Year 4 Spellings Autumn 1 Highlight any you are still finding tricky - keep this copy at home for regular practise. Practise your spellings regularly but remember it is the rule that is the most important area to learn. Write them in a sentence so that you can show that you understand how to spell the words, what they mean and the rule that they show. Can you find any words that follow the same rule? Write them down and bring them in to share. Get your parents to test you and remember to play some of the games you have used in class and online .Teach your family how to play. We have coloured coded the words but unless we tell you otherwise we would like you to try and learn all of them please. Remember the list of words that you need to learn in Years 3 and 4 is in your planner on page 114. Year 4 Autumn 1 Year 3 Revision – frequently used words/Days of the week w/c: 14/9/15 (to be tested 21/9) Rule: Homophones & near homophones – words that sound the same but are spelt differently with different meanings. w/c: 21/9/15 (to be tested 28/9) Rule: Homophones & near homophones – words that sound the same but are spelt differently with different meanings. w/c: 28/9/15 (to be tested 5/10) Rule Consonant ‘le’ syllables found at the end of words include: ‘ble’, ‘cle’, ‘fle’, ‘gle’, ‘kle’, ‘ple’. ‘stle’, ‘tle’, ‘zle’. w/c: 5/10/15 (to be tested 12/10) Rule Using the magic ‘e’. Handy hint: Magic Mrs ‘e’ makes the vowel say its name, but she keeps quiet and does not make a sound. w/c: 12/10/15 (to be tested 19/10) Olney no to apple cub only know too table cube because new two candle cap people knew of kettle cape Monday some off jungle rat Friday sum ate bubble rate Sunday hole eight castle gap Tuesday whole right treacle gape Wednesday made write whistle retire Thursday maid flour drizzle require flower scribble Games to play: Hangman Kim’s game ( write out each of the words and then take one away – you then have to spell the missing word) odd one out , write 3 versions of the word you are spelling and try to identify the correctly spelled version.# Scrabble is a great game for practicing spellings and encouraging more ambitious vocabulary How many words can you make – eg from condensation (sat, sad, not etc) Countdown type games with a random choice of letters, make the longest word you can Reading regularly and playing word finding games with dictionaries will also extend your knowledge of words and letter patterns . The more you practice the better you will become Other ideas for spellings practice, many other games and a comprehensive list of all Year 4 spellings can be found on the OMS website in the ‘Parents’ section, under the ‘learning resources and support’ page.