Tests Level 1: 1. In the classification of hypertension during

Tests Level 1:
1. In the classification of hypertension during pregnancy, childbirth and the
immediate postpartum period does not include:
A. symptomatic hypertension (hypertension before 20 weeks) *
B. hypertension induced by pregnancy (GIB)
B. Chronic hypertension (hypertension before 20 weeks)
G. severe preeclampsia
D. eclampsia
2. Specify a symptom of mild preeclampsia:
A rise in diastolic pressure up to 90/110 mm Hg *
B. rise in blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg to
B. diastolic pressure above 110 mm Hg
G. 140/80 mm Hg blood pressure above
D. proteinuria greater than 2 g / l
3. What is a symptom of mild preeclampsia:
A. proteinuria up to 1 g / l *
B. proteinuria greater than 2 g / l
B. diastolic pressure above 110 mm Hg
G. epigastric pain
D. Headache
4. Increase in diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg to and above with gestational
age less than 20 weeks is a symptom:
A mild pre-eclampsia
B. chronic hypertension *
B. chronic hypertension combined with mild preeclampsia
Pregnancy-induced hypertension G.
5. Treatment of hypertension induced by pregnancy include:
A. anticonvulsant antihypertensive therapy
B. sedatives and tranquilizers
B. Only sedatives
G. Only observation and appropriate recommendations for the control of blood
pressure *
6. The drug of choice in pregnancy-induced hypertension:
A. Magnesium sulphate
B. eufillin
B. atenolol
D. none of the above *
7. To criteria of hypertensia the induced pregnancy enters:
And. increase of DAD of 90-100 mm Hg at 2kh multiple measurement in 4 hours
after 20 weeks of pregnancy *
B. increase the HELL is higher than 140 mm Hg till 20 weeks of pregnancy
Century increase the GARDEN is higher than 130 mm Hg and DAD of 80 mm Hg
within 4 hours till 20 weeks of pregnancy
Increase the HELL is higher than 150 mm Hg with headaches and deterioration of
sight after 20 weeks of pregnancy
8. Everything enters maintaining women with hypertensia the induced pregnancy,
And. restriction of a kallorazh of the eaten food, salts and liquids *
B. control of DAD
Century inspection of urine on a proteinuria
Control of a condition of the woman
9. Everything enters tactics of maintaining an easy preeklampsiya at term till 37
weeks of pregnancy, except:
And. to carry out a load dose magnesium sulfate *
B. obligatory consultation of women and her family of rather dangerous signs of a
heavy preeklampsiya and eklampsiya
B. Monitoring of DBP, examination of urine for proteinuria
G. gestation less than 34 weeks and fetal weight less than 2000 g conduct
prevention SDR newborn
10. Management of mild preeclampsia at term of more than 37 weeks of
A. to assess the degree of maturity of the cervix and delivery *
B. rodorazreshit operation keserevo section in a matter of urgency
B. Make a loading dose of magnesium sulfate
The beginning of therapy antigipotenzuvnuyu dibazolom
Tests 2 levels:
1. Enter the 3 symptoms characteristic of GIB
A. increase in diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg *
B. increase in systolic blood pressure above 140 mm Hg *
V. increasing the true AP may be judged based on 2-fold pressure measurement for
4 hours. *
G. increase in diastolic blood pressure above 110 mm Hg
D. increase in diastolic blood pressure above 100 mm Hg
2. Specify the 3 symptoms characteristic of preeclampsia easy:
A diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg *
B. proteinuria 1 g / l and above *
B. oliguria *
G. cramps.
D. polyuria.
3. Management of mild preeclampsia before 37 weeks of pregnancy:
A. monitoring of blood pressure, 2 times a day *
B. urinalysis for proteinuria *
B. monitoring of the fetus *
He was appointed as diuretics.
D. early delivery
4. Management of mild pre-eclampsia after 37 weeks of pregnancy:
A. when mature cervices Article IV rodovozbuzhdenie pre amniotomy *
B. when unripe cervix ripening prostaglandin *
B. in the absence of induction of labor for a few days Caesarean section *
G. caesarean section on an emergency basis after issuing a diagnosis
D. when ripe cervices III Art rodovozbuzhdenie pre amniotomy
5. If there are signs of mild preeclampsia deterioration of the fruit, you must:
A. to assess the condition of the cervix *
B. accelerate delivery is *
B. elective caesarean section
G. antihypertensive drugs
D. start VGGK background