3rd Grade Module 3 Pacing Suggestions

3rd Grade Pacing Module 3 with Suggested Modifications
Topic and Objectives
A The Properties of Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1:
Study commutativity to find known facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Lesson 2:
Apply the distributive and commutative properties to relate multiplication facts 5
× n + n to 6 × n and n × 6 where n is the size of the unit.
Combine Lesson 1 & 2
Lesson 3:
Multiply and divide with familiar facts using a letter to represent the unknown.
By the end of Topic A, your students should be able to:
 Arithmetic patterns
 Apply commutative property
 Build fluency of multiplication and division facts
 Use a letter (variable) to represent the unknown
Snapshot Assessments: TFL website..Printable Snapshots Use only 3.OA.4 Questions 1 and 2 and 3.OA.9 Questions 1 and 2
SBAC Example:
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.
Optional Lesson
Extension Lesson
Remedial Lesson
Instructional Notes
Days: 2
Both Lessons 1 and 2 use
properties to find known
Suggested Tasks:
Ongoing Fluency Routines: Multiplication facts 0-5 & 10
Multiplication and Division Using Units of 6 and 7
Combine Lesson 4 & 5
Lesson 4:
Count by units of 6 to multiply and divide using number bonds to decompose.
Lesson 5:
Count by units of 7 to multiply and divide using number bonds to decompose.
Lesson 6:
Use the distributive property as a strategy to multiply and divide using units of 6
and 7.
Lesson 7:
Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems
using units of 6 and 7.
Days: 4
Lesson 6 is the same
objective Lessons 4-5.
Problem Solving after
Lesson 7
Formative Assessment
Arrays on the Farm (pg. 35)
1 Day Math Task: Arrays on the Farm
By the end of Topic B, your students should be able to:
 Understand skip counting, number bonds, arrays, and tape diagrams
 Analyze the relationship between multiplication and division
 Decompose larger unknown facts into smaller known facts to solve
 Apply the skill of using a letter to represent the unknown
Snapshot Assessments: TFL website..Printable Snapshots – 3.OA.3 Questions 2 and 3
C Multiplication and Division Using Units up to 8
Lesson 8:
Understand the function of parentheses and apply to solving problems.
Lesson 9:
Model the associative property as a strategy to multiply.
Lesson 10:
Use the distributive property as a strategy to multiply and divide.
Lesson 11:
Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems.
By the end of Topic C, your students should be able to:
 Understand associate property
 Understand the order of operation when parentheses is present
 Apply strategies of units up to 8 when dividing and multiplying
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.
Days: 4
Lesson 10 is a recurring
objective in Module 3.
Problem Solving
(associative property)
Family Reunion (pg.48)
Snapshot Assessments: TFL website..Printable Snapshots
Use 3.OA.3 Questions 1 and 4, 3.OA.5 Questions 1 and 2, and 3.OA.6 Questions 1 and 2
SBAC Example:
2 Days for Remediation, Enrichment, Mid-Module Assessment
Engage NY Module 3 Word Document Assessments
Multiplication and Division Using Units of 9
Lesson 12:
Apply the distributive property and the fact 9 = 10 – 1 as a strategy to multiply.
Lesson 13:
Identify and use arithmetic patterns to multiply.
Lesson 14:
Identify and use arithmetic patterns to multiply.
Combine 13 & 14
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.
Days: 3
Lesson 15:
Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems.
By the end of Topic D, your students should be able to:
 Use strategies of 9 and recognize arithmetic patterns
E Analysis of Patterns and Problem Solving Including Units of 0 and 1
Lesson 16:
Reason about and explain arithmetic patterns using units of 0 and 1 as they
relate to multiplication and division.
Lesson 17:
Identify patterns in multiplication and division facts using the multiplication table.
Lesson 18:
Solve two-step word problems involving all four operations and assess the
reasonableness of solutions.
By the end of Topic E, your students should be able to:
 Be able to apply 0 and 1 multiplication facts
 Solve 2 step word problems that involve all 4 operations
 Use rounding skills to make estimation
 Explain reasonableness
Snapshot Assessments: TFL website..Printable Snapshots Use 3.O.8, 3.OA.9 Question 3
F Multiplication of Single-Digit Factors and Multiples of 10
Lesson 19:
Multiply by multiples of 10 using the place value chart.
Lesson 20:
Use place value strategies and the associative property
n × (m × 10) = (n × m) × 10 (where n and m are less than 10) to multiply by
multiples of 10.
Lesson 21:
Solve two-step word problems involving multiplying single-digit factors and
multiples of 10.
By the end of Topic F, your students should be able to:
 Students will be able to multiply by units of 10
 Apply place value understanding
 Solve 2 step word problems using all 4 math operations
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.
Days: 3
Days: 3
Snapshot Assessments: TFL website..Printable Snapshots Use as needed for re-assessments.
2 Days for Re-Assessment, Remediation and Enrichment
Engage NY Module 3 Word Document Assessments
Total Instructional Days: 23
Links Used:
Module Assessments: https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-3-mathematics-module-3
“Arrays on the Farm” Task (pg. 35): https://www.georgiastandards.org/Georgia-Standards/Frameworks/3rd-Math-Unit-2.pdf
“Family Reunion” Task (pg. 48): https://www.georgiastandards.org/Georgia-Standards/Frameworks/3rd-Math-Unit-2.pdf
New or Recently Introduced Terms
Multiple (specifically with reference to naming multiples of 9 and 10, e.g., 20, 30, 40, etc.)
Product (the quantity resulting from multiplying two or more numbers together)
Familiar Terms and Symbols1
Array (a set of numbers or objects that follow a specific pattern)
Commutative property (e.g., 2 × 3 = 3 × 2)
Distribute (with reference to the distributive property; e.g., in 12 × 3 = (10 × 3) + (2 × 3), the 3 is the multiplier for each part of the decomposition)
Divide, division (partitioning a total into equal groups to show how many equal groups add up to a specific number, e.g., 15 ÷ 5 = 3)
Equal groups (with reference to multiplication and division; one factor is the number of objects in a group and the other is a multiplier that indicates the
number of groups)
Equation (a statement that two expressions are equal, e.g., 3 × 4 = 12)
Even number (a whole number whose last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8)
Expression (a number, or any combination of sums, differences, products, or divisions of numbers that evaluates to a number, e.g., 8 × 3, 15 ÷ 3)
These are terms and symbols students have used or seen previously.
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.
Factors (numbers that are multiplied to obtain a product)
Multiply, multiplication (an operation showing how many times a number is added to itself, e.g.,
5 × 3 = 15)
Number bond (model used to show part–part–whole relationships)
Number sentence (an equation or inequality for which both expressions are numerical and can be evaluated to a single number, e.g., 21 > 7 × 2,
5 ÷ 5 = 1)
Odd number (a number that is not even)
Ones, twos, threes, etc. (units of one, two, or three)
Parentheses (the symbols ( ) used around a fact or numbers within an equation, expression, or number sentence)
Quotient (the answer when one number is divided by another)
Row, column (in reference to rectangular arrays)
Tape diagram (a method for modeling problems)
Unit (one segment of a partitioned tape diagram)
Unknown (the “missing” factor or quantity in multiplication or division)
Value (how much)
Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.