66. A naturally occurring inorganic solid which is composed of

66. A naturally occurring inorganic solid which is composed of crystals of one pure element or compound is
called a(n) _______________________________
Example: Gold, Silver, Quartz, Calcite, Asbestos
The field of geology which is involved with the study of the composition, properties and formation of
minerals is called ____________________________________________.
68. A(n) ________________________________ is a naturally occurring solid which is composed of one or
more different minerals. Example: Sandstone, Marble, Granite
69. The field of geology which is involved with the study of the composition, properties and formation of
rocks is called ________________________________
70. The three major types of rocks which compose the crust of the earth are:
A. ______________________________________ rocks
B. ______________________________________ rocks
C. ______________________________________ rocks
71. ____________________________________________ rock is formed when molten rock cools and
hardens. Example: Granite, Basalt, Quartz
72. The two major classifications or types of
igneous rocks are:
A. _________________________________________________ igneous rocks
B. _________________________________________________ igneous rocks
73. Extrusive igneous rocks are sometimes called __________________________________ igneous rocks.
74. Intrusive igneous rocks are sometimes called ___________________________________ igneous rocks.
75. When magma slowly cools and hardens beneath the surface of the earth it forms a type of igneous rock
called _____________________________________ or _____________________________________
igneous rocks which usually contain large mineral crystals that can easily be seen with your eyes
without the use of a magnifying glass.
76. When lava rapidly cools and hardens on the surface of the earth it forms a type of igneous rock called
________________________________________ or _______________________________________
igneous rocks that contain very small mineral crystals that are very difficult to see with your eyes and
usually require the use of a magnifying glass in order to see them.
77. The slower magma or lava cools and hardens the _______________________________________ the
mineral crystals will be in the rock that forms from that magma or lava.
78. ____________________________________________ rock is formed when fragments or pieces of other
rocks, minerals, or organic materials are cemented together by some natural physical and/or chemical
process. Example: Coal, Sandstone, Shale
79. _____________________________________________ rock is formed when heat, enormous pressure or
chemical reactions cause existing rocks to change into new types of rock. Example: Marble, Slate,
80. The continuous process in which rocks change from one type to another is called the
_____________________________________________ cycle.