Learning Paradigms Integrating Web 2.0 tools and digital literacy in your school Saturday 10 August 2013 Professional learning for: Teacher Librarians, ICT Co-ordinators, Curriculum Co-ordinators, Teachers Mercy College 760 Sydney Road, Coburg, Victoria Registration closes 1 August 2013 $ 150.00 (GST included) per person for members of the Australian School Library Association or the Australian Library & Information Association $ 250.00 (GST included) per person for non-members Program: Saturday 10 August 9.00 Registration / Welcome 9.30 Presentation - Web tools to support the integration of curriculum inquiry skills – Karen Bonanno, Managing Director, Eduwebinar Web tools allow students to engage in collaborative and interactive learning. All phases of inquiry learning can be adequately addressed through a wide variety of web-based tools and applications. This presentation will present a range of tools that will support the integration of the curriculum inquiry skills and general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum into the school learning community. **Participants will have access to a directory of sites hosted on a public web space to refer to and engage with in their own time following the professional learning day. 10.30 Morning Tea 11.00 Hands-on - Exploring Web tools – Karen Bonanno 11.50 Presentation - Digital literacy: curriculum pathway to curriculum innovation June Wall Digital literacy, which encompasses elements of the Australian Curriculum’s General Capabilities, provides a basis to develop a learning approach to curriculum implementation that allows innovative project and teaching approaches to develop. Focussing on the process of learning and digital literacies is one pathway to curriculum development teachers may consider. 12.45 Lunch 1.30 Workshop - Developing and implementing a Digital Literacy Framework for your school - June Wall Developing an approach to digital learning is critical to teacher librarians, especially as the Australian Curriculum moves schools more into an online method of teaching and learning. A digital literacy framework is one step forward in this approach and needs to be considered for each school. By the end of the day you will be able to: - Outline your focus for digital literacy in your school - Continue development of a digital learning framework started on the day 3.30 Your ASLA: An information session outlining the work of the Australian School Library Association, and how you can become a member and contribute locally and nationally. Payment must be received by COB 1 August 2013. No late registrations can be accepted. Note: If payment is being transacted by your school please allow for system payment procedures and ensure that paperwork is processed in sufficient time to meet this deadline. A copy of the registration form must be emailed or faxed to the ASLA office: asla@asla.org.au or Fax: 07 3633 0570 Participants will receive an email confirmation when payment has been received. Cancellations Should you be unable to attend a substitute delegate is welcome. All cancellations or alterations to registration must be made in writing to the Australian School Library Association Inc. 1. A full refund, less a cancellation fee of $75.00 will be made on those received before the close of registration date. 2. No refund will be made after the close of registration. 3. All refunds will be paid after the conclusion of the event. Complete the registration form on the following page and secure your place. THIS REGISTRATION FORM IS A TAX INVOICE ABN 13 949 313 604 Australian School Library Association Inc. PO Box 155, Zillmere Qld 4034 [Please note: The Australian School Library Association Inc. is registered for GST. The registration fee includes GST.] Please complete this form and retain a copy for your records Learning Paradigms – 10 August 2013 (VIC) $ 150.00 (GST included) per person for members of ASLA & ALIA $ 250.00 (GST included) per person for non-members Registration closes 1 August. 1. DELEGATE INFORMATION Title: (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/): Given Name: Badge name (if different from above) Surname: Position: School /Organisation: Address: Suburb/City: State: Phone (W): Phone: (H) Mobile: Postcode: Fax (W): Email: Special dietary needs: Membership status: (Double click to select) ASLA Member ALIA Member Non-member 2. PAYMENT METHODS Credit card | Cheque | EFT | Note: Please include your registration form with payment. Credit card Mastercard Visa (Double click to select) Cardholder name (please print) Card number Expiry Date Signature * Verification code (3-digit-CVN) Amount: [* What is a verification code? This is the 3 digit code on the back of your card.] Cheque I have enclosed a cheque for the amount of $ Cheques should be made payable to: Australian School Library Association Electronic funds transfer Account name: Australian School Library Association BSB: 062 922 Account number: 10011629 Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Reference: Your last name Note: After processing the payment please send your application form and remittance notice to: The Executive Officer asla@asla.org.au or Fax: 07 3633 0570 ________________________________________________________________________ Office Use: Date Payment Entered Receipt Completed