Guidelines to Bidding, Hosting and Attending Australian National Assemblies In Australia the National Committee (usually the Club President) and SIA Executive meet twice a year at the National Assembly. The National Assembly, including AGM, must be held by 31st March each year with the mid-year meeting held during August/September. These meetings are open to all Skålleagues with each club requested to send at least 1 voting delegate. The meeting is conducted from Friday evening to Sunday morning. The National Committee comprises the voting delegates from each of the Clubs, who must be an Active, Life or Retired members of their Club. Retired members may not, however, hold representative office. All Clubs are requested to submit their President’s Report and Financial Statements prior to the March National Assembly / AGM - preferably concurrent when submitting “Form 2” to Skål International. Matters pertaining to the development of Skål International Australia (SIA) and Skål issues at large are discussed at these meetings as well as consensus on SIA’s position for the World Congress. It is expected that delegates shall have discussed agenda points with their respective committees / members prior to attending the National Assembly. National Assembly / Annual General Meeting - The Agenda shall include the election of Board Officers, as required, the report of the President, Secretary and Treasurer and other office bearers plus the annual budget and financial reports. Notice of meetings – Skal International Australia will inform the Clubs, the Officers of the Board and Skål International, in writing, 60 days prior to the meeting, of the time and place of the meeting and invite items for consideration and inclusion on the agenda, specifying the National offices due for election. Agenda - Clubs must submit, in writing, to the SIA Secretary, any items they wish included on the Agenda and the name, together with a professional and Skål curriculum vitae, of any Skålleague they wish to nominate as candidate for the offices due for election, at least 30 days prior to the date of a National Assembly/AGM. The final Agenda, approved by the President, shall be sent to Board Officers, Clubs and Skål International, by the Secretary at least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting. Clubs with up to 65 Active, Life and/or Retired members shall have 1 vote. Clubs with 66 or more Active, Life and/or Retired members have a maximum of 2 votes. Each club can bid to host a National Assembly and/or AGM, which is voted upon at the National Assembly. It is a requirement that the bidding club presents a budget and suggested itinerary for hosting the National Assembly at the meeting 12 months prior for the National Committee to approve. As a guide to bidding/hosting a National Assembly the following is suggested: Accommodation Rates Accommodation rates (depending on location) from $130 per room per night including breakfast. Rates up to $170+ have been "accepted"(mainly larger cities). Also offer a room only rate. Host Club to negotiate rates and manage reservations process. Attendees to make own accommodation reservations and settle own accounts. SIA Secretary will make the SIA Executive accommodation reservations and the SIA Treasurer will pay their accounts. It is preferable that the accommodation will be in the same venue as the National Committee meeting. What does Skål International Australia pay for? The costs associated with the conduct of the National Assembly e.g. meeting room hire (if not FOC) Morning Tea/Coffee, lunch, afternoon tea/coffee if required Hire of any a/v, audio, microphones (fixed & roving), Internet connection, projection screen/flip charts, etc. Some of these items could be included in the FOC room hire (depending on the GM/member). Venue signage for the NC meeting - Skål International Australia (meeting). SIA Treasurer pays the Welcome Cocktail costs for the SIA Executive, any visiting Skål International Executives and SIA guests ONLY. The voting Delegate/s per Club pay their own and SIA reimburse later to save any confusion. All other attendees pay own costs. SIA Treasurer pays the Saturday night dinner costs for the SIA Executive and the voting Delegate/s per Club, any visiting Skål International Executives and guests of SIA ONLY. All other attendees pay own costs. Clubs should be aware that depending upon the activities that they wish to promote or showcase, SIA shall only reimburse the above items to the agreed level. Anything over and above will need to be funded by the host club. The host Club is responsible for: Welcome Cocktails: Host Club to arrange – the cost to be approx $50 $55 pp range for 1½ - 2 hrs. All attendees are to pay the host Club. Saturday Evening Dinner - it is suggested that it be a normal Skål meeting dinner (2-courses, pre-dinner drinks, etc.). Cost to be kept at approx $100 - $120 pp. This should allow for some flexibility of menu choice and any "entertainment" the host Club deems it can offer or afford. Rate should be the same for delegates, observers and partners. The venue signage for the Cocktail & Dinner functions is to be: Skål International (club name). Optional Touring: Host Club to arrange and provide itineraries, costs, etc. This is not a requirement as normally the National Committee meeting will continue into Saturday afternoon. Partner touring programs can be included. The above-referred information must be provided to the SIA Executive for review and acceptance prior to being presented to the National Assembly 12 months in advance of the event date. The National Executive is responsible for ensuring that the best possible arrangements to meet the cost expectations of the National Committee are presented to the National Committee. Any significant variance to the guidelines will need to be addressed by the bidding Club The National Committee must approve the "proposal" before any commitments are made. Host Clubs must include in their submissions details of travel options to the destination together with any special Skål "deals" which can be arranged. It is important that the accommodation reservation process is clearly spelt out complete with email/telephone/fax plus any special res code details. Meeting Venues To contain costs, the short v long haul venues formula was introduced. East Coast (short haul) venues include: Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide. Long haul venues include: Tasmania, Queensland (except Brisbane, Sunshine & Gold Coasts), WA and NT. An important consideration is ease and frequency of flights and access to airports. Ideally 1 "long haul" venue is considered every two years. Travel cost/fares: Each attending Club will receive a travel subsidy for 1 delegate per Club. The travel subsidy is based on the “O” class, or best available promotional airfares, from their home port as determined by the SIA Treasurer 2 months prior to the National Assembly. The Clubs shall be advised of the reimbursement amount via the Secretary. SIA will pay the travel subsidy following the National Assembly automatically to all Clubs that attend the National Assembly. Clubs are reminded to plan ahead and save money by making air reservations using the best available promotional fares as early as possible. Terminology SIA Executive – Consists of the President; Senior Vice President; Junior Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer and International Councillor. Prime responsibility is to represent the interests of the Skal Clubs in Australia, the interests of Skål International Australia within Skål International via the International Councillor and to action the wishes of the National Committee. National Committee - The National Committee incorporate all the Clubs of Australia and the representative/s would normally include the Club President. International Skål Council - The Council is an advisory body to Skål International. It is made up International Councillors from each Skål Country.