March 1, 2012 - Saint Mary`s College of California

Minutes of the Academic Senate
March 1, 2012
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Tomas Gomez-Arias at 3:00 p.m. on March 1, 2012.
Roll was called and the following Senators were present: Chairperson Tomas Gomez-Arias, Vice
Chairperson Claude Malary, Past Chairperson Steve Cortright, Michael Barram, David Bird, Kara
Boatman, Barbara Grant, Sam Lind, Jessica Kintner, Joan Peterson and Parliamentarian Judith White.
Also present were: Provost Beth Dobkin, Dean Patricia Kreitz, and Dean Roy Wensley.
Minutes of the February 9, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved as submitted by voice vote.
3. Chairperson’s Report – Chair Gomez-Arias reported that the Provost did not approve the calendar
change for the spring semester approved by the Senate at its January meeting. The Provost confirmed
that college-wide policies on the credit hour in all of the unit-granting programs, both graduate and
undergraduate, will need to be in place during the next academic year. She looks forward to additional
collaboration with the Senate in developing creative and responsive approaches to addressing these issues.
Chair Gomez-Arias reported that the Facilities Planning Committee is starting to work on the new master
plan. It is anticipated that a plan will be submitted to the Town of Moraga by the end of the year. The
following current projects areplanned: New Recreation Center, Learning Commons (Library), and
McKeon pavilion. The Recreation Center is close to being fully funded, the Learning Commons is
moving toward $40 M and currently have a matching grant for $12M if the college can break ground in
18 months.
Past Chair Cortright asked about the status of the relocation of Rheem faculty back to the campus. Chair
Gomez-Arias answered that the new draft master plan includes academic buildings, which would house
the faculty returning to the campus. He believes the plan is to begin construction within five years.
Provost Dobkin added that said modular office space has been considered, however, the Town of Moraga
wants assurance the modulars would be temporary. Building sites for academic buildings are still being
considered as well as sites for a proposed parking structure.
Consent Agenda: The following items were accepted on the Consent Agenda. Both items were
forwarded to the Consent Agenda from the Undergraduate Educational Policies Committee where they
were approved unanimously.
New Course Proposal for Anatomy for Kinesiology: Biology 13/14
Proposal to Improve the Science Preparation of Students in the Health Human
Performance Major in the Department of Kinesiology
Past Chair Cortright noted that the UEPC had one reservation: the addition of the Anatomy for
Kinesiology course makes a total of four Anatomy courses, each geared to a particular subdiscipline of
the Sciences. It is an index to the increasing specialization of the curriculum.
Dean Wensley explained the Kinesiology major was outgrowing the facility of the cadaver based labs.
Kinesiology is more prevalent in a non-cadaver based lab.
4. Provost’s Updates - Provost Dobkin reported that the searches for the positions of Chief Technology
Officer and Educational Effectiveness are wrapping up. The Board of Trustees is scheduled to meet on
March 9-11, 2012; they are likely to look at the budget once again. At the last meeting the Board of
Trustees passed the Faculty Salary Policy but did not fully fund it. The Faculty Salary Policy requires
that the Provost report out to the Faculty Welfare Committee on the number and salaries of the hard-tohire positions, but she does not yet know the number of hard-to-hire positions for next year.
WASC has recently backed off on its benchmarking of learning outcomes in the core competency areas
for the time being. They are looking into standardized testing. WASC is not backing off of the credit
hours issue, and they will be benchmarking graduation rate data. The 6/6 course accounting goes into
effect next year; a sabbatical is now one-half pay, reduced service counts as a 6th rather than a 7th.
Past Chair Cortright stated that when the Board of Trustees takes an action, a resolution is reported and a
public vote is taken at the public meeting. No resolution concerning the Faculty Salary Policy was
proposed or voted on at the public meeting. He asked for the Provost to interpret the meaning of an item
“accepted” by the Board of Trustees.
Provost Dobkin answered that there was a resolution and a vote taken in Executive Session. She cannot
explain why the vote was not reported out at the public meeting.
5. Committee on Committees – Vice Chair Malary reported on the election calendar. Preference
Surveys have been completed and the nomination ballot will be distributed March 12, 2012. It is planned
to distribute the final ballot on March 26. Unless a run-off ballot is required, the results will be
distributed on April 12.
6. Convocation Commendation Brother Gustavo Ramirez Barba – Vice Chair Malary explained that
each year the Office of Mission provides the name of a Brother to be honored at the Convocation. The
Academic Senate traditionally writes a commendation to be presented to the Brother at the Convocation.
Vice Chair Malary introduced the following Resolution. Vice Chair Malary suggested several friendly
amendments, indicated in bold.
The Academic Senate
Saint Mary’s College of California
In commendation of
Gustavo Ramírez Barba, FSC
on behalf of the Faculty, Students, and Administration of
Saint Mary’s College of California,
in Convocation assembled,
the first day of March, 2012.
the 25th day of April, 2012
Whereas Brother Gustavo’s Ramírez Barba’s dedication to education led him to secure a Bachelor of Arts
in Education from the University of Monterrey, Mexico, in 1976; a second Bachelor of Arts from La Salle
University, Mexico, in 1977; a Masters from Saint Mary’s College of California in 1994; and a Doctorate
from the University of San Francisco in 1998; and
Whereas Brother Gustavo’s Ramírez Barba’s commitment to education led him to begin his distinguished
career as an elementary school teacher of natural sciences and as a soccer coach in the mid-seventies and
early eighties; then to serve as Principal of the Miguel Febres Cordero High School in Guadalajara, as
Director of Education at the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and as Academic Vice President of the
Universidad La Salle Noroeste in the last two decades; and more recently (between 2000 and 2007) to
assume the ultimate educational responsibility as President of ILMES and the Universidad La Salle
Noroeste in Sonora, Mexico; and
Whereas Brother Gustavo Ramírez Barba has zealously illuminated others in his role as consultant for the
Mexican school systems and as a member of the International Council for Lasallian Educational Mission in
Rome, as a volunteer in the Philippines, as a member of the Saint Mary’s College Board of Trustees, and as
Visitor of the District of North Mexico; and
Whereas the academic and administrative work that Brother Gastavo Ramírez has undertaken has always
come pari passu with the direct relief of the sick, the subaltern, the oppressed or those bereft; or for the
rescue of youth at risk or in need of example, protection, and guidance; and
Whereas through his extensive service as trustee or advisor to charitable and educational organizations—
local, national and international in scope; Lasallian and civic in nature— Brother Gustavo Ramírez Barba
has multiplied the fruit of his generosity:
We, therefore, the Members of the Academic Senate of Saint Mary’s College, herewith unanimously attest:
Brother Gustavo Ramírez Barba, Saint Mary’s alumnus, returns as the College’s preceptor and ours, to
whom are due our heartfelt thanks and warmest commendation.
In testament thereto, we have subscribed our signatures this day, Thursday, the first day of March, at Saint
Mary’s College in Moraga, California, in the year of Our Lord, 2012.
The Resolution was approved unanimously by hand vote.
7. Faculty Handbook Revision of the Library Committee – Vice Chair Malary introduced the proposed
Faculty Handbook amended language, Library Committee. The proposed amended language was
submitted by Dean Patricia Kreitz. The Committee on Committees reviewed the document, made several
suggestions for revision, which have been accepted by Dean Krietz. Jim Sauerberg has also reviewed the
document for insertion into the Faculty Handbook.
Dean Kreitz explained that the current membership has her position listed as Chair, which is
inappropriate. She said the Library Committee should be an advisory committee with checks and
balances. Senator Grant commented that adjunct faculty will not be eligible to serve on the committee
under the new structure.
A MOTION was made by Past Chair Cortright and SECONDED by Senator Boatman to adopt the
following revision to section Library Committee, of the Faculty Handbook. Library Committee
Role: The Library Committee serves as an advisory resource to the Dean for Library and Academic
Resources. The chairperson of the Library Committee serves as a liaison between the Dean for Library and
Academic Resources and the Academic Senate.
The chairperson of the Library Committee reports to the Academic Senate on the following issues:
Relations between the professional library staff and other segments of the College.
Library resources, acquisitions and collection development.
The Library’s strategic and financial planning.
Public services of the Library in support of the College’s mission, aims and ideals.
The Committee consists of seven members:
Three ranked undergraduate faculty members, one each from the Schools of Liberal Arts, Science,
Economics and Business Administration, appointed by the chairperson of the Committee on Committees, in
consultation with the Deans of the respective Schools, for two-year renewable terms, appointments to be
One ranked graduate faculty member, appointed by the chairperson of the Committee on Committees
in consultation with the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies, for a two-year term
One staff member appointed by the Chair of the SMC Staff Council, for a two-year term
One graduate student, appointed by the chairperson of the Graduate and Professional Studies Council,
for a one-year term
One undergraduate student, appointed by the Student Body President, ASSMC, for a one-year term
Dean for Library and Academic Resources as an ex-officio member.
Meetings: The Library Committee meets twice per academic year. Additional meetings may be called by
the chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee, Academic Senate, the chairperson of the Academic
Senate or at the request of a majority of the Committee. The Committee elects its own chairperson from
among its sitting faculty members. The chairperson, in consultation with the Dean for Library and Academic
Resources, prepares the agenda for Committee meetings.
The motion was approved unanimously by hand vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Cathe Michalosky
Faculty Governance Coordinator