Dover Castle trip 2015


19 November 2014

Dear Parents /Carers


– FRIDAY 8 MAY 2015

As part of the GCSE History course at WGSB, Year 10 students are required to carry out a controlled assessment task based around the study of a site of local historical significance and to produce an extended piece of writing based around the evidence gained from a visit to such a site. The site we intent to focus the GCSE controlled assessment task on is Dover Castle and as a result the history department has organised a visit to this location on Friday 8 May 2015.

Entry to the castle is free but a fee of £9 per student* is required, to be paid via the Parent Pay System to cover the cost of the coach to and from Dover Castle. The expectation is that all year 10 students taking GCSE History will participate in the trip as they will struggle to complete their controlled assessment task if they do not do so. The visit to Dover castle will involve visiting key locations such as the Keep, battlements, Saxon Church and Roman Lighthouse in addition to the underground wartime tunnels hospital and Operation Dynamo display. Students will leave school at 8.40 and return by 3.30 and will need to bring a packed lunch and some money for a guide book, £5 should cover the cost (which will be a useful source of information for their research work) and any souvenirs they may wish to purchase.

If you could please acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirmation of your son

’s participation on this trip by completing the form below together with confirmation that payment has been made via the Parent Pay system by Thursday 11 December 2014

Yours Faithfully,

J Wrigley

Head of History.


To: Finance Office


– FRIDAY 8 MAY 2015

STUDENT:……………………………………………………………………………… FORM: …………………………

I confirm payment of £9.00 via the Parent Pay system, by Thursday 11 December 2014. * To view in detail the school’s policy on the funding and contribution arrangements for school trips and activities please see

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the Dover Castle Trip – 2015 . I agree to my son/daughter travelling in a vehicle driven by a member of staff, if the trave l is arranged in this way. I am also aware of the School’s request that parents should not obstruct the return of coaches on to the School site by their parking when collecting students from trips. I agree to my son/daughter receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the qualified medical authorities present. I have detailed overleaf all overleaf all medical details including allergies and current treatment which I feel may be relevant in the case of my son/daughter.

Telephone No: (1) …………………………………………………… (2) ……………………………………………………

I understand that any serious misbehaviour by my son/daughter is likely to preclude his/her participation in future visits. I also understand that if my son/daughter has been suspended from School that he/she will not be allowed to take part in visits during his/her time of exclusion. In either case I understand that the School cannot be expected to refund the costs of any visits, but that they will provide contact details for companies used to organise visits if appropriate. Students should remember that they represent the school at all times and should observe all school rules accordingly, especially those relating to conduct. As such, it must be stressed to all students participating in school trips including those over the age of 16 and 18 respectively that smoking/drinking are strictly prohibited.

Signed:……………………………………………………….…..… Date: ……………………….…




