2016 Grant Application form

Orienteering Athlete Support Group
Secretary: Jason Inman, 3 Symon Field, Dunblane, FK15 0GA
Tel.01786 823094
Treasurer: Ann Smith, Wood Ghyll, Crosthwaite, Kendal, Cumbria. LA8 8HX Tel.01539 568671
Honourable President: Martin Hyman
Support Grant Applications for 2016
The attached application form, together with criteria guidelines, is being made available to
exceptionally talented British orienteers/groups whose access to support funding is limited.
Please note that athletes who receive substantial funding through “Winning Students” or any other
similar programme are unlikely to be granted additional support from the Fund.
Please read the Support Grant Criteria carefully before applying, and note in particular that
applicants are required to show that the activities for which a grant is applied will contribute to a
cohesive, focused and planned programme, which contributes to stated goals.
Note that applicants will normally be 18 or older, with an absolute limit of 16.
All completed applications (Word or PDF only) must be emailed to Ann Smith at
roger.smith100@btinternet.com by January 10th 2016 to be considered by the Support Group and
all applicants will be notified of the outcome by January 31st January 2016 at the very latest.
This submission date allows you, the athlete, adequate time to identify with your coach aspects of
your orienteering that you need to improve on and then to prioritise and cost activities designed to
address these needs for the full season.
Lastly, it is worth noting that funds can only continue to be distributed if they are raised! We would
ask all applicants to consider how they can also contribute to the fund, either now or in the future.
For example in a group, or with your club, put on a local training / shadowing / competition day. Or
host a fundraising orienteering/trail race/hill race event.
British Orienteering Athlete Support Group
Secretary: Jason Inman, 3 Symon Field, Dunblane, FK15 0GA
Tel.01786 823094
Treasurer: Ann Smith, Wood Ghyll, Crosthwaite, Kendal, Cumbria. LA8 8HX Tel.01539 568671
Honourable President: Martin Hyman
Support Grant Criteria (2016)
These criteria have evolved from a process of constant consultation and amendment. They are not
regarded as obligatory rules, but as guidelines which may be varied in special circumstances.
1. Grants are for foot orienteering only.
2. Grants will be used primarily to support athletes/groups who have identified, on their
application, specific areas in their technical and competitive orienteering as a focus for
improvement. Applicants should explain in detail how the initiative/activity would help to
raise the standard of their orienteering.
3. Grants will not normally be the first source of funding and will only be made to those who
have applied to other sources (e.g. club, council, school / college.) Ann Smith can offer
advice on this). See also http://www.charitychoice.co.uk/charitysearch.asp Applicants must
list applications made to other sources and the status of these applications.
4. Athletes who show the potential to improve to a high standard will be considered more
favourably than those who have maintained the same level of performance for some time.
5. Grants will not normally be made to support expenses of athletes/groups in taking part in
the British Orienteering funded training / competition programme (unless significant
personal contributions are required), nor in attending at selection races.
6. Grants will not support activities that have already taken place.
Your plans, made in
consultation with a coach, should be designed to give a maximum opportunity for
7. Grants are not intended to subsidise normal living expenses.
8. Grants will not normally exceed £1000 unless considered within a group’s co-ordinated
activity application submission (eg SEDS application in 2013 to support Finland training).
Orienteering Athlete Support Group
Secretary: Jason Inman, 3 Symon Field, Dunblane, FK15 0GA
Tel.01786 823094
Treasurer: Ann Smith, Wood Ghyll, Crosthwaite, Kendal, Cumbria. LA8 8HX Tel.01539 568671
Honourable President: Martin Hyman
Orienteering Athlete Grant Application for 2016
1. Your Standard. Please describe your current competitive standing in orienteering in Britain
and internationally, if relevant. An honest and realistic statement of your current level, both
technical and physical, is a vital starting point for your planning.
Results in orienteering and other physical races may serve as examples.
Please enlarge these boxes to fit what you wish to say!
2. Goals. Please outline your goals in orienteering. Goals should be described not only in terms
of results but also of skills development. Please be realistic and consider the time that it takes to
3. Areas for Improvement. Please specify the main areas of orienteering that you have
identified for improvement and explain how improvement in each of these areas will contribute to
your goals.
4. Activities and Costs. Please outline the activities which you propose to undertake in order
to deliver the improvements that you have identified. Note that you do not need to describe more
than one activity. Please provide lots of detail.
Say what / when / where
How will it help towards
your aims?
Approx Cost
Items e.g, Travel, accomm
Total Cost
5. Sources of Income. Include student grants and other grant negotiated on your behalf e.g.
Winning Students
Annual £
Regular Job
Sports Funding
Students, Uni Bursary
and other sources)
Total £
6. Grants Applied For. Note that the Fund will not give a grant unless you have tried other
sources. Only include grants that you have applied for yourself.
Please contact Ann Smith for advice on how to apply.
Application to (e.g. Sports Aid, club, local council)
Total £
6. Coach’s Endorsement. Your coach must be satisfied that you have well thought-out plans
for the season and that the activities for which you seek support will enhance your achievement of
these plans. Be considerate and give your coach time to provide comments well ahead of the
deadline. A coach’s endorsement on this form (not separately) is mandatory.
If you do not have a personal coach, then please consult someone appropriate.
Coach’s name
7. Additional Information (if you wish to add more information or explanation, this can help
the Support Group to understand fully your aims, plans and commitment):-
Once completed: delete pages 1 and 2 of this document (instructions and
criteria) then save it in Word as Firstname Surname 2016.doc and send to
Ann Smith:- roger.smith100@btinternet.com by 10th January 2016.
Ann will acknowledge all applications successfully received. If you do not hear from her before the
closing date please get in touch!