2-page proposal file

Evaluating Information-thematic Competence of Future Translators
Svitlana Amelina, Rostyslav Tarasenko, Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of
Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of testing information-thematic competence of future
translators for the agrarian sector. The complex testing system is developed. The testing of
terminology training achievement of students based on thematic networks, identifying stages of
testing are proposed. It is shown that this system ensures accuracy of determining formed level of
information-thematic competence of future translators for the agrarian sector. Four testing stages
are considered: current, thematic, modular, and final (semester). It is discovered that creating a
complex testing system must be based on the following methodological principles taking into
account such features: from the simple to the complex; from concrete to abstract; from general
scientific to narrow branch orientation.
Information-thematic competence belongs to the main competences, which should be formed during training future
translators (Competences, 2006). It is directly related to the mastering terminology by future translators. This is
because the correct use of terminology is critical to the quality of the translation, regardless of the content of the
translated text. This ensures consistency between source and target languages, effectiveness and adequacy of the
translation. Discrepancies in the translation of terminology may adversely affect the outcome of translation activity
and, consequently, cause difficulties in the work of the experts to whom documentation was translated. Wrong
translation of branch terminology may cause difficulties in the work through the use of translated materials and even
production problems. So, we studied effective ways of working with the terminology as necessary and important
part of the formation of information-thematic competence during training future translator.
Literature Review
One way of forming informational-thematic competence in the aspect of studying the terminology can be a thematic
network, which is one of the innovative approaches of Framework Program (Amelina, Azzolini, 2006) created in the
international project "Framework Program of the German language for professional communication for universities
in Ukraine". The project participants are Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Romania,
Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, France, Croatia and the Czech Republic.
It is appropriate to use the content network created by the results of joint discussion between teacher and students for
the selection of topics and situations for learning a foreign language. Thematic networks and authenticity of training
materials are the main criteria in the selection of branch texts. When creating such networks the choice of thematic
content is made in the direction from the common content area to specific topics depending on the coordination of
the interests and goals of students for using the gained knowledge in their professional work.
Our research has shown that it advisable to evaluate the results of the study of terminology on the basis of thematic
networks by testing. This is because testing helps determine the level of information-thematic competence taking
into account the following characteristics: knowledge of meanings of terminological units and their understanding;
possession of the semantic valence of words and structures of foreign language; skills to choose appropriate terms
and use them; possession of uniqueness and polysemy; ability to differentiate forms and means of language; ability
to translate in specific thematic area based on knowledge of the branch vocabulary. The process of control of the
quality of training future translators in the information-thematic aspects is to carry out, in our opinion, using the
complex testing system.
The complex testing system involves the use of different stages of test control, consistent with the logic of the
educational process, at certain stages of the formation of the information-thematic competence on a given scheme of
developed thematic network. In particular, we consider the following stages of testing: current, thematic, modular,
and final (semester).
We have used specified testing stages for information-thematic competence in the study of subject "Semantic and
stylistic features of translation of branch texts" (in German). The content of that subject involves the formation of an
agrarian terminological base, particularly within modules: electrification and mechanization, veterinary medicine
and zoo engineering, agronomy and horticulture, ecology and agrarian law. During a detailed study of the content of
these modules and test control of their mastering we consider on the example of module "Elektrifizierung und
Mechanisierung"("Electrification and mechanization"), that includes one of the directions of the thematic network
"Elektrotechnik" – "Elektromotoren" ("Electrical Engineering" – "Electric motors"). The structural scheme of the
complex testing system is shown in Figure 1.
bürstenlose Motoren
Modul 1. Mechanisierung und Elektrifizierung der Landwirtschaft
(Elektromotoren, Bodenbearbeitungsgeräte)
Modul 2. Veterinärwesen und Tierkunde (Veterinärwesen, Tierkunde)
Modul 3. Pflanzen- und Gartenbau (Pflanzenbau, Gartenbau)
Modul 4. Ökologie und Agrarrecht (Ökologie, Agrarrecht)
Stage 1
Current testing
Stage 2
Thematic testing
Stage 3
Modular testing
Stage 4
Final testing
(Semester testing)
Figure 1. Structural scheme of the complex testing system
The first stage provides control of formation of terminological base of the structure, characteristics and area of
application of one of the engine types. Current test control is carried out systematically in the learning process in
order to obtain information about mastering linguistic material and the formation of respective competencies of
students. The second stage is a generalization for different types of motors (asynchronous, synchronous, collectors,
commutatorless). Thematic test control is carried out after completing work on specific topic. The main functions of
thematic control are controlling and evaluating functions. Thematic test improves the quality of the learning process,
because in this case the gaps in students' knowledge are defined and targeted correction is implemented to fill it. The
third stage defines the formation of terminological base of technical direction within the module "Electrification and
mechanization". The fourth stage combines the results of formation of information-thematic competence for
professional work in translation of branch texts for agrarian sector.
Conclusion and discussion
The developed complex testing system, which provides control of terminology training students, is based on the
involvement of resources of thematic networks in the chosen specialization of thematic areas, identifying stages of
testing and types of tests according to these stages. The proposed complex testing system can be implemented in
software shell Moodle.
Amelina, S., Azzolini, L. (2006). Rahmencurriculum für studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht an ukrainischen
Hochschulen und Universitäten. Kiew, Lenvit, 90p.
Competences for professional translators, experts in multilingual and multimedia communication (2009). Brussels,
January, 7 p.