Student Community Group Guidelines and Request Form

Guidelines for Student Community Formation and Operation
1. Download the Student Community Formation form from the Community Group Tab
located in the IT Help Desk page of The Hub which can be found under the Employee
Services menu.
2. Complete the form and submit the form electronically to your administrator*.
3. The administrator will review the form and, if approved, will send the approved
electronic copy of the request to David Renz at for review by the
Hub governance team.
4. Once approved, the community will be formed on The Hub and an email will be sent to
the advisor.
5. To set up and manage the group, the advisor will need to:
a. Access the training documentation on The Hub which is located on the IT Help
Desk page of The Hub which can be found under the Employee Services menu.
b. Identify the tools to use on the group and create the content for the group.
c. Enroll offices of the student group
d. Determine who will be responsible to enroll and keep the student group
enrollment up to date.
e. Notify the members of the group that the community is now operational as well
as any specific information the community member may need to participate.
f. If necessary, train community members to use the various tools of the team
6. The advisor and student executive team will be responsible to manage the group which
a. Community membership (enrollments and deletions).**
b. Updating and keeping the group content current and accurate.
c. Effectively using the group as intended.
d. Notifying the SharePoint administrator if the community is no longer needed, so
the group can be removed.
*Administrator – Defined currently as the Dean, Administrative Director, Vice President or
President of the college.
** Since this group is for Students actively enrolled, students that graduate or discontinue the
program should be deleted each quarter as well as new students enrolled each quarter.
Southeast Community College
Student Community Formation Request
Name of Requester:
Responsible Administrator:
Name of Community:
Community Group Advisor(s):*
Purpose of the Community:
Description of the Community composition:
Officers of the student Organization:
Is this group approved by the Student Activities Office
Web parts requested
Discussion board
Document library
Document library document types (list)
Others (list)
_______Yes _________No
*The advisor(s) will be responsible to keep the group current, accurate and up-to-date.
Approved: ________________
Not Approved: ________________
Please submit an electronic copy of this form to David Renz at