lesson plan for teaching civilization versus savagery

Teacher Jaime DeMartini___ Class ____ Date _November 12, 2009 Grade Level___9___
Room Number __________ Period __11 R____ Unit lord of the flies_______
Lesson Number ________ and Topic theme and symbolism
For today, students should have read up to chapter four in Lord of the Flies. Students should have also
filled out their study guides that go along with the reading. we will discuss the theme of civilization
versus savagery in the novel and how it relates to the symbols used
Short-range learning objective:
 Students will be able to compare and contrast the theme of “order versus chaos” or
“civilization versus savagery” between the novel, Lord of the Flies, and the play,
Students will be able to prove that the theme of “order versus chaos” applies to both
works, Macbeth and Lord of the Flies.
Students will be able to list common themes that Lord of the Flies and Macbeth share
Students will be able to explain how symbols represent the theme of “civilization versus
savagery” in Lord of the Flies
Long-range learning objectives:
Students will be able to write a critical lens paper in which they describe the relationship
between Macbeth and Lord of the Flies.
Students will be able to compare or contrast a common theme found in both Macbeth and
Lord of the Flies
Anticipatory set
I will begin class by having students take a reading quiz based on their reading for today.
10 min
I will have students take out their reading guides and novels.
5 min
I will explain that since the boys are deserted on an island, they are faced with challenges.
The younger the boys are, they more savage like they will be because they have had less
time in society.
How do you think the community on the island would be different if it were comprised of
all adults rather than children?
Children are less altered by society and have more innocence to them.
A major theme of the work is civilization versus savagery
The central concern of Lord of the Flies is the conflict between two competing
impulses that exist within all human beings: the instinct to live by rules, act
peacefully, follow moral commands, and value the good of the group against the
instinct to gratify one’s immediate desires, act violently to obtain supremacy over
others, and enforce one’s will. This conflict might be expressed in a number of
ways: civilization vs. savagery, order vs. chaos, reason vs. impulse, law vs.
anarchy, or the broader heading of good vs. evil. Throughout the novel, Golding
associates the instinct of civilization with good and the instinct of savagery with
evil. The conflict between the two instincts is the driving force of the novel,
explored through the dissolution of the young English boys’ civilized, moral,
disciplined behavior as they accustom themselves to a wild, brutal, barbaric life in
the jungle. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel, which means that Golding
conveys many of his main ideas and themes through symbolic characters and
objects. He represents the conflict between civilization and savagery in the conflict
between the novel’s two main characters: Ralph, the protagonist, who represents
order and leadership; and Jack, the antagonist, who represents savagery and the
desire for power.
Characters also represent civilization versus savagery
Guided Practice
I will divide the board down into two halves to make a table labeled civilization on one
side and savagery on the other. Students will copy down in their notes. As a class, we will
jot down instances of civilization versus savagery.
5 min
I write on the board: conch, fire, huts, piggy’s glasses, darkness, facepaint
I will ask what these are examples of.
Students will respond that they are symbols
We will discuss what a symbol is
Independent Practice
Students will split into groups. –6 groups. Each group will be given a symbol. Groups must
answer questions about the symbols from activity sheet. We will go over questions
together as a class and everyone will fill in their worksheets.
I will close the class saying that the next chapters are due next Thursday and that I will
distribute reading guides tomorrow.
20 min
5 min
Materials: symbol sheets. novels
Students will be evaluated on if they read or not based on how well they do on their reading quizzes.
Students will also be evaluated on their reading guides.
Lord of the Flies: Symbolism: Civilization Versus Savagery
The conch:
Is the physical description important?
What situations is the conch associated with?
What is the role of the conch amongst the boys?
What does the conch literally and figuratively represent?
What is the conch in our society?
Why is the conch a symbol of civilization?
List all of the instances that fire appears throughout the novel
What types of fire are there?
How are they created?
What situations is fire associated with?
What does fire literally and figuratively represent?
Why is fire a symbol of civilization?
What do huts provide?
Why are they important on the island?
In what situations are the huts mentioned?
Are they a point of conflict?
What do the huts literally and figuratively represent?
Why are huts a symbol of civilization?
Piggy’s glasses:
What do the glasses provide?
How often do they appear?
Which character are they associated with? Is this important? Why?
In which situation are the glasses mentioned? Are they a point of conflict?
What do they literally do? What do the boys use them for?
What re the glasses in our society?
Why are piggy’s glasses a symbol of civilization?
What activities or situations take place in the dark?
What role does darkness play in setting the mood of a situation?
Is darkness ever more than the absence of light? When does it take on a more symbolic role?
Why is darkness a symbol of savagery?
Face paint:
Why do people put face paint on? What is it associated with?
What does the face paint do for the boys? How does it change their behavior?
What character is face paint associated with? Is this important? Why?
Why is face paint a symbol of savagery?
Study collections