Shabanu Characterization Studies HW, Ch 1-4 Characterization is when you study a person in a story. You think about all the parts of them that make them who they are: appearance, personality, motivation, and how they interact with others. You will be creating Characterization Studies on the main characters of Shabanu to help you better understand the story. Each week, you will focus on one or two different people. Write between 4-6 notes in each box. Shabanu Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others Phulan Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others 1. If these two sisters came to MCMS and you had to choose only one to be your friend, who would you pick and why? (at least 2 complete sentences) Shabanu Characterization Studies HW, Ch 5-8 Characterization is when you study a person in a story. You think about all the parts of them that make them who they are: appearance, personality, motivation, and how they interact with others. You will be creating Characterization Studies on the main characters of Shabanu to help you better understand the story. Each week, you will focus on one or two different people. Write between 4-6 notes in each box. Dadi Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others Wardak Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others 1. Which of these two men are more powerful (physically, politically, socially, economically) and why? (at least 2 complete sentences) Shabanu Characterization Studies HW, Ch 9-13 Characterization is when you study a person in a story. You think about all the parts of them that make them who they are: appearance, personality, motivation, and how they interact with others. You will be creating Characterization Studies on the main characters of Shabanu to help you better understand the story. Each week, you will focus on one or two different people. Write between 4-6 notes in each box. Mama Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others Grandfather Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others 1. Which one of these two does Shabanu feel closest to? How do you know? (at least two complete sentences) Shabanu Characterization Studies HW, Ch 14-18 Characterization is when you study a person in a story. You think about all the parts of them that make them who they are: appearance, personality, motivation, and how they interact with others. You will be creating Characterization Studies on the main characters of Shabanu to help you better understand the story. Each week, you will focus on one or two different people. Write between 4-6 notes in each box. Nazir Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others Sharma Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others 1. One could argue that each of these characters is powerful. Describe the different ways that each of them is powerful. Which form of power is better and why? (at least THREE complete sentences) Shabanu Characterization Studies HW, Ch 19-23 Look back on characters we studied at the beginning of the novel. Focus on the CHANGES that might have occurred from then to now. Write between 4-6 notes in each box. Shabanu Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others Dadi Appearance Personality traits Motivations Interactions with others 1. Which of these two characters changed the most? Why do you think that? (at least 2 complete sentences)