Year 2 multiplication and division

Year 2
Performance descriptors: Multiplication and division
Assessment ideas / questions / activities
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Recall multiplication and division facts.
Know the symbols associated with multiplication and division.
Match or write the number sentence to the array,
4 x 3 = 12
6 x 5 = 30
Calculate missing numbers:
10 = 5 x ?
Write corresponding multiplication and division facts:
20 divided by 5 = 4 , 4 multiplied by 5=20
I have 30p in my pocket in 5p coins. How many coins do I have?
5 children shared 20 cherries, how many each?
Carrots are planted in rows of 5, if 3 rows are planted, how many altogether?
Write division and multiplication sentences for these pictures:
 When you count up in tens starting at 5 there will always be 5 units?
 Which four number sentences link these numbers? 3, 5, 15?
 Does it matter which order you place the numbers when you multiply? What about
Adam is trying to find out how many 5’s in 20. He counts up in 5’s like this:
He says there are 15 sets of 5 in 15. Is Adam right about this?
 Draw pictures to show how e.g. 4 x 5 is the inverse of 20 divided by 4
 Which times table are linked and how?
 What would happen if you could only count forwards on a number line, would you
still be able to multiply and divide?