Literary Terms Power Point

Language that communicates ideas beyond
the ordinary, literal meaning of words.
◦ **things do not mean what the words actually say
◦ Examples: metaphor, simile, idiom, personification,
A comparison between two objects; often
says that one thing is another.
◦ Ex: He is a bear on the football field!
A comparison between two objects using
"like", "as", or "than".
◦ Ex: She is as quick as a cat!
The repetition of the initial consonant sound.
◦ Ex: Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore
A reference to someone or something in
history or literature.
◦ Ex: But I'll be hood forever
I'm the new Sinatra
And since I made it here
Giving human qualities or characteristics
to animals or objects.
◦ Ex: The pen danced across the paper
Extreme exaggeration for effect.
◦ Ex: It took me “FOREVER” to finish the project!
An expression common to a certain group of
◦ Ex: Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
The character who opposes the hero;
provides the story’s conflict
◦ Ex: the wolf in “The Three Little Pigs”
the main character in a story, novel, drama,
or other literary work; the character that the
reader or audience empathizes with
◦ Jack in “Jack and the Beanstalk”
1st person-story is being told by a character
within the story (I, we, us)
2nd person-speaking to “you”; often as in a
letter or directions
3rd person limited-outside narrator; reader is
informed of all ACTIONS of characters and
thoughts of 1character
3rd person omniscient – narrator is allknowing; reader is informed of all thoughts
and actions of characters
Hints or clues as to what is going to happen
later in a story
◦ Example: In “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” - the
description of Brom’s horse Daredevil that mentions
he is full of mischief and mettle just like his owner
◦ (hints that the horse and rider are/will be up to
the use of words and phrases to create a
mental picture
◦ Example: There was a tree at that corner, a straight
but little tree with slim branches and shiny dark
leaves. – from “The Osage Orange Tree”
Characterization is the process by which the
writer reveals the personality of a character.
◦ Stated Characterization tells the audience what the
personality of the character is.
 Example: “The patient boy and quiet girl were both
well mannered and did not disobey their mother.”
◦ Implied Characterization shows things that reveal
the personality of a character.
◦ There are five different methods of implied characterization:
 Speech: What does the character say? How does the
character speak?
 Thoughts: What is revealed through the character’s private
thoughts and feelings?
 Effect on others toward the character: What is revealed
through the character’s effect on other people? How do
other characters feel or behave in reaction to the
 Actions: What does the character do? How does the
character behave?
 Looks: What does the character look like? How does the
character dress?
Are uncomplicated and do not change
throughout the course of a work
◦ Example: Injun Joe
are complex and undergo development/
◦ sometimes extreme changes to surprise the reader
◦ Example: Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn
something which represents something else
besides itself
◦ Example:
The dove, with olive branch in beak,
Glides over all the land
Searching for a place to light.
Storms of war linger on every hand,
Everywhere the hawk does fight.
◦ The dove is a symbol of peace, and the hawk is a
symbol of war. Using them in poetry gives an image
without having to explain in detail.
Verbal irony: saying something, but meaning
the opposite (sarcasm)
◦ Example- I LOVE it when people talk as I try to
Situational irony: the opposite of what was
expected happens
◦ Example- the fire house catches on fire
Dramatic irony: where the audience is aware
of a situation and the characters are not
◦ Example- you see the murderer in the closet, the
young babysitter does not, she goes into the room
and …