Pg.198 Notes Conflict-a struggle between opposing forces An

Pg.198 Notes
Conflict-a struggle between opposing forces
An argument or disagreement between friends
A misunderstanding between two people
A competition between teams or in a contest
A struggle to make a decision
A struggle to overcome a challenge or an obstacle
Pg. 200 -201 Notes
Elements of Short Stories
**Short Story- Quick focused journey
Characters-people or animals in story
 Driven my motivation
o Direct Characterization
 Author describes character
o Indirect Characterization
 Author reveals a character through speech and actions
Conflict- problem characters face
o External conflict
 Struggling between character and outside force
o Internal Conflict
 Takes place within a characters mind
Plot- sequence of events in a story
o Exposition
 Introduces the situation
o Rising action
 Introduces the conflict
o Climax
 Turning point
o Falling Action
 Conflict eases
o Resolution
 Conclusion
Setting-time and place of the action
o Historical location
o Physical location
o Season of the year and time of day
o Climate and weather
o Culture and social systems or traditions
Point of View- perspective from which story is told
o 1st person
 Narrator is a character in story
o 3rd Person
 Narrator not a character, outside voice
 Omniscient-able to relate inner thoughts and feelings of all characters
 Limited- reveals thoughts and feelings of only character
o Objective narrator
 Neutral observer who reports on story events without adding personal
o Subjective narrator
 Participates in the story ad offers opinions about what takes place.
Theme- central message or insight
o Stated Themes
 Expressed directly
o Implied Themes
 Suggested by the author
o Universal theme
 Recur in different cultures and time periods
Pg 204 Notes
Analyzing Story Elements
Clues that show how story elements interact to Develop Theme
Pg. 217
o actions, decisions and dialogue can highlight a story’s theme
o Story’s central conflict fuel the plot and often ties directly to the theme
o Sequence of events in a story to infer a story’s theme
o Time and place of a story can influence the theme directly or indirectly
Point of View
o Perspective from which a story is told can help reveal a theme
o Some stories include symbols that may point to a them by representing important ideas
Predicting- making an intelligent judgment about what will happen next in a story based on
details in the text
Plot- related sequence of events in a short story and other works of fiction
o Foreshadowing
 dropping hints about what might happen next
o Exposition
 Introduction of the setting, characters and basic situation
o Rising Action
 Events that introduce a conflict, struggle increase the tension
o Climax
 Story’s highpoint
o Falling Action
 Events that follow the climax
o Resolution
 Final outcome
o Plot Diagram
Pg. 249 Notes
Prediction Chart
Revised or confirmed prediction
Actual Outcome
Character- person or animal in literary work
Character motives
o Emotions or goals that drive him or her to act one way or another
Character traits
o Individual qualities that make each character unique
Point of View