2014 Congratualtions letter

February 9, 2016
Elected Official
<<Address Block>>
Dear <<Title and name of Elected official>>,
On behalf of the Board and Staff of the <<your organization>>, please accept my sincerest
congratulation on your success in the recent election. We appreciate your hard work and commitment
in representing District E in the State of Alaska Senate. We share your determination to grow our
economy and give our state and its people a brighter future. Here in Alaska, Museums and Cultural
Centers contribute to our economy and wellbeing through employment and cultural tourism.
As a member of your district, the <<your organization>> provides a valuable service to our community
and the surrounding region. We are much more than a place that stores historic relics or beautiful
works of art. We encourage economic growth and place a high value on our education programs. We
impact the economy by employing <<your stats>> people from our community annually. We spend
over <<your stats>> each year on goods and services in our community annually. We serve over
<<your stats>> annually. And we reach close to 3,000 school children each year through on site and
off site programs. This is just a brief glimpse of who we are. We are part of the solution.
We would very much like the opportunity to give you and your staff an insider's view of how Museums
around the state serve our communities. We are making it even easier for you to hear how Museums
impact our communities. This year, in collaboration with the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the
Humanities Forum, Museums Alaska, the Alaska Historical Society, we are coordinating the 2nd Annual
Fly-in, Culture Humanities Arts Museum Partners (CHAMP), on January 28-30, 2015 in Juneau.
Also, as you begin to prepare for you tenure as <<your district info>> in the great State of Alaska, I
would like to make myself available to you if you should need any assistance on areas involving
museums and cultural tourism here in Alaska. I can be reached prelay@valdezmuseum.org or 907-8352764. In addition, if you are in Valdez, Alaska, do not hesitate to contact the Museum.
Again, thank you for your time and dedication! I recognize your service as Senator of District E does not
come without sacrifice and I am grateful for you service.
Respectfully yours,
<<your name>>
<<your title>>
PS: I will be attending the 2nd Annual CHAMP day in Juneau, January 28-30, 2015. I look forward to
meeting with you to talk more about how museums in Alaska serve to grow the State’s economy.