HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 Joint Query Health / HL7 Structured Documents Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) Ballot Development Meeting Minutes Location: Conference Call Dial in: (770) 657-9270 Participant code: 310940 Facilitator Rick Geimer rick.geimer@lantanagroup.com Attendee Name Date: June 12, 2012 Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET US Scribe Crystal Kallem crystal.kallem@lantanagroup.com Affiliation x Aaron Cutshall aaron.cutshall@lantanagroup.com x Anne Tallon atallon@csc.com x Bob Dolin bob.dolin@lantanagroup.com Bob Yencha bob.yencha@lantanagroup.com x Brenda Wood BWood@decc.sdps.org x Brian Fitzgerald brian.fitzgerald@lantanagroup.com Bryn Rhodes bryn@veracitysolutions.com x Cem Mangir cmangir@deloitte.com x Cheng Che chengjian.che@lantanagroup.com x Chris Millet cmillet@qualityforum.org x Christina Mandzuk cmandzuk@qualityforum.org x Crystal Kallem crystal.kallem@lantanagroup.com David Shields david.shields@opencds.org x Emma Jones emma.jones@allscripts.com x Erin Fitzsimmons erin@angelecare.com Gaye Dolin gaye.dolin@lantanagroup.com Hongfang Liu liu.hongfang@mayo.edu Jeffrey Klann jklann@partners.org Jennifer Barrett jbarrett@dcgroupinc.com x Jingdong Li jingdong.li@lantanagroup.com x J. Michael Fitzmaurice michael.fitzmaurice@ahrq.hhs.gov Jonathan Landsman jonathan.landsman@thomsonreuters.com Julie Steele jsteele@edaptive.sdps.org x x HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 Keith Boone keith.boone@ge.com x Lauren Wood lauren.wood@lantanagroup.com x Lindsey Hoggle lhoggle@healthprojectpartners.com x Marc Hadley mhadley@mitre.org Mark Lou mlou@csc.com x Megan Goode mgoode@net.com x Nagesh Bashyam (Dragon) nbashy01@harris.com Nancy Lush nancy.lush@lgisoftware.com x Rick Geimer rick.geimer@lantanagroup.com x Rob McClure rmcclure@apelon.com x Robin Barnes rbarnes@dcgroupinc.com x Rute Martins amartinsbaptista@jointcommission.org x Saul Kravitz skravitz@mitre.org Serafina Versaggi serafina@eversolve.com x Stan Rankins srankins@telligen.org x Thomas Lukasik tlukasik@exnihilum.com Todd Harpster todd.harpster@mckesson.com Tony Calice tony.calice@gmail.com x Yan Heras yan.heras@lantanagroup.com x Zeshan Rajput zeshan.a.rajput@accenture.com Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No This is an HL7 Structured Documents subgroup and all decisions will be brought to the regular Structured Documents workgroup meetings. Agenda Topics 1. Review requirements gathered to date The workgroup reviewed requirements compiled to date. Stan R. submitted a number of comments to Dragon that didn’t make it to Crystal for inclusion in the spreadsheet. Dragon will forward the additional requirements for Crystal to incorporate and distribute later today. Additional requirements should be submitted to Crystal ASAP. 2. Define scope of new HQMF ballot requirements Call for volunteers: Tentative meeting tomorrow (June 13th): Rick recommended holding a call tomorrow to review and triage the requirements gathered to date. Keith B. expressed concerned about short notice for the call. Rick clarified that HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 the call is simply focused on triaging requirements to identify those needing more discussion. The call is not intended for making decisions. The resulting work will be reviewed with the HL7 SDWG on Thursday, June 14th to keep the committee informed. 3. Review potential design approaches to HQMF Keith B. shared the Query Health design approach with the group. o The group agreed that HQMF needs to be able to handle continuous variable and ratio measures. o There should be better clarity/distinction in the various components of the population criteria, such as business names for codes to support easier implementation. Aaron Cutshall shared an example of historical XML markup used for measure calculations. 4. Next Steps Supporting Documents Requirement details Wiki: http://wiki.siframework.org/Query+Health+SDWG+Joint+Workgroup Next Meeting Wednesday, June 13, 2012 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET US Preliminary Agenda Items Triage HQMF requirements Action Item Owner Prepare RIM Harmonization Bob Dolin Proposals for discussion with SDWG on Thursday Submit requirements for All discussion Notify Rick / Crystal if you All are able to volunteer time to support ballot development work efforts (e.g., requirements analysis, content development, etc.) Due Date Complete 06/11/12 for discussion on 06/12/12 06/12/12