Supplementary Material Rational design of crystal contact-free space in protein crystals for analyzing spatial distribution of motions within protein molecules. Rei Matsuoka, Atsushi Shimada, Yasuaki Komuro, Yuji Sugita, and Daisuke Kohda Table of Contents Supplementary Figures Figure S1. Concept of CCFS in protein crystals. Figure S2. Model building to estimate the appropriate spacer length in the connector helix of the MBP-Tom20 fusion protein. Figure S3. Native PAGE of the soluble fractions of E. coli cell lysates, to monitor the expression of MBP-Tom20 fusion proteins with different spacer lengths. Figure S4. Stereo view of the structure of MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH. Figure S5. Reaction scheme of N-succinimidyl-4-iodobenzoate with the amino groups in proteins. Figure S6. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference map of the 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH crystal. Figure S7. Effects of the choice of a free test set on the electron density in the difference maps truncated at 7 Å in the 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH crystal. Figure S8. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference maps of the 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH(L15S), 1 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH(L18S), and 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH(L19S) crystals. Figure S9. Model building to estimate the appropriate spacer length in the connector helix of the MBP-sAglB fusion protein. Figure S10. Comparison of the experimental and model structures of the CCFS scaffolds. Figure S11. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference map of the MBP<+20>sAglB crystal. Figure S12. Effects of the free test set choice on the electron density in the difference maps truncated at 7 Å for the MBP<+20>sAglB crystal. Figure S13. Effects of the bulk solvent corrections implemented in the different programs on the shape and volume of the electron density in the truncated difference map of the 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH crystal. Figure S14. Data-processing workflow for the generation of the Fo-Fc difference electron density map with truncation and FreeR averaging. Supplementary Tables Table S1. Design, expression, and crystallization of the MBP-Tom20 fusion proteins Table S2. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (1) Table S3. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (2) Table S4. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (3) 2 Figure S1. Concept of CCFS in protein crystals. Two cases, a mobile segment in a protein molecule and a mobile ligand in the binding site of a protein molecule, are shown. (A) In a conventional protein crystal lattice, crystal contacts with neighboring molecules inhibit the movements of the segment/ligand, and thus a snapshot is obtained. (B) If the mobile segment/ligand is fortuitously located in the CCFS, then the motions of the mobile segment/ligand are preserved in the protein crystals. 3 Figure S2. Model building to estimate the appropriate spacer length in the connector helix of the MBP-Tom20 fusion protein. MBP, Tom20, and the pALDH peptide are colored green, cyan, and magenta, respectively. The maltose molecule bound to MBP is shown as a stick model. The connector helix, which consists of the C-terminal helix of MBP, the variable-length spacer, and the N-terminal helix of Tom20, is highlighted in yellow. The number in the angle brackets denotes the spacer length. A negative number means a deletion of amino acid residues. The orange transparent ovals indicate the predicted CCFS in the models of the fusion proteins with spacer lengths of -4, 0, +4, and +8. 4 Figure S3. Production of recombinant MBP-Tom20 fusion proteins. Native PAGE of the soluble fractions of E. coli cell lysates, to monitor the expression of MBP-Tom20 fusion proteins with different spacer lengths. Figure S4. Stereo view of the structure of MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH. MBP, Tom20, and the 4-residue spacer are colored green, cyan, and orange, respectively. Δ5 in the crystal structure of MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH denotes the deleted segment (yellow), A51ATGD55, in Δ5MBP<+4>Tom20 to enlarge the CCFS. Due to the undesired intramolecular interaction between pALDH and the Δ5 segment (the dotted line), the electron density of the pALDH presequence was clearly seen outside of the binding site, and so its model was constructed (magenta). 5 Figure S5. Reaction scheme of N-succinimidyl-4-iodobenzoate with the amino groups in proteins. N-succinimidyl-4-iodobenzoate was used to label the N-terminus of the pALDH peptide with an iodine atom. Figure S6. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference map, contoured at +3σ. (A) The electron density of the pALDH presequence peptide in CCFS, and (B) that of an arbitrarily chosen α-helical segment (A186GAKAGLTFLVDLIK200) in MBP, as a control for a fixed segment, are shown as a function of the truncation threshold, rmin. In (B), the MBP-Tom20 structure lacking the α-helix was used as the search model in the PHASER molecular replacement and the subsequent REFMAC5 refinement. MBP, Tom20, and the 4-residue spacer are colored green, cyan, and orange, respectively. The structure of the deleted α-helix is depicted as blue sticks with the side chains. The comparison between (A) and (B) indicates that the lowpass filter by truncation improves the quality of the electron densities of atoms with large Bfactors, but as expected, has rather deteriorative effects on the electron densities of atoms with small B-factors. Note that the maps were generated by the REFMAC5 run with the free test set of default Set 0 (See Fig. S7). 6 7 (figure on the previous page) Figure S7. Effects of the choice of a free test set on the electron density in the difference maps truncated at 7 Å, contoured at +3σ. Maps were generated using the MTZ files from REFMAC5 runs with different free test sets from Set0 to Set19, and subsequent truncation with rmin = 7 Å. (A) The pALDH presequence peptide in CCFS, and (B) an arbitrarily chosen α-helical segment (A186GAKAGLTFLVDLIK200) in MBP, as a control for a fixed segment. In (B), the MBP-Tom20 structure lacking the α-helix was used as the search model in the PHASER molecular replacement and the subsequent REFMAC5 refinement. MBP, Tom20, and the 4-residue spacer are colored green, cyan, and orange, respectively. The structure of the deleted α-helix is depicted as blue sticks with the side chains. The comparison between (A) and (B) indicates that the choice of a free test set had minimal effects on the electron density of the immobile α-helix in MBP, but a high impact on the quality of the electron density of the mobile presequence. This indicates that the electron densities of atoms with large B-factors are influenced much more by the exclusion of a small fraction of reflection data than those of atoms with small B-factors. 8 Figure S8. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference maps, contoured at +3σ, of the MBP-Tom20 fusion protein crystals with mutated pALDH presequences: (A) pALDHmut1, 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH(L15S), (B) pALDHmut2, 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS- pALDH(L18S), and (C) pALDHmut3, 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH(L19S). Tom20 and the 4residue spacer are colored cyan and orange, respectively. The maps were generated by the REFMAC5 run with the free test set of default Set 0. 9 Figure S9. Model building to estimate the appropriate spacer length in the connector helix of the MBP-sAglB fusion protein. MBP and Tom20 are colored green and cyan, respectively. The maltose molecule bound to MBP is shown as a stick model. The connector helix, which consists of the C-terminal helix of MBP, the variable-length spacer, and the N-terminal helix of sAglB, is highlighted in yellow. The number in the angle brackets denotes the spacer length. The orange transparent ovals indicate the predicted CCFS in the models of the fusion proteins with the spacer lengths of +1, +16, and +20. 10 Figure S10. Comparison of the experimental and model structures of the CCFS scaffolds. The model structures were constructed by assuming an ideal -helical conformation of the spacer in the connector helix. The MBP structures (green) of the fusion proteins were superimposed on each other. (A) The large deviation of the relative orientation of sAglB (cyan) from the model structure (blue) was seen in MBP<+16>sAglB. (B) The deviation of the relative orientation was smaller and acceptable in MBP<+20>sAglB, in spite of the longer spacer length. (C) The deviation of the relative orientation of Tom20 in 5MBP<+4>Tom20-SS-pALDH was also small. Taken together, the model building is effective, but must be tested experimentally, particularly for long spacers (> 10 residues). 11 Figure S11. Effects of the truncation of high-resolution reflections prior to Fourier transformation on the quality of the electron density in the difference map, contoured at +3σ. The electron density of the THL segment, in the CCFS created in the MBP<+20>sAglB crystal, is shown as a function of the truncation threshold, rmin. The maps were generated by the REFMAC5 run with the free test set of default Set 0 (See Fig. S12). sAglB and the 20-residue spacer are colored cyan and orange, respectively. One-half (3-residue turn + 9-residue helix) of the mobile THL segment was clearly visualized in the map at rmin = 7 Å. The other half (12-residue loop) except for 1 or 2 C-terminal residues remained invisible, indicating that the movement was larger than the detection limit (>1.5 Å rmsds from the mean positions). Close inspection of the map at rmin = 2 Å revealed that the electron density corresponding to the turn part and the N-terminal half of the helical part of the THL segment marginally appeared. This indicated that the visualized half of the THL segment at rmin = 7 Å is further divided into two parts with respect to the mobility: The spatial distributions of the turn part and the N-terminal half of the helical part are narrower than that of the Cterminal half of the helical part, which is invisible in the map truncated at rmin = 2 Å. Note that the C-terminal tail segment is also invisible in the same map at rmin = 2 Å. 12 Figure S12. Effects of the free test set choice on the electron density in the difference maps truncated at 7 Å, contoured at +3σ. The THL segment was visualized in the CCFS created in the MBP<+20>sAglB crystal. Maps were generated using the MTZ files from REFMAC5 runs with different free test sets from Set0 to Set19, and subsequent truncation with rmin = 7 Å. sAglB and the 20-residue spacer are colored cyan and orange, respectively. 13 Figure S13. Effects of the bulk solvent corrections implemented in the different programs on the shape and volume of the electron density in the FreeR-averaged difference maps truncated at 7 Å, contoured at +3σ. (A) The electron density of the pALDH presequence peptide in CCFS, and (B) that of an arbitrarily chosen α-helical segment (A186GAKAGLTFLVDLIK200) in MBP, as a control for a fixed segment, are shown. In (B), the MBP-Tom20 structure lacking the α-helix was used as the search model in the PHASER molecular replacement and the subsequent REFMAC5 refinement. MBP, Tom20, and the 4-residue spacer are colored green, cyan, and orange, respectively. The structure of the deleted α-helix is depicted as blue sticks with the side chains. A REFMAC5 map with the flat mask-based bulk solvent correction was generated, by using the keywords “SOLVENT YES” and “SCALE TYPE SIMPLE”. The default setting of REFMAC5 (“SOLVENT YES” and “SCALE TYPE BULK”) provides a map with the two types of corrections (the exponential type correction + the flat mask-based bulk solvent correction), but the generated map (Fig. 5A) was almost identical to the map obtained with only the flat maskbased bulk solvent correction. The CCFS scaffold (MBP-Tom20) structure refined by the program REFMAC5 was used as input for the programs CNS ver. 1.3 and PHENIX ver. 1.9, with the default settings of the flat mask-based bulk solvent corrections. In the CNS calculation, model_map.inp was used to generate a sigma-A weighted Fo-Fc difference map with truncation, by using the keyword “high_res=7.0”. In the PHENIX calculation, phenix.maps was used to generate the MTZ file that contained the sigma-A weighted Fourier coefficients. SFTOOLS and FFT in CCP4 were subsequently used for truncation and map generation. 14 Figure S14. Data-processing workflow for the generation of the Fo-Fc difference electron density map with truncation and FreeR averaging. 15 Table S1. Design, expression, and crystallization of the MBP-Tom20 fusion proteins MBP<n>Tom20 Expression of Crystallizationd <n>a spacer sequence at the junctionb -4 AQTRI-....F + -3 AQTRI-...KF + -2 AQTRI-..QKF + -1 AQTRI-.VQKF ± 0 AQTRI-AVQKF ± +1 AQTRI-K-AVQKF ± +2 AQTRI-KE-AVQKF ++ +3 AQTRI-KEA-AVQKF ++ +4 AQTRI-KEAL-AVQKF + +5 AQTRI-KEALQ-AVQKF ± +6 AQTRI-KEALQE-AVQKF + +7 AQTRI-KEALQEL-AVQKF + √ +8 AQTRI-KEALQELA-AVQKF + √ Crystal structuree soluble proteinc √ √ √ √ √ a <n> denotes the length of the spacer. b The MBP sequence is shown in plain text, the spacer sequence is italicized, and the Tom20 sequence is in bold text. The basic spacer sequence is KEALQELA. c ±, +, and ++ indicate rough estimates of the protein amounts in the soluble fractions of E. coli cell lysates, based on the Coomassie Brilliant Blue stained native PAGE gel in Fig. S3. d √, Crystallized. Crystallization conditions: for <0>, 8% PEG400, 0.1 M sodium acetate (pH 4.6); for <+2> and <+4>, in Table S2; <+7>, 20% PEG4000, 5% isopropanol, 0.1 M sodium citrate; <+8>, 16% PEG6000, 0.2 M calcium chloride, 0.1 M HEPES (pH 7.0). e √, Structures of the fusion proteins were determined. See Table S2. 16 Table S2. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (1) MBP<+2>Tom20 MBP<+4>Tom20 MBP<+4>Tom20-SSpALDH Fusion protein MBP-KE-Tom20 MBP-KEAL-Tom20 MBP-KEAL-Tom20 pALDH peptide none none Crystallization conditions 16% PEG3350 0.2 M disodium malonate 0.1M HEPES (pH 7.3) 50% PEG400 0.1 M phosphate citrate (pH 4.4) Ac-GPRLSRLLSYAGCNH2 24% PEG8000 20% glycerol 0.04 M potassium thiocyanate Beamline SPring-8 BL32XU PF BL5A PF BL17A Cryo conditions 20% glycerol 20% glycerol 15% glycerol Wavelength, Å 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Oscillation range, ° 180 180 180 Space group C2 I222 P43212 Cell dimensions a = 129.9 Å, b = 81.2 Å, c = 109.9 Å, = 106.4° a = 63.1 Å, b = 113.9 Å, c = 125.8 Å a = b = 69.0 Å, c = 212.6 Å No. of molecules in AU 2 1 1 Resolution range, Å 50.0 – 2.56 (2.60 – 2.56) 50.0 – 1.97 (2.00 – 1.97) 50.0 – 1.70 (1.73 – 1.70) Observed reflections 135990 188262 784858 Unique reflections 35889 30663 56782 Redundancy 3.8 (3.7) 6.1 (3.4) 13.8 (13.4) Completeness, % 99.9 (99.9) 93.1 (64.4) 98.4 (99.6) Rmerge(I)a 0.076 (0.436) 0.106 (0.591) 0.128 (0.734) I / (I) 11.0 (3.65) 14.6 (1.35) 22.1 (3.38) 24.7– 2.56 (2.61 – 2.56) 6752 42.2 – 1.97 (2.01 – 1.97) 3367 42.1 – 1.70 (1.74 – 1.70) 3367 20 101 407 Rwork/Rfreeb 0.220/0.279 0.207/0.254 0.177/0.211 rmsdc from ideality bond length, Å 0.009 0.019 0.018 angles, ° Ramachandran d ,% 1.175 1.939 1.800 Protein design Data collection statistics Refinement statistics Resolution range, Å No. of protein atoms No. of molecules water plot 17 Favored region 93.6 97.7 98.4 Allowed region 5.1 2.1 1.2 Outlier region 1.3 0.2 0.1 5AZ6 5AZ7 5AZ8 PDB code Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell. a Rmerge(I) = (|Ii - <I>|)/Ii, where Ii is the intensity of the ith observation and <I> is the mean intensity. b Rwork/Rfree = ∑|FO - FC|/∑|FO|. Rwork was calculated from the working set (95% of the total reflections). Rfree was calculated from the test set, using 5% of the total reflections. The test set was not used in the refinement. c rmsd, root mean square deviation. d Calculated using the program RAMPAGE in the CCP4 program suite. 18 Table S3. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (2) 5MBP<+4>To m20-SSpALDH 5MBP<+4>To m20-SS-(Niodo)pALDH Protein design Fusion protein pALDH peptide Crystallization conditions 5MBP<+4>To m20-SSpALDH(L15S) 5MBP<+4>To m20-SSpALDH(L18S) 5MBP<+4>To m20-SSpALDH(L19S) 5MBP-KEAL-Tom20 AcGPRLSRLLSY AGC-NH2 4-iodobenzoylGPRLSRLLSY AGC-NH2 AcGPRSSRLLSY AGC-NH2 AcGPRLSRSLSY AGC-NH2 AcGPRLSRLSSY AGC-NH2 20% PEG3350 0.2 M potassium nitrate 20% PEG3350 0.2 M potassium iodide 20% PEG3350 0.2 M ammonium nitrate 20% PEG6000 0.2 M lithium chloride 24% PEG3350 0.2 M sodium iodide SPring-8 BL44XU 15% glycerol 0.9000 SPring-8 BL26B1 20% glycerol 1.6000 SPring-8 BL44XU 20% glycerol 0.9000 SPring-8 BL26B1 20% glycerol 1.0000 SPring-8 BL44XU 20% glycerol 0.9000 180 720 180 180 180 C2 a = 160.5 Å, b = 71.4 Å, c = 47.5 Å, = 104.9° C2 a = 160.6 Å, b = 71.4 Å, c = 47.6 Å, = 105.2° C2 a = 157.1 Å, b = 70.8 Å, c = 86.1 Å, = 102.5° P21 a = 70.4 Å, b = 83.5 Å, c = 86.5 Å, = 113.9° P21 a = 70.8 Å, b = 84.0 Å, c = 86.5 Å, = 113.9° 1 1 2 2 2 39.6 – 1.82 (1.86 – 1.82) 50.0 – 2.71 (2.76 – 2.71) 50.0 – 2.13 (2.17 – 2.13) 50.0 – 1.78 (1.81 – 1.78) 50.0 – 1.62 (1.65 – 1.62) 169218 188174 188545 314494 430860 46512 14001 51375 87479 116783 3.6 (3.8) 99.8 (99.8) 0.083 (0.765) 14.0 (1.8) 13.4 (12.8) 98.2 (98.7) 0.077 (0.146) 29.9 (16.8) 3.7 (3.5) 99.4 (99.0) 0.114 (0.386) 10.8 (2.86) 3.6 (3.5) 99.8 (100.0) 0.064 (0.716) 18.7 (2.23) 3.7 (3.6) 98.2 (92.0) 0.082 (0.502) 13.9 (2.45) no no no Pseudomerohed ral, (h, -k, -h-l), = 0.18 Pseudomerohed ral, (h, -k, -h-l), = 0.25 39.6 – 1.82 41.5 – 2.13 30.0 – 1.78 39.5 – 1.62 3323 6696 6696 6696 172 224 234 260 0.1950.0005/0. 2320.006 0.1990.0007/ 0.2510.005 0.2410.0006/ 0.2880.005 0.2290.0006/ 0.2650.004 Data collection statistics Beamline Cryo conditions Wavelength, Å Oscillation range, ° Space group Cell dimensions No. of molecules in AU Resolution range, Å Observed reflections Unique reflections Redundancy Completeness, % Rmerge(I)a I / (I) Refinement statistics twinning Resolution range, Å No. of protein atoms No. of water molecules Rwork/Rfreeb,e 19 rmsdc,e from ideality bond length, Å angles, ° Ramachandran plotd,e, % Favored region Allowed region Outlier region PDB code a, b, c, d e 0.0190.0008 0.0160.0003 0.0180.0002 0.0190.0006 1.900.04 1.720.03 1.890.02 1.890.04 96.90.24 2.40.21 0.60.13 5AZ9 97.30.34 2.00.32 0.60.08 - 96.00.40 3.20.35 0.80.24 - 97.70.20 1.90.18 0.50.06 - No structure See the legends of Table S2. Average and standard deviation of the 20 refinement calculations with different free test sets. 20 Table S4. Protein design, X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics (3) Protein design Spacer Crystallization conditions Data collection statistics Beamline Cryo conditions Wavelength, Å Oscillation range, ° Space group MBP<+16>sAglB MBP<+20>sAglB AEAAAKAEAAAKAAAA AAAKAEAAAKAEAAAKAAAA 17% PEG10000 0.1 M ammonium acetate 0.1 M bis-Tris, pH 5.5 1.0 M lithium chloride 14% PEG4000 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 4.5 0.1M manganese(II) chloride SPring-8 BL44XU 20% glycerol 0.9000 360 P1 a = 54.85 Å, b = 62.56 Å, c = 136.4 Å, α= 102.0°, = °,γ= 92.9° 2 50.0 – 2.60 (2.64 – 2.60) 208533 53073 3.9 (3.8) 99.3 (95.1) 0.102 (0.406) 12.8 (3.4) SPring-8 BL32XU 20% glycerol 1.0000 300 P212121 f 40.57 – 2.60 13018 48 61 43.61 – 2.08 6580 23 106 0.1910.0006/0.2570.005 0.1960.0006/0.2450.005 rmsd from ideality bond length, Å 0.0130.0004 0.0170.0004 angles, ° 1.6960.027 1.9020.030 Favored region 95.70.23 97.00.20 Allowed region Outlier region PDB code 3.40.20 0.90.11 - 2.60.26 0.40.15 5AZA Cell dimensions No. of molecules in AU Resolution range, Å Observed reflections Unique reflections Redundancy Completeness, % Rmerge(I)a I / (I) Refinement statistics Resolution range, Å No. of protein atoms No. of ligands No. of water molecules Rwork/Rfreeb,e c,e a = 66.5 Å, b = 100.5 Å, c = 140.9 Å 1 50.0 – 2.08 (2.12 – 2.08) 694036 57642 12.0 (10.9) 100.0 (100.0) 0.142 (>1.00) 18.7 (2.0) Ramachandran plotd,e, % a, b, c, d See the legends of Table S2. e Average and standard deviation of the 20 refinement calculations with different free test sets. f After three micro-seeding steps, the space group changed from P1 to P212121. 21