Meeting: Cheltenham Executive Board Date and Time: August 10, 2014; 6:30 PM – 8:15 PM Agenda: 1. Review and approval of minutes 2. Financial report 3. Covenant fence issue 4. Fencing around ponds 5. Fish replenishment 6. Tree report 7. Resident directory 8. Annual meeting in November 9. Expanding opportunities for more participation 10. Welcome new neighbors 11. Other Members Present: Corinne Smith Cal Frank Cathy Frank Brad Barnes Walter Babb Tom Huguley 1. Review and approval of minutes - Minutes of the June 8, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted. 2. Financial report - For the period 5/30/14 – 8/10/14: interest income of $17.24; expenses of $9, 296.96; balance in checking of $645.56; balance in savings of $62,772.32; available money: $63,417.88 3. Covenant fence issue - Cheltenham attorney, Hans Soltau, continues to work with the attorney of a resident who is requesting to build a 7-foot solid privacy fence. The Board reaffirmed its position to uphold the provisions of the Master Amendment and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions - for Cheltenham which specifically prohibits the construction of this type of fence. The Board discussed and reviewed written documentation of a reminder notice for the annual meeting on Monday, November 22, 1999 where a majority of votes from each of the seven neighborhood sections approved the above Master Amendment and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. - The results of this meeting on November 22, 1999 were communicated to Hans Sotau who provided the required documentation with the Recorder of Montgomery County who then approved and filed the Master Amendment and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. - Residents are referred to the Cheltenham website for a copy of this document which replaced all previous covenants and deed restrictions and now governs all residents in Cheltenham. 4. Fencing around ponds - Debris has been cleared from all the ponds and appropriate repairs made on three gates. Three fence posts need to be replaced. The Board approved funds in the amount of up to $800 for these replacements. 5. Fish replenishment - Because of heavy rains, a large number of fish have died in the ponds. The Board approved $500 to replenish all ponds with a total of up to 50 new fish. 6. Tree report - The Board reviewed reports from an arborist and horticulturist concerning tree health and overall landscaping design for the neighborhood. The report concluded that our original design was very nice and did not need to be revised or replaced. However, we need to consider tree trimming, tree and stump removal, and tree treatment. - After reviewing several estimates, the Board approved the first of several phases to prune trees, remove dead trees, remove stumps, and replant trees during 2014 and agreed on an amount not to exceed $13,000. A subsequent phase is to remove the pear trees and stumps and replace the trees at the Penridge entrance for up to $12,000. This phase will be completed in 2015. 7. Resident directory - The Board considered a suggestion to produce and distribute hardcopy resident directory with addresses and telephone numbers. After some discussion, the Board agreed that the website directory already provided that information. We will ask the web editor to adjust the current list in a way that allows users to sort alphabetically and by address. 8. Annual Meeting in November - Cal will make the arrangement for the next annual Cheltenham Homeowners Association meeting at St Francis of Assisi in November 2014. All residents are encouraged to attend and actively participate in the business of our neighborhood. 9. Expanding opportunities for more participation - The Board has a need for more members of our community to step forward and volunteer to help in a variety of tasks which collectively will help make our neighborhood safe and beautiful. - Please consider volunteering some of your time to help with technology support, greenspace maintenance, electrical and mechanical needs, and a variety of other tasks which need to be done by volunteers to avoid paying for professional services. - If you are willing to help, please contact our president, Corinne Smith, at 470-5559. 10. Welcome new neighbors - The Baldwin Family at 6548 Atterbury and the Magnusson Family at 2153 Baldwin. Welcome to Cheltenham! A welcome letter which discusses the covenant, website, and other important information was given to each new family as well as a welcome gift certificate. 11. Other - A Montessori school in the White’s Corner and Wilmington Pike area has proposed a parking lot, playground, building, and landscape plan which appears to offer minimum impact on surrounding neighborhoods. However, several homeowners are checking into the impact of the school’s proposed landscaping plan. A second meeting on August 26, 2014, at 7:30 PM at the Centerville Municipal Building will discuss this proposed landscaping plan. Cheltenham residents are encouraged to attend, if you have an interest in the landscaping plan and its impact, if any, on our community. - The next meeting of the Executive Board of Trustees will be on October 12, 2014, at 6:30 PM.