Knights of Columbus

St. Anne’s Parish, Barrhead
Journey to Bethlehem: The committee for Journey to Bethlehem are requesting a
donation of 10 dozen squares or cookies by Thursday, November 26 for the Journey to
Bethlehem outside performance. These can be left in the kitchen for pick-up.
Mass Times, Dates and Intentions
Nov 16 - 22, 2015
Full Time Parish Secretary Position: Are you interested in working in the parish
Laurant Jubinville (RIP)
Knights of Columbus
7:00 pm
Mass at Fort Assiniboine @ 7pm
Carl Zubot (RIP)
office from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 1 pm 4 days a week (hours are flexible).
This position would include book-keeping on Quick Books; Word; Excel and Parish
Friendly. If you are interested please call the office at 780.674.2662.
Knights of Columbus
9:30 am
Holy Souls
Donna Ameerali
9:00 am
Michelle Taylor
Donna Ameerali
7:00 pm
George McDonald (RIP)
Lari McDonald
9:30 am
All Parishioners
7:00 pm
(Fort Assin)
Mass at St. John Vianney, Fort Assiniboine: Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00pm
Swan Hills:
Knights of Columbus: Meeting, Thursday, Nov 19 at 7:30pm beginning with Rosary
Expenditure Requests: Envelopes are at the entrance to the church for committees
submitting an expenditure request for their committee for next year's budget. Deadline to
submit the request is December 31st. Any questions, please call the office.
Last Week’s Donations:
6:30 pm. All ladies in our parish 'you can also bring a friend', are invited
to the Ladies Christmas Party. Bring a $10 wrapped gift for the gift
exchange. Bring a $5 donation and your name will be entered for a
door prize, proceeds towards the food bank. Please bring a salad or
dessert for the supper. Any questions, please call Sandra Hein at
780.674.3943. The sign-up sheets are at the entrance to the church and hall.
Deadline to sign up: December 3.
or mass at 7:00pm.
St. John the Evangelist, Swan Hills
Ladies Christmas Party: will be held on Monday, December 7th @
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained: Whether you want to
grow in your faith or just learn about the Catholic Church for the first
time, Symbolon will take you through a journey into the timeless beauty
and truths of the Catholic faith and reveal God’s incredible love for us –
the story of our salvation. Join us for any or all 10 sessions (1 ½ hour each).
Location & Time: St. Anne’s hall after 7 pm Mass on Tuesdays. On occasion
these may be changed to Monday evening. Please see the insert for the Tenth
Session. November 24, Tuesday evening @ 7:30 pm.
Sunday Bulletin: Is available after mass at the entrance to the church and hall.
Decorate the Hall: The Ladies Group and K of C are invited to
decorate the hall for Christmas on Thursday, November 26 at 7 pm.
Youth Group: The youth are collecting back packs for the homeless (new or used).
We are also collecting coats, socks, mitts, toques, granola bars & Deodorant.
Please drop off any items in the entrance to the hall (in the cloakroom area, behind the
bulletin board). Deadline to receive items is Tuesday, November 24.
Youth Group Meetings: Next Youth group meeting is on
November 18 @ 5 pm in the overflow. On November 25 the youth
will have a meeting focussing on pocket prayers and adopt a family.
Philippine Mass: Will be held on Sunday, December 6 at 6 pm. Everybody is
St. Anne’s Parish
Holy Year of Mercy: In view of Pope Francis declaring the coming year as a
Jubilee of Mercy there will be a Holy Year of Mercy. Also he has decreed that in
each diocesan cathedral there is to be a Holy Door of Mercy just as there will be in
St. Peter's and other basilicas of Rome. So, here in St. Paul on Monday, December
7 at 7 pm with a Vatican-provided "Rite of the Opening of the Door of Mercy", and a
solemn Mass concelebrated by our priests and with as many parishioners who are
able to attend, we shall open our Holy door and inaugurate the Jubilee of Mercy in
the St. Paul Diocese. Sign-up sheets are at the entrance to the church and hall if
people want to car pool.
5210-50 Street
Box 4536
Barrhead, AB T7N 1A4
Ph: 780-674-2662
Fax: 780-674-2494
Office Hours: Mon to Thurs 9am to 1 pm
Pastor: Fr. Johnny VC, ims
St. Anne’s Parish, Barrhead: Saturday 7:00 pm and Sunday 9:30 am
St. John the Evangelist, Swan Hills: Sunday 1:00 pm
Maintenance Volunteers: A couple of guys or ladies are needed to join the
maintenance volunteers currently maintaining our church. If you are available to
work for 2 months a year please contact Greg Gramlich at 780.674.3520.
Baptism Course: If you wish to have your child baptized in the Catholic Faith
you must first attend a one hour baptism course. The next course is Monday,
November 30th at 7 pm in the hall. Please register at the office @ 780.674.2662.
2016 Missals - $4/each: Missals are available at the entrance to the church &
hall. The $4 for the missal can be put into the collection basket. Thank you.
Christmas Choir: Please note choir practices are Wednesdays, from 7:30 –
9:00 pm at the Barrhead United Church. We are working on the cantata “All is Well”,
and will be presenting this to the public on Sunday, December 13th, at the United
Church. This is also what we will be performing for Midnight Mass, so please join us!
We need more voices! For further information, please call Chris at 780. 674.2607.
Confession: Fr. Johnny VC will be available for confession 1 hour
before mass on Saturday and Sunday. You can also contact Fr.
Johnny directly at 780.674.2662 to set up a time for confession.
Coming Events at St. Anne`s
10 am
Fellowship and Coffee
November 24
7:30 pm
Bible Study
November 25
5:00 pm
Youth Group Meetings
November 26
7:00 pm
Decorate the Hall for Christmas
December 7
6:30 pm
Ladies Christmas Party
We, the members of St. Anne’s Parish, Barrhead believe and accept Jesus Christ as our saviour and share in the continued ministry of the Catholic
Church, in St. Paul Diocese, by partaking in the threefold dimension of kingly, prophetic and priestly ministries of Christ through our baptism.
Following the example of St. Anne in utmost humility and gathered around the Eucharistic table, we will imbibe the Spirit of sharing and service to
our parish community and to our fellow human beings.
Being led by the Holy Spirit, we will deepen our faith through prayer and nourish it through sacraments. As one family of faith, we will volunteer our
time and energy for the greater glory of God, in our parish and in general in our community.
November 22, 2015
 1st Reading: Dan. 7.3-14
 2nd Reading: Rev. 1.5-8
 Gospel: Jn. 18.33b-37
"My Kingdom is not from this world."