September 11, 2014 - National Academy of Kinesiology

NAK EC Meeting Minutes, 9/11/14 – Draft Minutes
National Academy of Kinesiology
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
AT&T Executive Conference Center - Room 205
September 11, 2014 (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Members in attendance: Barb Ainsworth (President); Cathy Ennis (President-Elect), Phil Martin
(Past-President), Brad Cardinal (Secretary-Treasurer), Brad Hatfield (Senior Member-At-Large
and incoming Secretary/Treasurer), David Wiggins (Junior Member-At-Large), and Kim Scott
(Business Manager). Karl Newell (incoming President-Elect) and Melinda Solmon (incoming
Member-At-Large) were both in attendance as observers.
1. Meeting called to order by Barb at 10:00 AM. Barb thanked everyone for their service and
thanked Phil and Kim, in particular, for organizing the conference program and site logistics.
2. The draft conference call meeting minutes from July 14, 2014 were circulated (by email) and
we were asked to review them prior to the Executive Board meeting on Saturday, September
13, 2014.
3. Conference logistics and overview.
Kim provided an update on the meeting site logistics, including the location of all sessions,
the breakfasts, lunches, Friday night dinner cruise, and Saturday night banquet.
In her role as President-Elect, Cathy reported that all of her standing committee appointments
were completed for the upcoming year.
4. Program Overview
Phil thanked the advisory program committee members for their assistance in preparing this
year’s program, and he introduced the theme of this year’s meeting, “Physical Activity:
Improving Health and Reducing Disability.” He then overviewed the general structure of the
conference sessions, noting that there were six sessions with 2-4 speakers per session, and 15
overall speakers. He worked hard to involve a range of speakers and to involve people who
have not spoken before and/or were new Fellows. One non-Fellow is also speaking. He has
developed a spreadsheet of Fellows and their interests, which may be helpful to future
conference planners.
Action item: Phil will pass the spreadsheet on to Barb.
5. 5-Year Rule: Fellows Transitioning to the Inactive List
Kim will provide an update of the inactive list to the Executive Committee on Saturday,
September 13, 2014. However, the topic of inactive Fellows resulted in a rather lengthy
discussion regarding the value of the National Academy of Kinesiology and what Fellowship
in the Academy means, with Barb referring to Patty Freedson’s paper in the Spring 2014
issue of the newsletter. Patty’s paper described her approach for getting NAK Fellowship
NAK EC Meeting Minutes, 9/11/14 – Draft Minutes
recognized by the university’s central administration as being on par with other prestigious
and better-known recognitions. The central point of the Board discussion was the need to
maintain the relevance of Kinesiology. How this will occur is something that we (in
Kinesiology) continue to struggle with, just as we have for decades.
6. Updates of Officer Activities
Brad C. raised the question of membership numbers, as we may be approaching our upper
limit of 165. Kim indicated that at present we have 143 Paid Active members, 12
International members, and after the banquet and induction ceremony Saturday night, we will
have about 155 members. Those numbers are somewhat fluid, but we should have a pretty
good sense of where things stand by the end of January or early February 2015. With the
current membership (or anticipated membership), we would have 10 open spots for new
Fellows in 2015. This is something that the membership committee needs to keep in mind.
Brad C. also reported on the organization’s finances. As of August 31, 2014 the checking
account had a balance of $13,644.43 and the investment account had a balance of
$107,715.40. For a point of comparison, on August 31, 2013 the respective accounts had
balances of $11,147.19 and $104,406.48. Brad thanked Kim for her help with managing the
NAK’s finances and keeping everything up-to-date.
Action item: Phil will add language about covering the costs of international Fellows invited
to speak into the Operating Code.
7. Barb led a discussion about the committee reports for the year. Most of the discussion
focused on the membership committee and its operation. Three main points emerged. First,
committee members should be able to nominate new Fellows. Second, when it comes to
discussing and voting on the new Fellows, committee members who have a conflict of
interest in the nominee should recuse her/himself from the discussion and vote. Third, the
Executive Committee felt that it was important to not just follow a scoring grid, but to also
have a discussion about the nominees.
Action items: Karl will locate or develop language about conflicts of interests and the
process for dealing with them. Cathy will have a discussion with the new Membership
Committee Chair about the process that the committee should follow (e.g., having a
conference call to discuss/review candidates, rank candidates, etc.) and the potential
maximum number of new Fellows that can be elected in 2015.
To facilitate the work of the Awards Committee, the Awards Committee Chair should be
provided with a list of Fellow Emeritus members.
Action item: Kim will provide a list of Fellow Emeritus Members to the Committee Chair.
8. Barb gave an overview of the Doctoral Program Evaluation, indicating the goal of having at
least 47 institutions participating. The participation fee is $700/institution. The overall cost of
the review is $25,000. If 47 institutions participate, the review process would generate
NAK EC Meeting Minutes, 9/11/14 – Draft Minutes
$32,900, resulting in a modest profit. Barb is working to encourage participation, though also
noting some of the challenges associated with defining the boundaries of Kinesiology
Departments. Bev Ulrich will be further discussing the doctoral program review at the
Business Meeting on Saturday, September 13, 2014.
9. Barb gave an overview of the recent efforts to stimulate interest in the journal, Kinesiology
Review, and to bring it to the forefront of synthesis journals for the discipline. With Mo
Weiss’ appointment as Editor-in-Chief, several changes are being instituted already,
including the establishment of an Executive Editorial Board and the appointment of new
members to the Editorial Board. Theme issues are being considered for 2015 and 2016. Print
copies of the journal are now available and there is a need to get greater publicity for the
journal (e.g., institutional/library subscriptions).
10. Barb reviewed the National Physical Activity Plan and asked whether the NAK should
become one of the organization’s sponsors. The cost of doing so is $10,000; however, it was
not entirely clear if this is a one-time fee or an annual fee. At present, Jim Morrow is the
NAK’s liaison to the National Physical Activity Plan. Questions regarding why this group,
are there other worthy groups we should be involved with, what would the NAK’s role
be/could it be if we were involved, etc. emerged.
11. The Business Meeting Agenda will be finalized and posted during the Business Meeting.
12. Kim reviewed the future NAK Annual Meeting Sites and dates as follows: September 17-20,
2015 in Philadelphia; October 2016 in Albuquerque; and for 2017 the Board recommended
looking into Washington, DC (1st choice) or New Orleans (2nd choice). Other locations
mentioned were Charleston, SC and Nashville, TN, with the desire to meet in the
East/Southeast in 2017.
13. No new business was brought forward.
14. Meeting Adjourned at 2:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Cardinal
September 12, 2014