watershed. Summer/fall is defined as June 22 to October 31, representing the growing season in the northeast. As shown in Figure 2, the winter/spring curve is best defined by a second order polynomial curve with an R-squared value of 0.67. The summer/fall curve is best defined by a logarithmic curve with an R-squared value of 0.74. These curves were then used to estimate chloride levels in Fall Creek given known stream flow values. The calculation for TWMC weighs the concentration of each sample by the time period it represents, and is given by the following formula: ∑𝑛1(𝑐𝑖 ∗ 𝑡𝑖 ) 𝑇𝑊𝑀𝐶 = ∑𝑛1(𝑡𝑖 ) 11 The calculation for FWMC weighs the concentration of each sample by the time and flow it represents, and is given by the following formula: 𝐹𝑊𝑀𝐶 = ∑𝑛1(𝑐𝑖 ∗ 𝑡𝑖 ∗ 𝑞𝑖 ) ∑𝑛1(𝑡𝑖 ∗ 𝑞𝑖 ) RESULTS MODEL PERFORMANCE Predicting streamflow Figure 3 shows a visual comparison of modeled streamflow to actual streamflow across the time period of interest (November 1, 2002 to September 15, 2014). Modeled base streamflow is an under-prediction of actual streamflow. The model both over and under-predicts peak flows. The root mean square error (RMSE) between modeled and actual streamflow was calculated to evaluate model performance. The RMSE gives the standard deviation of the model prediction error, with a smaller value indicating better model performance (Bigiarini). The formula for RMSE is √∑[𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑𝑖 − 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑑𝑖 ]2 . The RMSE across all years of interest is 0.37 mm/day. 12 Figure 3: Modeled streamflow (black) and actual streamflow (red) Predicting chloride concentration in streamflow Figures 4, 5, and 6 show the model predictions of chloride concentrations in soil water, runoff and streamflow for the entire time period of interest. Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the predictions of chloride in soil water, streamflow and runoff for just one year (2013). 13 Figure 4: Model predictions of chloride in soil water across all years Figure 5: Model predictions of chloride in runoff across all years 14 Figure 6: Model predictions of chloride in streamflow across all years Figure 7: Model predictions of chloride in soil water in 2013 15 Figure 8: Model predictions of chloride in runoff in 2013 Figure 9: Model predictions of chloride in streamflow in 2013 Modeled chloride concentrations were compared to trends reported by Bouldin (2005), who studied samples taken from Fall Creek between 1972 and 2003. During that time period, he 16 found that chloride concentrations in streamflow decreased from between 20 to 25 mg/L (winter) to 8 to 10 mg/L (spring, summer, early fall). He also found that concentrations taken during snow melt or winter rain after salt had been applied reached levels as high as 70 mg/L. He also found that concentrations increased over the years from 11 mg/L in 1972 to 19 mg/L by 2003. My model predicts that after road salt is not applied (April through October) concentrations are around 50 mg/L. Winter spikes in concentration are oftentimes above 100 mg/L and are as high as 200 mg/L. Overall, my model’s yearly trends generally match what Bouldin found (higher concentrations in the winter, lower concentrations the rest of the year), but my predictions are higher than what he had found. It is important to keep in mind that my model predictions are for a different time period than his samples, and that overall chloride concentrations may have in fact risen. Modeled chloride concentrations from this spring and summer were compared to streamflow and runoff samples collected that were analyzed for chloride. Figure 10 shows the comparison. The model over-predicts chloride in streamflow for the spring and summer of 2014 by on average 22 mg/L, which indicates weak performance of the model. However, one promising aspect of the model is it did seem to capture the decline in chloride levels seen around the end of March, and the rise back up to average levels throughout April. Unfortunately, no samples were taken in the middle of May to compare to the model prediction of a sharp decline in chloride levels. The model did not capture the variation seen in chloride levels through June, July, and early August. 17 Chloride in Streamflow 67 Model estimate 62 Actual Chloride (mg/L) 57 52 47 42 37 32 27 22 17 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Figure 10: Model performance of predicting chloride in streamflow Predicting chloride concentrations in runoff Unfortunately, the model predicted no chloride in runoff during the sampling time period. Runoff samples from the detention basins did in fact contain chloride, sometimes concentrations of up to 4000 mg/L. Figure 11 shows the variation of chloride concentrations in runoff samples across and within basins. Variation within basins is sometimes seen because multiple bottles were left in each detention basin and after some storm events more than one sample was obtained. Variation between basins is also evident- EHOB and LARTU typically had higher chloride than Annex and Oxley. Although it was predicted that a well-mixed assumption would not hold true, the variation across and within basins is evidence that the watershed is certainly not well-mixed. This would mean that chloride concentration is dependent on spatial location. This will be elaborated further in the Discussion section. 18 Chloride in Runoff 4500.00 4000.00 Chloride (mg/L) 3500.00 3000.00 Annex 2500.00 EHOB 2000.00 LARTU 1500.00 Oxley 1000.00 500.00 0.00 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 Figure 11: Great variation seen in chloride in runoff CURRENT TRENDS: HAVE CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS BEEN TOO HIGH? Mullaney, Lorenz, and Arntson (2009) reported that the EPA recommendation of chloride in aquatic life for chronic exposure is a four day average of 230 mg/L with an occurrence interval of once every three years. The acute recommendation is 860 mg/L (a one hour average) and the recurrence interval is less than once every three years. Figure 12 shows predicted chloride in streamflow plotted against the chronic toxicity standard of 230 mg/L. My model predicts that during the entire period in which data was available (November 1st, 2002 to September 15th, 2014), chloride levels in streamflow did not exceed the chronic toxicity recommendation. On January 6th, 2014, the predicted chloride level was 230 mg/L, however that is the one day average, and the four day average preceding, following, or surrounding that day is less than 230 mg/L. Furthermore, data from spring and summer of 2014 suggest that the model tends to over-predict chloride concentrations in streamflow, so actual concentrations may have been even lower. 19 The story with runoff is slightly different. Figure 13 shows predicted chloride in runoff plotted against the acute toxicity standard of 860 mg/L. At least once every year except 2013 the model predicts that the standard was exceeded which is much more frequent than the recommended recurrence interval of once every three years. In November and December of 2011, the model predicts that the standard was exceeded over 5 times. It is difficult to evaluate how well the model predicts chloride in runoff, because on the days that runoff samples were collected, the model predicted no chloride in runoff. However, there is reason to believe stream concentrations near runoff entry points may be elevated to toxic levels because of concentrated runoff. With the model improvements, statements can be made with more certainty as to whether aquatic life is at risk from chloride levels. Figure 12: Comparing modeled chloride in streamflow to chronic toxicity of 230 mg/L (red line) 20 Figure 13: Comparing modeled chloride in runoff to acute toxicity of 860 mg/L (red line) FUTURE SCENARIO: WILL CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS BE TOO HIGH? Given the anticipated future changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climatic variables, I used the model to estimate future chloride concentrations and evaluate whether aquatic life would be at risk from chloride toxicity. To model these projected changes, I modified the 12 years of precipitation and temperature data (2002 to 2014) and assigned these altered values to the next 12 years (2014 to 2026). There are many estimates of exactly how temperature and precipitation may change as a result of climate change. I used estimates published by the EPA. According to the EPA, average U.S. temperatures are expected to increase by 2.2 to 6.1 degrees Celsius by 2100 (EPA 2014). For simplicity, I increased minimum and maximum temperatures by 5 degrees Celsius. Projected precipitation changes are less explicitly reported. 21 The EPA reports that northern areas of the US will be wetter and will experience a higher proportion of precipitation falling as rain instead of snow (EPA 2014). Thus, it is unclear exactly how much more precipitation is expected. In my future scenario, I assumed a 20% increase from the past 12 years of precipitation data. Because precipitation and temperature change in the future scenario, it is likely that road salt application would also change as a result. It is unclear exactly what a 5 degree temperature increase combined with a 20% precipitation increase would mean for total yearly road salt applications. An increase in precipitation would lead to more snow, but this is balanced by an increase in temperature, which may mean more rain events instead of snow events. Thus, to account for both changes I have assumed a 10% increase in total yearly road salt applied. Potential evapotranspiration and snowmelt are recalculated based on new temperature and precipitation values. I have assumed that all other conditions stay the same (available water capacity, reservoir coefficient, and runoff coefficient). Figures 14 and 15 show the results of chloride concentrations in streamflow and runoff respectively, in the future climate change scenario as compared to if historical trends were to continue (i.e. the past 12 years of temperature and precipitation data were to be replicated in the next 12 years). In examining chloride in streamflow (figure 14), it appears that in the climate change scenario, chloride levels actually decrease, despite the increase in road salt applied. This may be because with greater precipitation, there is a larger volume of stream water to dilute chloride. Over all years, chloride concentrations do not reach the recommended chronic toxicity limit. In examining chloride in runoff (figure 15), changes are less clear. Chloride levels in the climate change scenario are sometimes lower and sometimes higher than historical levels. The recommended acute toxicity limit is exceeded approximately 10 times in 12 years in the climate change scenario, suggesting that high levels of chloride in runoff may deliver super-concentrated 22 chloride water to streams which could harm aquatic life. This was a concern in the prior analysis of the past 12 years of data as well. Figure 14: Comparing historical trends to a climate change scenario for streamflow concentrations 23 Figure 15: Comparing historical trends to a climate change scenario for runoff concentrations TWMC AND FWMC ESTIMATES TWMC TWMC for chloride was determined to be 35.2 mg/L for Fall Creek for November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014. This is the average chloride concentration that aquatic life is subject to 24 for a year-long period. This can be compared to the EPA’s chronic toxicity limit of 230 mg/L. These results suggest that long-term chloride exposure levels are significantly below what is considered harmful to them. In other words, these findings suggest that the level of road salt applied in the winter of 2013/2014 were not at levels that would harm aquatic life that were exposed to the long term average. However, the TWMC says nothing about the superconcentrated chloride hotspots seen in runoff as discussed in the previous two sections. FWMC FWMC for chloride was determined to be 35.9 mg/L for Fall Creek for November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014. In Figure 16, predictions from Shaw et al. (2012) for FWMC for Fall Creek are shown. My calculation for 2013/2014 is approximately 13 mg/L greater than what their model estimates for FWMC for 2013/2014. This could be due to an underestimation in their model, an overestimation of my model, or a combination of the two. This is consistent with the overestimations of my model discussed in the previous sections. 25 Figure 16: from Shaw et al. (2012), “Comparison of the mixing model [heavy solid line] to the observed annual flow-weighted mean Cl−; to fit the observations (symbols), the model assumes a residence time of 50 years; the thin line indicates annual changes in incoming Cl− concentration attributed to increasing road salt application DISCUSSION MODEL LIMITATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS When building models, there is always a tradeoff between accuracy and feasibility. Time, resources, data availability, and background knowledge can limit the accuracy of a model. Assumptions made for feasibility also can compromise accuracy. In this model, one of the main constraints was time. Much of the initial research process was dedicated to learning to use R which limited the amount of time spent with the more technical aspects of the model. A great deal of time was also spent familiarizing myself with designing a research study which led to a later field sampling start than anticipated. Another time constraint was how often runoff and streamflow could be sampled. More samples leads to more comparisons to model predictions which could lead to an improved model. However, more samples also means more time and resources spent gathering and analyzing them. Thus, a tradeoff was made. Availability of data was also dealt with. Data did not exist on the yearly amount of road salt actually applied so the yearly scheduled amount to be applied was used. Depending on the difference between scheduled and actual amounts, this could lead to inaccuracies in the model. Furthermore, data did not exist on daily road salt applications. Since the model calculated concentrations on a daily time step, an assumption had to me made about how yearly road salt was distributed daily. My model assumed an equal distribution of road salt from November 1st 26 through March 31st. However, this is an oversimplification made that could affect model accuracy. Assumptions made for simplicity also affect the model accuracy. For example, my model assumes that the only source of chloride in the watershed is from road salt, and it ignores sources such as sewage. Also, the runoff coefficient, reservoir coefficient, and available water capacity parameters calculated as a class were assumed to be the optimum values, which may not be the case. One of the main assumptions made was that the watershed was well-mixed, and that there was no spatial variation in chloride concentrations. However, through spatial differences in chloride in runoff it is clear that there is spatial variation. Furthermore, I suspect that distance from roadways and sidewalks has great influence on chloride concentrations. The biggest accuracy improvement to this model may be adding spatial variation. Another significant improvement could be increasing the frequency and duration of the sampling period. In this study, samples were only taken from March to August, so the accuracy of the model in predicting chloride from September to February could not be determined. Sampling many times a day could also be beneficial to determine whether acute toxicity levels have been met (which are based on a one hour average). Adding a spatial component to the model and increasing sampling would require significantly more time, resources, and background knowledge. Simplifications were also made in examining a future scenario given climate change. It is unclear exactly how precipitation and minimum and maximum temperatures will change in the next 12 years, and the daily changes will not be constant. Projecting the past 12 years of data into the future for baseline conditions is also not accurate, as weather patterns are extremely variable. 27 Furthermore, an assumption was made as to how road salt application rates would change based on climatic changes, which introduces another uncertainty. TAKEAWAYS The goal of this project was to collect data in the field, use that data to build a model to estimate the effects on water quality of road salt, and evaluate whether aquatic life was at risk given current and future conditions. The main takeaway is that based on model estimates, overall chloride concentrations in streamflow remain under recommended limits. However, model estimates of current and future conditions suggest that surface runoff carries super-concentrated doses of chloride that are occasionally above recommended acute levels. When this runoff enters streams, aquatic life that is present may be harmfully impacted. Future investigations should look into studying spatial variation of chloride in the watershed, focusing particularly on runoff from sidewalks and roads that have the biggest potential to carry high concentrations of chloride. SOURCES Bigiarini, M. Z. Root mean square error. R Documentation. Retrieved from Bouldin, D. (2005). 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Effect of road salt applications on seasonal chloride concentrations and toxicity in south-central Indiana streams. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39. Heidelberg College. (2005). Time-weighted and flow-weighted mean concentrations. Water Quality Laboratory. Retrieved from Karraker, Nancy E., & Gregory R. Ruthig. (2009). Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research, 109(1). Mullaney, J. R., Lorenz, D. L., & Arntson, A. D. (2009). Chloride in groundwater and surface water in areas underlain by the glacial aquifer system, northern United States. United States Geological Survey. New York State Government. Office of General Services (2014). Road salt delivery schedules. Retrieved from Novotny, E. V. & Stefan, H. G. (2012). Road salt impact on lake stratification and water quality. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 138(12). Parida, A. K., & Das, A. B. (2005). 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Year Tompkins County (tons/year) Fall Creek (tons/year) 2002 28014 9413 2003 29710 9983 2004 32433 10897 2005 34313 11529 2006 33478 11249 2007 34276 11517 2008 36463 12252 2009 37485 12595 2010 37318 12539 2011 36012 12100 2012 31772 10675 2013 31475 10576 Table 2: Road salt applied in Tompkins County. 2002 corresponds to the winter of 2002-2003. APPENDIX B: STREAMFLOW SAMPLES Samples were taken from Fall Creek at the USGS gauging station upstream from Beebe Lake. Samples were analyzed on the IC at the Cornell Soil and Water Lab. Sample Date Chloride (mg/L) 3/26/2014 40.39 3/28/2014 42.76 4/6/2014 24.87 4/8/2014 29.49 30 4/11/2014 32.95 4/16/2014 30.00 4/19/2014 34.19 4/23/2014 37.78 4/26/2014 38.49 4/30/2014 38.30 5/5/2014 37.28 5/28/2014 43.30 5/30/2014 40.20 6/6/2014 40.08 6/12/2014 38.72 6/17/2014 36.38 6/26/2014 20.73 7/7/2014 31.85 7/9/2014 26.82 7/21/2014 35.59 8/6/2014 22.71 8/11/2014 32.18 Table 3: Chloride concentration in Fall Creek APPENDIX C: RUNOFF SAMPLES Runoff samples were taken in four detention basins around Cornell University. Collection bottles were left near the inlets of the basins and collected after storm events. Samples were analyzed on the IC at the Cornell Soil and Water Lab. Date Site Name Chloride (mg/L) 4/8/2014 Annex 11.27 4/18/2014 Annex 2.90 31 4/23/2014 Annex 5.18 4/30/2014 Annex 39.84 5/5/2014 Annex 22.92 5/16/2014 Annex 181.12 5/28/2014 Annex 628.00 5/30/2014 Annex 628.05 6/13/2014 Annex 1.67 6/18/2014 Annex 0.18 6/26/2014 Annex 4.66 6/26/2014 Annex 0.40 7/7/2014 Annex 0.47 4/8/2014 EHOB 410.88 4/18/2014 EHOB 508.47 4/18/2014 EHOB 296.46 4/30/2014 EHOB 1657.24 5/5/2014 EHOB 1839.93 5/16/2014 EHOB 248.28 5/28/2014 EHOB 1480.60 5/30/2014 EHOB 1480.62 6/13/2014 EHOB 630.79 6/18/2014 EHOB 653.62 6/26/2014 EHOB 571.93 7/9/2014 EHOB 426.25 4/8/2014 LARTU 3212.44 4/8/2014 LARTU 1251.05 4/16/2014 LARTU 994.04 32 4/18/2014 LARTU 3197.87 4/18/2014 LARTU 302.27 4/18/2014 LARTU 321.07 4/30/2014 LARTU 3836.95 4/30/2014 LARTU 1004.77 5/2/2014 LARTU 4070.12 5/16/2014 LARTU 94.00 5/28/2014 LARTU 135.40 5/28/2014 LARTU 340.00 5/30/2014 LARTU 135.44 5/30/2014 LARTU 339.98 6/3/2014 LARTU 422.00 6/3/2014 LARTU 525.28 6/13/2014 LARTU 20.94 6/13/2014 LARTU 88.80 6/18/2014 LARTU 1811.36 6/18/2014 LARTU 121.12 6/26/2014 LARTU 1076.78 6/26/2014 LARTU 144.08 7/9/2014 LARTU 131.65 7/9/2014 LARTU 1151.20 4/9/2014 Oxley 2.63 4/9/2014 Oxley 1.49 4/18/2014 Oxley 3.12 4/19/2014 Oxley 32.55 5/16/2014 Oxley 3.10 33 5/16/2014 Oxley 1.46 5/28/2014 Oxley 9.40 5/30/2014 Oxley 9.35 6/18/2014 Oxley 2.75 6/26/2014 Oxley 3.87 7/9/2014 Oxley 0.67 7/9/2014 Oxley 0.58 Table 4: Chloride concentration in detention basins APPENDIX D: SOIL SAMPLES Soil conductivity was collected in the field using a soil probe at four different sites. Breann Liebermann, Bryan Finneran, Felice Chan, and Sharon Zhang collected soil conductivity data. Site one is in front of the side Riley Robb parking lot in the grass next to the sidewalk. Site two is in front of the wrestling building parking lot in the grass next to the sidewalk. Site three is near the LARTU detention basin in the grass. Site four is in the grass alongside Tower Road near the intersection with Judd Falls. Soil conductivity data was not ultimately used in this study. Date Site Conductivity (mS) 4/9/2014 1 0.26 4/18/2014 1 0.38 4/22/2014 1 0.27 4/25/2014 1 0.39 4/29/2014 1 0.36 4/8/2014 2 2.69 4/11/2014 2 2.62 4/16/2014 2 2.38 4/19/2014 2 2.99 4/23/2014 2 1.03 4/28/2014 2 1.2 34 4/30/2014 2 1.38 4/10/2014 3 1.32 4/16/2014 3 1 4/21/2014 3 1.16 4/25/2014 3 0.9 4/30/2014 3 0.82 4/14/2014 4 1.48 4/17/2014 4 0.85 4/18/2014 4 1.01 4/21/2014 4 0.71 4/24/2014 4 0.71 4/28/2014 4 0.84 Table 5: Soil conductivity data ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Bryan Finneran, Felice Chan, Sharon Zhang, and Sarah Nadeau for their help with field work; Sarah Nadeau and Lauren McPhillips for their help with lab work; and Josephine Archibald and Dan Fuka for their help with R coding. I would also like to extend a huge thank you to Dr. Todd Walter for his help throughout the process in choosing a topic, devising a sampling protocol, interpreting results, and being as excited about road salt as I am. 35