Blocking UV Rays

Blocking UV Rays
For this lab you will need UV beads that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light. They change color when exposed to
ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays are a known carcinogen, and are frequently implicated in skin cancer. Your job is to
evaluate the effectiveness of various substances at blocking UV radiation.
1. Which substance do you think will be most effective at blocking UV rays? (List substances used in your everyday life that
block UV rays)
2. Create a 5x5 model to investigate how various substance block UV rays. Be sure that you have at
least 5 beads in each trial not just one bead. You will need 125 beads total
**Be sure that when you test how long it takes for the beads to change color that your beads are in a ziplock bag or in a petri dish (Cleaning beads can be VERY difficult).
For this lab you will need to assign one role to each person in your group.
Description of role
This person will record all quantitative and
qualitative data for your project. It might be wise
to assign this role to someone with nice hand
writing or someone who can type quickly.
This person will determine when ALL of the UV
beads have changed color in each trial. This
person will also provide all of the qualitative data
This person is in charge of manning the stop
watch (may use cell phone). It is this person’s job
to stop the timer when the Coach says so
This person is in charge of obtaining all materials
and ensuring that all materials are ready to go for
each trial. Time is of the essence as we only have
49 minutes to complete this lab activity. This
person will also begin clean up whenever possible
(even if data is still being recorded).
This person will help the materials monitor but also
ensure that the lab is completed and all materials
are cleaned up by the end of the period.
Materials monitor
Task Master
Step 2: You will now individually go home and complete the lab write up per the IA objectives provided to
Step 3 Peer review your lab report.
Step 4:
Literary Expert
Tech expert
Task master
IA expert
Proof Reader
Description of role
This person has strong writing and grammar skills
This person is familiar with making tables using
Microsoft work and graphs using Microsoft Excel
This person will be in charge of meeting times and
ensuring that the project is handed in on time.
This person feels confident that they can ‘check
off’ that all components of the IA are complete.