Parental Involvement Plan Conway Jr. High School 2012 – 2013 I. Philosophy Parents, alumni, and community members are encouraged to partner with administrators, teachers, and students to development an educational program that promotes academic success. Conway Jr. High believes that parents, alumni, and community members play an integral role in the success of students and the school. II. Program Components Conway Jr. High Parental Involvement Plan will include, but not be limited to, the following components: A. Parent, Alumni, and Community Involvement: Conway Jr. High will strive to collaborate with parents, alumni, and community members to provide the following opportunities. Participation in the ACSIP planning and development process Participation in the Parent Involvement Plan Participation in the PAWS (Parents Assisting With Students) organization Participation in the HAP Program (Homework Assistance Program) B. Communication: Various strategies will be implemented to provide information to parents regarding academics, events, and programs including but not limited to the following items: Edline - Teachers E-mail – Teachers, Administrators, and Parents Parent Link automated phone system – Teachers, Administrators, and Parent Organization (PAWS) Principal e-mail list serve Conway Jr. High website PAWS e-mail PAWS Facebook page Student Handbook Class syllabus Flyers, News Letter, mailed progress reports Positive/encouraging contact by teachers Parent Information Center Conferences – Academic, Placement, and Behavior C. Activities and Events: Spring Jr. High Parent Night/Orientation – May 17, 2012 Summer Registration/Orientation – August 6, 2012 and August 7, 2012 Open House – August 28, 2012 Parents are given a school progress report and an overview of the following: a. What the students will learn. (Common Core) b. How students will be assessed. c. What parents can expect for their child’s education. d. How parents can assist with their child’s education. Steak Out Athletic Event – August 24,2012 Orchestra Cookout – August 24, 2012 PAWS Meetings – The third Thursday of each month @ 6:45 JROTC Parent Booster Club – The first Thursday of each month Parent Teachers Conferences – October 29, 2012 and October 30, 2012 Homework Assistance Program – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 3:20 -4:20 Fall 2012 and spring 2013 Parent Teacher Conferences April 3, 2012 and April 4th 2013 9th grade CAP Conferences – Spring 2013 7th Grade Jr. High Orientation May 2013 D. Resource Materials: Resource materials are available to assist parents with healthy lifestyle, nutrition, academics, parenting, intervention, and study skills. These materials are located in the following areas: Parent Center – Located in the Media Center 7:30 – 4:00 Guidance Center – Located in the South Building 8:00 – 4:00 Attendance lobby – Located in the South Building 7:30 – 4:00 E. Volunteer Plan: Parents will be provided an opportunity to participate in a variety of organizations which may include but not limited to the following clubs and/or organizations: a. PAWS b. ACSIP c. Parent Involvement Plan d. Athletics – Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Track, Wrestling, Cheer and Dance e. Fine Arts – Band, Choir, Art, and Drama f. Academics – Beta, Foreign Language, and FFA g. Student Organizations – Student Council Interest Inventory will be distributed to parent volunteers to determine preference for service, abilities, and area of interest. Parent Survey will be conducted to effectiveness of the Parent Involvement Plan F. Recognition of Parents: PAWS E-mail PAWS Facebook page CJHS News letter CJHS Website III. Information Packet The Parent Guide provides pertinent information for students and parents about Conway Jr. High School. The handbook contains the following information: a. School procedures/Guidelines b. Contact information c. School/District Calendar d. Parent/Community Volunteer Program IV. Parent Center Conway Jr. High provides a variety of parenting material to assist in the parenting process of a Jr. High student. Materials are available in several locations and available to anyone seeking advice or assistance Location: a. Media Center: North building - Main location housing the majority of the available materials. Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 – 4:00 Contact Person – Mrs. Messmer 450-4860 Ext: 245 b. Guidance Office: South building – Academic/Counseling/Family focus Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 – 4:00 Contact Person – Mrs. Sorenson 450- 4860 Ext. 221 c. Lobby: South building – General Information Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 – 4:00 Contact Person – Mrs. Ruble 450- 4840 Ext. 228 V. School Policies School policies/procedures welcome parents and do not discourage parents from visiting the school. Professional development provides two hours of parental involvement best practice training and information for staff and three hours for administrators. In the event of Conway Jr. High being placed on school improvement, Conway Jr. High ACSIP plan will describe the process for providing parents written notice including the cause for the school’s identification and strategies to address the issue. VI. Facilitator A certified staff member will be designated as the Parent Facilitator to serve in the following capacity: a. Promote meaning training for staff and parents b. Establish a welcoming atmosphere c. Ensure parent/community participation in the education of students d. Recognize parents, community members, and volunteers as an integral partners in the education of students Conway Jr. High Facilitator: Tammy McCollum - 450-4860