Dear Martyn, - Welsh Athletics

Minutes of the Officials Committee 6th November 2014 - DRAFT
Members present
John Elward JE
Jeff Marsden JM
Derek Crowder DC
David Jessett DJ
Brian Alvey
Alan Currie
Jane Dakin
Lynette Harris LH
John Chidlow JC
Sue Hooper SH
Olive Dobson OD
Education & Training Officer
Field Rep
Timekeepers Ref
Track Rep
West Region Rep
General Council
East Region Rep
Starter/Marksman Rep
Walks Rep
Apologies for absence
Steve Brace, Denise Harries, Nigel Jones
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with minor changes to
attendees and typing corrections.
Matters arising
Item 7
AC asked for clarification on Richie Jenkins being downgraded to level
2C, DC explained Richie has been downgraded for some time after he’d
decided to come off the national list, Richie has been informed and
understands he cannot provide reports on other level 2Cs.
Item 8
LH informed the meeting she had not received notice of the cancellation
of the Officials Conference. DC had sent emails to those who had
requested their names be added to the attendee list. JC said he’d
turned up for the Endurance Officials conference not knowing it had
been cancelled, also the venue hadn’t been told of the cancellation.
Update on Officials Education & Development
DC gave a comprehensive report – attached at Annex A.
It was agreed DJ would speak to Les Cuthbert to explain the qualification for
Level 3. Action DJ
Upgrading of Officials especially Endurance
DC covered this in his report above.
Officials Committee Members
JM explained he’d asked John Elward to join the committee as Chairman.
Other representatives are:
Jeff Marsden
Derek Crowder
David Jessett
Brian Alvey
Alan Currie
Sue Hooper
Olive Dobson
Jane Dakin
Denise Harries
John Chidlow
Lynette Harries
Secretary/Photofinish Rep
Education & Training Officer
Field Rep
Timekeepers Ref
Track Rep
Starter/Marksman Rep
Walks Rep
West Region Rep
North Region Rep
East Region Rep
General Council
Competition Organising Group
JM informed the meeting he’d met with James Williams about this group and
had agreed, subject to approval from the Officials Committee, JE would
represent the Officials on this Group. Approved.
Conflicts of Interest
JM explained James Williams had sent him the Conflicts of Interest form
requesting all committee members complete it, following discussion it was
agreed further information was required before the Officials Committee
Members would sign the form. Action JM to speak to James Williams.
Timetables for Indoor Events – working group
James Williams has asked for an Officials Representative on this
working group. It was agreed JE would represent Officials.
Indoor Officials Selection
Chiefs, Referees and Technical Officials were selected for the forthcoming
Indoor Season.
1. JM informed the meeting he’d been asked to provide officials for two
indoor field events, Invitational Long Jump and Vault Cardiff. It was
agreed since these were nto Welsh Athletics organized events JM
should include the request for officials in emails then pass on details of
any volunteers to the event organisers. Action JM
2. John Elward informed the meeting at the Indoor Combined Events an
athlete fell after completing the 200 metres and broke his shoulder, the
St John’s first aid crew dealt well with the injury.
Date of Next Meeting
The dates of future meetings are:
Jan 2015
Mar 2015
May 2015
Sep 2015
)- Track & Field only
– includes Endurance
Appendix A
Report for November 2014 Officials Committee
Sections of Report
Progress on Education and Training
Current Training Courses
Future Training Courses
Network Officers
Development of Officials
1 Outstanding applications from Officials
All have been passed to assessors
2 Current Training Courses
The following attended Level 3 T & F Courses in Birmingham last Weekend :Starter/Assistant Course
Robert Hooper, Sue Hooper
Field Course
Jane Dakin, Christopher Price, Gareth Jones, Carina Jones
Track Course
Les Cuthbert
Courses with dates confirmed
11 people attended a Level 2 Endurance course in Newport – last Monday (and next
Level 2 Field Course – for Rhymney Valley A C – next Saturday – includes H & S also
Level 2 Field Course – for Cardiff AAC – November 24th and 27th – includes H & S also
3 Future Training Courses
Netbook training – January 2015
Level 2 Endurance courses in North, Mid and South Wales – March 2015
Edm and Photofinish courses in North West Wales – Jan/Feb 2015
Edm and Photofinish courses in North East Wales – Jan/Feb
Field Referees Course – Niac – March 7th 2015
Courses for Tech Man & Clerk of Course – Niac March 2015
4 Mentoring
Awaiting information from Lynette Harries
5 Network Officers
Concentration on Level 2 Courses at present
6 Development of Officials
The Officials Committee need to select as many as possible of those who attended the
Level 3 course so that preliminary discussions can take place with Uk Athletics
selections for them to get out of Wales experience at Uk and English Matches.
At the same time, Opportunities should be offered to other newer Officials to shadow
senior officials.
Many of our Officials have and will continue to lose their grading unless they
complete their DBS application.
This applies to both Endurance and Track and Field officials what-ever the grade or
8 Endurance pathway
In answer to a query from Paul Brooks, there are several booklets or web site details
which give the method of progression for Endurance Officials.
Simply, the Official has to have attended a Level 2 Training course, have started the
process of Dbs accreditation and to have attended at least four endurance events
and to have carried out at least three differing duties at the 4 events to obtain their
Level 2a Club Award.
To progress to Level 2b County award, there has to be evidence of at least 6 more
events with at least three at higher level of competition.
The progress to the Level 2c Regional award is more complex and the official needs
to have judged at 10 more experiences, 6 of which must be outside the home
country and 4 outside of their home region. They have to provide a satisfactory
positive report from an acceptable official.