NATIONAL ACADEMY OF KINESIOLOGY 2013 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT BY: Past-President PREPARED BY: Patty Freedson DATE: August 31, 2013 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: As Past-President of NAK, my major and primary responsibility was to identify the theme, content, and speakers for the 2012 annual conference. Details include: Theme: Back to the Future: Reflecting on the Past and Envisioning the Future for Kinesiology Research The sessions are set up according to mostly sub-discipline or population categories: a) Physical and biological sciences, b) Behavioral, sociocultural studies and philosophy, c) Disability, physical education and history and d) measurement and evaluation, youth development and older adults and e) science translation and transformation of kinesiology 1. Conference Planning Committee a. Committee members recommended speakers and I used many of these recommendations to develop the final program. Some recently inducted fellows and a new fellow being inducted this year are presenting. b. Most speakers are NAK fellows or emeritus fellow (Bob Gregor, biomechanics, session 1) but 2 speakers are not: John Lombardi (keynote), Frank Booth (exercise physiology, session 1) 2. Communicated with Speakers about Presentations and Manuscripts a. Emphasized in letter of invitation that a manuscript based on their presentation will be appear in the February 2013 Academy Papers in Kinesiology Review. b. Sent updates including the following attachments: i. Guidelines for publication and details regarding submission of manuscript ii. KR authorship and submission guidelines from the HK website c. I will serve as guest editor of the February 2013 Academy Papers to appear in Kinesiology Review and that reflect the presentations for this annual conference. Other activities Wrote Past-President Messages for Fall and Spring NAK Newsletters Participated in Executive Board conference call meetings chaired by President Martin Communicated with Kim Scott regarding 2013 Conference o Collaborated with Kim on speaker travel and hotel arrangements and conference budget * Expenses for the two outside speakers and fellow emeritus for the 2013 conference (Lombardi, Booth and Gregor) comes to approximately $4,268 which ( 2012 expenses = $4490 (not including Vendien speaker expenses). Worked with Dave Bassett and his inter-organization PAPCU committee on pilot survey to assess physical activity opportunities on college and university campuses.