HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 Joint Query Health / HL7 Structured Documents Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) Ballot Development Meeting Minutes Location: Conference Call Dial in: (770) 657-9270 Participant code: 310940 Facilitator Rick Geimer rick.geimer@lantanagroup.com Attendee Name Date: June 5, 2012 Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET US Scribe Crystal Kallem crystal.kallem@lantanagroup.com Affiliation x Aaron Cutshall aaron.cutshall@lantanagroup.com x Anne Tallon atallon@csc.com x Bob Dolin bob.dolin@lantanagroup.com x Bob Yencha bob.yencha@lantanagroup.com x Brenda Wood BWood@decc.sdps.org x Bryn Rhodes bryn@veracitysolutions.com x Cem Mangir cmangir@deloitte.com x Cheng Che chengjian.che@lantanagroup.com x Crystal Kallem crystal.kallem@lantanagroup.com x David Shields david.shields@opencds.org x Gaye Dolin gaye.dolin@lantanagroup.com x Hongfang Liu liu.hongfang@mayo.edu x Jingdong (JD) Li jingdong.li@lantanagroup.com x Jeffrey Klann jklann@partners.org x Jennifer Barrett jbarrett@dcgroupinc.com x Jonathan Landsman jonathan.landsman@thomsonreuters.com x Julie Steele jsteele@edaptive.sdps.org x Keith Boone keith.boone@ge.com x Lauren Wood lauren.wood@lantanagroup.com x Marc Hadley mhadley@mitre.org x Mark Lou mlou@csc.com x Nagesh Bashyam (Dragon) nbashy01@harris.com x Nancy Lush nancy.lush@lgisoftware.com HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 x Rick Geimer Lantana Consulting Group x Rob McClure rmcclure@apelon.com x Rute Martins amartinsbaptista@jointcommission.org x Serafina Versaggi serafina@eversolve.com x Thomas Lukasik tlukasik@exnihilum.com x Todd Harpster todd.harpster@mckesson.com x Tony Calice tony.calice@gmail.com x Yan Heras yan.heras@lantanagroup.com Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No This is an HL7 Structured Documents subgroup and all decisions will be brought to the regular Structured Documents workgroup meetings. Agenda Topics 1. Meeting Information 2. Timeline 3. Call for Participation (analysts, modelers, editors, etc.) 4. Requirements Gathering Kick-off 5. Next Steps Supporting Documents Inventory of Requirements for Analysis (draft) Minutes/Conclusions: Timeline / RIM Harmonization Crystal K. reviewed the high level milestones/timeline. Rob M. requested that the team determine if there are any requirements that warrant RIM harmonization proposal submission by June 10th. Keith B. stated the ‘timing’ vocabulary may require a proposal. Bob D. indicated the CMS eMeasure Issues Group (eMIG) developed recommendations for vocabulary in the header that should probably be submitted for harmonization. The team agreed to develop RIM harmonization proposals for the two items noted above for review/approval during the HL7 Structured Documents WG call on Thursday, June 7th from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm ET US. Keith B. noted that he is not available during the first hour of the call (SDWG call dial in: 770-657-9270; passcode: 310940). Keith B. clarified that initial proposals are due June 10th. Final proposals are due July 1st. Additional information regarding the HL7 RIM harmonization is available online at http://www.hl7.org/events/harmonization/index.cfm?ref=nav. HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 Call for participation Rick queried the group to determine who may be able to volunteer time to support various pieces of the ballot development work effort. RIM modeling facilitator: o Keith B. indicated he could help develop modeling examples, but will need help producing content for actual ballot production o Bob D. suggested that we seek assistance from one or more of the following individuals - Austin K., Pete G., Andy S., Dale N. Keith B. indicated that if Bob D. provides the XML markup, he can create schema. Analysts (to help analyze requirements): o Rick Geimer o Keith Boone o JD Li Vocabulary facilitator: o Rob Hausam was listed on the HL7 project scope statement – Crystal will follow up to assess his level of interest o Yan Heras can help serve as a back up Editors/authors o No volunteers at this time Rick G. encouraged participants to contact Crystal K. if they are interested in volunteering for any of the roles noted above. Requirements Gathering Rick G. and Crystal K. shared a list of requirements gathered to date. This list will be posted to the wiki. Team members should send requirements to Crystal K. by CoB Monday, June 11th so they can be compiled for the next call on June 12th. Next Meeting Tuesday, June 12, 2012 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET US Preliminary Agenda Items Review requirements gathered to date Approve scope of new HQMF ballot requirements Review of potential design approaches for HQMF Action Item Prepare RIM Harmonization Proposals for discussion with SDWG on Thursday Submit requirements for discussion during the next call on 06/12/12. Notify Rick / Crystal if you are willing/able to volunteer time to support the work efforts Follow up with Rob Hausam to determine if he Owner Bob Dolin / Keith Boone All Due Date 06/06/12 All 06/12/12 Crystal 06/12/12 06/11/12 HQMF Ballot Development Mtg_Minutes_06.05.2012 can support terminology needs. Kallem