Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 1 Education How is learning at school different from learning at home? Story structure Analyze illustations Summarize A Fine, Fine School Humorous Fiction Paired Selection/ Genre One-Room Schoolhouses Informational Text 2 The Court System Why are courts an important part of our government? Conclusions Author’s word choice Infer/predict The Trial of Cardigan Jones Fantasy 3 Volunteers Why is volunteering good for a community and its people? Understandin g characters Story message Analyze/evalu ate 4 Engineering Why is everyone’s role on a project important? 5 Sports What are the traits of a hero? W k Topic: Essential Question Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Vocab Strategies Spelling Grammar Phonics Context clues Short vowels a, e,i, o, u Words with the VCCV pattern Short vowels Simple sentences You Be the Jury Informational Text Dictionary / Glossary VCe spellings Kinds of sentences Destiny’s Gift Realistic Fiction Kids Making a Difference Informational Text Antonyms Long vowels a, e, i, o, u Words with the VCe pattern Common vowel pairs ai, ay, ee, ea Long a and Long e spellings Com-pound sentences Compare and contrast Story structure Infer/predict Pop’s Bridge Historical Fiction Bridges Informational Text Word Families with same base word Long o spelled oa and ow Long o spellings Common and proper nouns Cause and effect Literal and nonliteral meanings Visualize Roberte Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates Biography Baseball Poems Poetry Prefix mis- Long i spelled i, ie, igh Long i spellings Plural nouns with –s and –es Read Aloud Ideas Writing Narrative Writing: Descriptive Paragraph Trait: Word Choice Narrative Writing: Dialogue Trait: Ideas Narrative Writing: Personal Paragraph Trait: Voice Narrative Writing: Prewrite a Personal Narrative Trait: Ideas Narrative Writing: Draft a Personal Narrative Trait:Sentenc e Fluency Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k Topic: Essential Question Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre 6 Mammals What makes bats interesting and useful? Sequence of events Domain-specific vocabulary Asking questions Bat Loves the Night Narrative Nonfiction 7 Visual Arts How do pictures help to tell a story? What Do Illustrators Do? Information al Text 8 Traditions What do traditional tales tell readers about life? Text and graphic features Sequence of events Analyze/Evalu ate Conclusions Literal and nonliteral meanings Infer/Predict 9 Performance Arts How is a live performance different from other kinds of entertainment? Inventions What important traits must an inventor have? 10 Paired Selection/ Genre A Bat is Born Poetry Phonics Suffixes -able, -ible Words with the VCV pattern Short What is a and long verb? vowel words Opinion Writing: Response Paragraph Traits:Ideas Jack Draws a Beanstalk Traditional Tale Synonyms Three-letter clusters (scr, spr, str, thr) Threeletter clusters Verb tenses Opinion Writing: Opinion Paragraph Traits: Organization The Harvest Birds Folktale The Treasure Folktale Context clues Silent letters kn, wr Unexpected consona nt spellings Using commas Cause and effect Analyze illustrations Monitor/ clarify Kamishibai Man Realistic Fiction The True Story of Kamishibai Informational Text Dictionary / Glossary Vowel Diphthongs Vowel sounds in town Abstract nouns Opinion Writing: Response Paragraph Traits: Word Choice Opinion Writing: Prewrite a Response to Literature Paragraph Traits: Organization Main ideas and details Sequence of events Summarize Young Thomas Edison Biography Moving Pictures Informational Text Shades of meaning ow and ou Spelling Grammar Vocab Strategies Words with Vowel au, aw, al, and sound in o talk Pronoun and antecedents Read Aloud Ideas Writing Opinion Writing: Draft a Response to Literature Paragraph Traits: organization Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k Topic: Essential Question 11 Inventions How do inventions help athletes? 12 Agriculture Why is it important to grow food crops? 13 Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selection/ Genre Science for Sports Fans Informational Text Vocab Strategies Phonics Spelling Grammar Suffixes – less, -ful,ous Vowel diphthongs oi, oy Vowel sound in joy More plural nouns Sequence of events Text and graphic features Asking questions Theme Point of view Visualize Technology Wins the Game Information al Text Tops and Bottoms Trickster Tale Goodness Grows in Gardens Informational Text Idioms Homo-phones Words ending in -er and -le Homophones Writing quotations American Indian History Why are stories from different cultures important? Compare and contrast Story message Analyze/evalu ate Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend Legend The Trail of Tears Informational Text Homopho nes and homograp hs Contrac-tions with n’t, ‘d, ‘ve Contractions Subject-verb agree-ment 14 People and Animals What are some benefits of dogs interacting with people? Author’s purpose Point of view Summarize Aero and Officer Mike Information al Text Kids and Critters: A Nature Newsletter Informational Text Prefixes in- and im- Words with ar, or, ore Vowel + /r/ sounds Pronoun verb agreement 15 Cooking Why are safety rules important? Understandin g characters Formal and informal language Infer/predict The ExtraGood Sunday Humorous Fiction Imagine a Recipe Informational Text Using a thesaurus Words wih er, ir, ur, or Vowel + /r/ sound in nurse Verb tenses Read Aloud Ideas Writing Informative Writing: Cause and Effect Paragraph Trait: Word Choice Informative Writing: Compare and Contrast Paragraph Trait: Word Choice Informative Writing: Informative Paragraph Trait: Organization Informative Writing: Prewrite an Explanatory Essay Trait: Ideas Informative Writing: Draft an Explanatory Essay Trait: Voice Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k Topic: Essential Question Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selection/ Genre My Smelly Pet Humorous Fiction Vocab Strategies Phonics Spelling Grammar Context clues Words with air, ear, are Vowel + /r/ sounds in air and fear What are adjec-tives and articles? Read Aloud Ideas Writing 16 Conservation Why is it important to take care of our environment? Story structure Theme Monitor/ Clarify Judy Moody Saves the World! Humorous Fiction 17 Fossils What can fossils tell us about the past? Conclusions Point of view Visualize The Albertosaurus Mystery: Philip Currie’s Hunt in the Badlands Informational Text Finding Fossils for Fun Informational Text Suffix -ly Words with /j/ Words and /s/ with /j/ and /s/ Adjec-tives that compare 18 Trees What are some differences among types of trees Text and graphic features Domain-specific vocabulary Asking questions A Tree is Growing Information al Text Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Poetry Word roots Words with /k/and /kw/ Spelling the /k/ and /kw/ sounds Using the verb be and helping verbs Opinion Writing: Problem and Solution Paragraph Trait: Word Choice Social Relationships How do members of a community help each other? Story structure Story message Summarize Two Bear Cubs Myth/Play Whose Land Is It? Informational Text Prefixes pre-, re-, bi Vowel sounds in spoon and wood Vowel sounds in spoon and wood More irregular verbs Opinion Writing: Prewrite a persuasive essay Trait: Ideas Climate What are the coldest places on Earth like? Main ideas and details Literal and nonliteral meanings Infer/predict Life on the Ice Information al Text The Raven: An Inuit Myth Myth Dictionary / Glossary Compound words Compound words What is an adverb? Opinion Writing: Draft a Persuasive Essay Trait: Organization 19 20 Opinion Writing: Persuasive Letter Trait: Ideas Opinion Writing: Opinion Paragraph Trait: Voice Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Spelling Grammar Words with – ed and ing Adverbs that compare Spelling changes: -s, es -ed, -ing Changin g final y to i Making comparisons Suffixes – er and -est Suffixes –ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -er Suffixes –ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -er Posses-sive nouns and pro-nouns The Land Volcanoes Built Informational Text Shades of meaning Prefixes un-, prere-, bi- Prefixes un-,re- Complex senten-ces Narrative Writing: Prewrite a Fictional Narrative Trait: Ideas The Big Cleanup Play Analogies Suffixes -less, -ness, -able Suffixes -less, -ness, Words that com-pare Narrative Writing: Draft a Fictional Narrative Trait: Word Choice Topic: Essential Question 21 Pioneer Life What was life on the prairie like for the pioneers? Story structure Point of view Monitor/clarify Sarah, Plain and Tall Historical Fiction 22 Animal Migration Why do animals migrate to other places? Compare and contrast Author’s word choice Visualize The Grasshop- Word per and the roots Ant Fable 23 Sending Messages How can people communicate over long distances? Sequence of events Formal and informal language Analyze and evaluate Author’s purpose Analyze illustrations Asking questions The Journey: Stories of Migration Information al Text The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman Fantasy Moving the U.S. Mail Informational Text Dog-of-theSea Waves Realistic Fiction Mountains: Surviving on Mt. Everest Information al Text Volcanoes What changes do volcanoes cause? 24 25 Mountains Why do mountain climbers need to be well prepared? Skill/Strategy Text and graphic features Main ideas and details Infer/predict Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selection/ Genre Wagons of the Old West Informational Text W k Vocab Strategies Phonics Prefix non- Base words and –ed, -ing Read Aloud Ideas Writing Narrative Writing: Fictional Narrative Paragraph Trait: Ideas Narrative Writing: Descriptive Paragraph Trait: Word Choice Narrative Writing: Dialogue Trait: Voice Third Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k Topic: Essential Question 26 Determina-tion How does having a goal help people succeed? Main ideas and details Analyze and evaluate The Foot Race Across America Narrative Nonfiction 27 Magnets How would your life be different without magnets? Cause and effect Summarize The Power of Magnets Expository Nonfiction 28 Being Active What are some benefits of being physically active? Fact and opinion Visualize Becoming Anything He Wants to Be Biography 29 Doing Your Best What can you learn from champions? Understanding characters Monitor/clarify A New Team of Heroes Drama 30 Working Together How can children and adults learn from each other? Conclusions Asking questions Saving Buster Realistic Fiction Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selections/ Genre Paca and the Beetle: A Folktale from Brazil Fast Track Poetry Vocab Strategies Spelling Grammar Phonics Read Aloud Ideas Writing Suffix -ion Common final syllables -tion, -sion, -ure Words with VCCV pattern Abbreviations Informative Writing: Compare and Contrast Paragraph Trait: Organization Electromagnets and You Photo Essay Science Fair Project Poetry Magnet Poetry My Blue Belt Day Journal Entry I Chop, Chop, Chop/Long Jump Poetry C-H-A-MP-I-O-N Informational Text Defender Poetry Spellbound Poetry Homograp hs and homopho nes Double consonants Words with double consonants Contractions Informative Writing: Problem and Solution Paragraph Trait: Ideas Word roots Words with ough and augh Words with ough and augh Commas in sen-tences Informative Writing: Instructions Trait: Word Choice Prefixes un-, dis- Words ending in -er, or -le Words ending in -er, or le What is a preposition? Informative Writing: Prewriting Research Report Trait: Ideas Acting Across Generations News Article Company’s Coming Poetry Compoun d strategies Schwa sound Words beginning with aor be- Correct pronouns Informative Writing: Research Report Trait: Organization