NAME: _________________________________ Our Solar System Project Getting Started Before we get started on any project we should always take a look at the RUBRIC. A rubric tells us what needs to be included in our project/report and how it will be graded. Below is the rubric for your Our Solar System Project. 4 Title Headings Paragraphs (Must include 2 paragraphs) Picture Captions Table Text Box Neat and Organized 3 2 1 0 Title expresses Title expresses Title expresses Incorrect title. the topic and is the topic and is the topic but is The title does creative and creative. not creative. NOT tell the original. topic. Headings express Headings express Headings express Headings do NOT the main idea and the main idea and the main idea but tell the main idea. are creative and are creative. are not creative. original. Paragraphs are Paragraphs are Paragraphs are Paragraphs are complete. They complete. mostly complete. mostly state the main They state the They either do not incomplete. idea, have at least main idea and include a main 3 supporting have at least 3 idea or do not details, and are supporting include 3 creative and details. supporting details original. Picture is Picture is Picture is mostly Picture is complete, complete and complete. incorrect or accurate, and accurate. incomplete. includes at least 3 details. Caption is Caption is Caption is mostly Caption is complete, adds complete and complete. It does incorrect or details that are not adds details that not add details incomplete. already obvious are not already that are not in the picture, is obvious in the already obvious creative and picture. in the picture. original. Table is complete. Table is complete. Table is mostly Table is incorrect It includes 3 It includes at least complete. It or incomplete. details and is well 3 details. includes less than organized. 3 details. Text box is Text box is Text box is Text box is complete. It complete. It mostly complete. mostly includes at least 3 includes at least 3 incomplete. sentences and sentences. explains a new and interesting fact. Project is neat and organized. No title. No headings. No paragraphs. No picture. No captions. No table. No text box. Project is not neat and organized. _______/30 EXAMPLE: I. II. Pick a Planet! ____Earth____ Planning Your Paragraphs a. All great paragraphs have a ___________ ____________! This means they are _____________! b. Paragraph #1: Main Idea: Earth has many characteristics that enable it to support living things. i. We research to find __________________ _____________. Supporting Detail ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Source Page ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Earth is different from its neighbors in space. Our planet is full of plants, animals, and other living things. Astronomers have studied the planets and many other space objects in Earth’s solar system. They have found no proof of life anywhere but Earth. (p 19) How can millions of life forms call Earth home? Special conditions on Earth make life possible. One of the most important is water. All living things on Earth need water to survive. There is a lot of water on Earth. Earth’s deep oceans cover about 70% of the planet’s surface. Oceans are full of salt water, however. Most land animals and plants need freshwater, or water with no salt in it. That’s the kind of water you drink. (p 20) Another important condition for life is Earth’s distance from the sun. Mercury and Venus are closer to the sun than Earth is. On those planets, it is too hot for living creatures. The third important condition for life on Earth is the atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere contains gases called nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Most life on Earth needs oxygen to survive. Plants use carbon dioxide to make food. (p 22) I. II. Pick a Planet! _______________________________________________________________________ Planning Your Paragraphs Main Idea #1: _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting Detail ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Source Page ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Main Idea #2: _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting Detail ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Source Page Write it! (Don’t forget the HEADING!) III. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ IV. V. Find Some Neat Numbers a. A Table usually has numerical data in it. Search for some numerical data about your planet. Pick a Picture and Plan a Caption a. Your picture should be an accurate depiction of your planet. b. Your caption should describe your picture and ADD some interesting information. EXAMPLE: Wrong: Earth looks mostly blue from space. Right: From space you can see that 70% of Earth is covered by water. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ VI. Text Box: Did You Know? a. Your text box should highlight something interesting or amazing about your planet. Your text box should be something that many people wouldn’t know and would be interested to learn! Did You Know? VII. Terrific Title! a. The title expresses the topic and main idea of the poster. What is the poster ALL about? A title should also make someone want to read your great work! If it is boring or plain no one will want to read it. ______________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Plan Your Poster a. It is important that your poster ____________ ____________! Think about a gift. Would you buy someone a diamond ring and wrap it in toilet paper?! NO WAY! So, make sure to present your great ideas in a way that ___________ ____________. Mercury Main Idea #1: Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Main Idea #2: Until recently scientists and astronauts had only been able to visit and study Mercury once. Pluto Main Idea #1: Pluto is different from other planets in our Solar System. Main Idea #2: Another reason that Pluto is so unusual is its moon Charon. Saturn Main Idea #1: Saturn is made of solids and gases just like Earth, but unlike Earth you would not want to land on Saturn! Main Idea #2: Saturn is not the only planet in our Solar System with rings but Saturn has the most. Mars Main Idea #1: Living on Mars would be similar to living on Earth in many ways. Main Idea #2: Living on Mars would also be very different from living on Earth. Jupiter Main Idea #1: Jupiter is a gaseous planet. Main Idea #2: Jupiter is a stormy planet. Uranus Main Idea #1: No humans have ever been to Uranus, but high powered telescopes and a space probe from 1977 have helped scientists learn what they do know about Uranus’s surface and atmosphere. Main Idea #2: Like Saturn Uranus has many moons and rings. The Sun Main Idea #1: We can see the Sun’s energy in many different ways. Main Idea #2: The Sun helps the Earth in many ways. The Moon Main Idea #1: The moon does not actually change shape but sometimes it looks like it does. Main Idea #2: Because the moon is so close, scientists know quite a bit about the surface and the atmosphere of the moon.