D1 T204-206 Phonics D2 T212-213 Phonics D3 T234 Phonics I will distinguish long and short vowels in one syllable words. I will distinguish long and short vowels in one syllable words. I will distinguish long and short vowels in one syllable words. D4 T242-243 Phonics D5 T258 Phonics D1 T199 High-Frequency Words I will distinguish long and short vowels in one syllable words. I will distinguish long and short vowels in one syllable words. I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. D2 T211 High-Frequency Words D3 T233 High-Frequency Words D4 T241 High-Frequency Words CC.RF.2.3a CC.RF.2.3a CC.RF.2.3a CC.RF.2.3a CC.RF.2.3a CC.RF.2.3f CC.RF.2.3f CC.RF.2.3f CC.RF.2.3f I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. D5 T251 High-Frequency Words D1 T200-201 Read Aloud D1 T200-201 Read Aloud CC.RF.2.3f CC.RF.2.4b I will read gradelevel text fluently with expression on successive readings. CC.SL.2.2 I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. D1 D1 T202-203 Introduce Vocab. D1 T201 CC.SL.2.2 Listening Comp. I will describe key ideas from a text read aloud. I will describe key ideas from information presented orally. I will describe key ideas from media. T202-203 Introduce Vocab. from a text read aloud. I will describe key ideas from information presented orally. I will describe key ideas from media. CC.RI.2.4 (vocabulary) CC.L.2.4a I will determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text or topic. I will use context clues to determine meaning of a word or phrase. D1 T202-203 Introduce Vocab. CC.L.2.6 I will use words and phrases learned through talking. I will use words and phrases learned through reading. I will use words and phrases learned through being read to. I will use words and phrases learned through responding to texts. I will use adjectives to describe. I will use adverbs to describe. D1 T207 D1 T207 I will know common spelling-sound vowel teams. I will read gradelevel text fluently with expression on successive readings. D1 T208 Spelling CC.L.2.2d I will use generalized spelling patterns when writing words. D2 T230 Spelling CC.L.2.2d I will use generalized spelling patterns when writing words. D3 T238 Spelling CC.L.2.2d I will use generalized spelling patterns when writing words. D4 T248 Spelling CC.L.2.2d I will use generalized spelling patterns when writing words. D5 T254 Spelling CC.L.2.2d I will use generalized spelling patterns when writing words. D1 T208 Grammar CC.L.3.2c I will use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. D2 T230 Grammar CC.L.3.2c I will use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. D3 T238 Grammar CC.L.3.2c I will use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. D4 T248 Grammar CC.L.3.2c I will use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. D5 T254-255 Grammar CC.L.3.2c I will use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. D1 I will describe key ideas The Shell Sheep CC.RF.2.3b T209 CC.W.2.1 The Shell Sheep CC.RF.2.4b I will write an introduction to an opinion piece. I will write to state my opinion. I will write reasons to support my opinion. I will use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons. I will write a concluding statement or section. D2 T231 CC.W.2.1 I will write an introduction to an opinion piece. I will write to state my opinion. I will write reasons to support my opinion. I will use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons. I will write a concluding statement or section. D3 T239 CC.W.2.1 I will write D4 T249 CC.W.2.1 I will write an introduction to an opinion piece. I will write to state my opinion. I will write reasons to support my opinion. I will use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons. I will write a concluding statement or section. an introduction to an opinion piece. I will write to state my opinion. I will write reasons to support my opinion. I will use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons. I will write a concluding statement or section. D2 T214-215 Background D2 T214-215 Background CC.RI.2.4 (vocabulary) CC.L.2.5 I will determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text or topic. I will distinguish the meaning of closely related verbs. D2 T216-217 Introduce Comp. D2 T216-217 Introduce Comp. D5 T256-257 CC.W.2.1 I will write an introduction to an opinion piece. I will write to state my opinion. I will write reasons to support my opinion. I will use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons. I will write a concluding statement or section. D2 T214-215 Background CC.L.2.6 I will use words and phrases learned through talking. I will use words and phrases learned through reading. I will use words and phrases learned through being read to. I will use words and phrases learned through responding to texts. I will use adjectives to describe. I will use adverbs to describe. D2 T216-217 Introduce Comp. CC.RI.2.6 I will identify the main CC.RI.2.8 CC.RI.2.10 purpose of a text. I will identify what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. D2 & D3 T218-228 Main Selection I will describe how reasons support specific points the author makes. I will read and comprehend grade level informational text. D2 & D3 T218-228 D2 & D3 T218-228 CC.RI.2.2 I will identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text. I will identify the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. D2 & D3 T218-228 Main Selection CC.RI.2.6 (author’s purpose) Main Selection CC.RI.2.4 (vocabulary) I will determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text or topic. D2 & D3 T218-228 CC.RI.2.8 Main Selection Main Selection CC.RI.2.5 (text features) I will know and use text features to locate key facts or information in a text. D2 & D3 T218-228 Main Selection CC.RI.2.10 I will identify the main purpose of a text. I will identify what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. D2 & D3 T218-228 Main Selection I will describe how reasons support specific points the author makes. I will read and comprehend grade level informational text. D3 T235 Fluency D3 T234 Read Reef Sees The Wide I will reread using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding. D3 T236-237 Deepen Comp. I will read grade-level text fluently with expression on successive readings. D3 T236-237 Deepen Comp. I will recognize and read irregularly spelled words. I will describe how reasons support specific points the author makes. we are having discussions. I will build on others’ talk in conversation. I will ask clarifying questions about the topic and texts. D4 T244-245 School Poems D4 T244-245 School Poems I will create recordings of stories or poems. I will clarify my ideas, thoughts, and feelings by adding drawings or visual displays. I will participate in shared research. I will participate in writing projects. D4 D4 T246-247 CC.RF.2.4c CC.RI.2.6 (author’s purpose) I will identify the main purpose of a text. I will identify what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. D4 T244-245 School Poems CC.RL.2.10 I will read and comprehend literature. D4 T245 Making Connections CC.SL.2.5 CC.RF.2.4b CC.RI.2.8 CC.SL.2.5 T245 Making Connections CC.W.2.7 I will create recordings of stories or poems. I will clarify my ideas, thoughts, and feelings by adding drawings or visual displays. I will participate in shared research. I will participate in writing projects. D5 D5 T252 Connect and Extend T252 Connect and Extend CC.W.2.8 I will participate in writing projects. CC.SL.2.2 I will describe key ideas from a text read aloud. I will describe key ideas from information presented orally. I will describe key ideas from media. CC.RF.2.3f D3 T236-237 CC.SL.2.1 Deepen Comp. I will follow our rules when CC.W.2.7 CC.L.2.4e Vocab. Strategies I will use glossaries and dictionaries to understand or explain the meaning of words and phrases.