Name: Date: ______ Period: ______ Reading Guide 13.1

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: _________
Reading Guide 13.1 Precambrian Time: Vast and Puzzling
I. Precambrian History
A. The Precambrian encompasses Earth’s history from ______________________________ years ago to the
start of the ______________________ period, over ____________________________ years later.
B. Most Precambrian rocks lack ___________________, which makes correlating rock layers difficult.
C. Precambrian Rocks
1. The lack of Precambrian rocks at the surface of the Earth illustrates the law of
2. Areas where Precambrian rocks dominate the surface are called _________________ because of their
3. Most of our knowledge about Precambrian rocks comes from the __________ mined from the shields,
such as ________________________________________________________________________________
D. Earth’s Atmosphere Evolves
1. The air you breathe is a stable mixture of ________________________, ________________________, a
small amount of ___________________, and trace gases like _____________________________________
and ____________________________________.
2. Earth’s original atmosphere was made of gases similar to those released in _________________________
___________________________________ today--______________________________, ______________
______________________, _______________________________, and several trace gases, but no
3. The cycle of _______________ led to the cooling of Earth’s surface and the reduction of the amount of
water vapor and ____________________________________________ because it became dissolved in the
4. The first life forms on Earth did not need ________________________. Later, primitive organisms
evolved that used _________________________________ and released _______________________.
a. These organisms were primarily ___________________________________________.
b. They dramatically altered Earth’s atmosphere by using ___________________________________ and
releasing ________________________.
5. Oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere about ______________________________________
years ago, after the first free oxygen has reacted with all the available _____________ to form rust.
E. Precambrian Fossils
1. The most common Precambrian fossils are __________________________________, distinctively
layered mounds or columns of _________________________________________________ that are not the
remains of organisms, but material deposited by _________________.
2. Stromatolites did not become common until the middle of the Precambrian, about
_________________________ years ago, although remains of _________________________ and
_________________________________________ have been discovered, extending the record of life back
beyond ________________________________ years.
3. Precambrian fossils are usually preserved in a hard, dense chemical sedimentary rock called
4. Other common Precambrian fossils are primitive organisms called _____________________________,
_______________ fossils that give indirect evidence of an organism’s activities, and microscopic
Section 13.1 Assessment p. 368 #1-7
1.) ________________________________________________________
2.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
3.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
4.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
5.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
6.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
7.) _______________________________________________________________________________________