Graffiti Me Graffiti Name Tag Submitted by: Joseph Carletta UNIT: Lettering - Aesthetic issues (Is Graffiti Art?) Grade level: Middle School (adaptable to elementary and high school) For those who struggle with symbolism, they can do straight lettering and design an original tag made up only of creative lettering. They enjoy learning about Keith Haring and the graffiti discussion is always lively. We also hit on plagiarism and the importance of originality in the final design. The principles are learned easily because they have to incorporate them in the design and then tell me how they emphasized the principles. The self evaluation is like a wrap up quiz at the end of the project. NYS STANDARDS: Standard 1 - Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works. Standard 2 - Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Key idea: Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes. Students will know about resources and opportunities for participation in visual arts in the community (exhibitions, libraries, museums, galleries) and use appropriate materials (art reproductions, slides, print materials, electronic media). Students will be aware of vocational options available in the visual arts. Standard 3 - Responding To and Analyzing Works of Art Key idea: Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate works of art, using the language of art criticism. Students will analyze the visual characteristics of the natural and built environment and explain the social, cultural, psychological, and environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will compare the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes, and concepts are expressed through the visual arts with the ways they are expressed in other disciplines. Standard 4 - Understanding The Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of The Arts Key idea: Students will explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of human society. Vocabulary: Objective, non-objective, symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial, proportion, emphasis, variety, rhythm, pattern, untity Materials: Markers, Black Permanent Art Markers, Colored Pencils, Crayons, Pastels, Acrylic Paint Objectives: Students will Design an original tag that is representative of self Be able to incorporate the principles of design in tag Do some creative lettering Introduction/Motivation: 1. Introduce the principles of art 2. Introduce artist of the week – Keith Haring, 3. Talk about symbolism used today around us – power point of logos, graffiti, ancient and modern symbols 4. Explain assignment: Procedures: 1. Start with a balance plan – symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial 2. Choose 2-3 other principles you want to emphasize 3. Use objective pictures, lettering or symbols or non-objective designs but make sure the final design is original and not a copy of something you have seen. Talk about plagiarism. 4. Make several thumbnail size sketches to start brainstorming ideas on scrap paper 5. Mini-lesson on lettering – basic block, bubble letters, using graph paper, stylized lettering 6. Choose one of your sketches to create in full color – size 12X18 (30.5 x 46 cm) (or whatever size paper teacher selects) Special notes: Draw lightly so your pencil lines don’t show through Be careful of black because it can smear and make your colors dirty – use last! Permanent Black Marker could be used for outlining if desired. If you paint, tape down paper to prevent curling Pastels for backgrounds or large areas only and they will need sprayed Evaluation: See Rubric and Student self assessment below Extra Credit: See extra credit section of website The Principles of Design Self Evaluation Graffiti Tag Name Design Name ____________________________________________ period _______ 1. Was your design objective (a recognizable subject) or non-objective (just a design)? 2. Which kind of balance did you use? Symmetrical (equal on both sides) Asymmetrical (informal placement) Radial (from a center point) 3. Circle two other principles of design you think you showed in your tag Proportion (size) Emphasis (one part stands out) Variety (differences) Rhythm (movement) Pattern (repeating) Unity (goes together) 4. Tell/describe how you used the two principles or how they show in your design: Principle #1: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Principle #2: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How do you feel about the following? (circle one for #5 and #6) 5. Craftsmanship – neatly done average below average poorly done 6. Use of Class Time - worked every day average below average poor use of time 7. Outcome: How do you like it? _______________________________________________ 8. Is there anything you would do differently or change? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Tell me what your “tag” stands for or the meaning behind your symbol: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Turn in this form with your project to the basket Lettering: Graffiti Tag Rubric Design a Tag ; Name ________________________________ Points Balance/Use of space Principle of Art#1 Principle of Art#2 Craftsmanship 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points lots of empty space no balance plan good use of space excellent use of space incorrect type of balance correct type of balance 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points no organized use or understanding of the principles of art evidence of principles used, but poor or little explanation principles of art evident and explained very well 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points no organized use or understanding of the principles of art evidence of principles used, but poor or little explanation principles of art evident and explained very well 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points poorly done, messy, lack average effort, some high quality, lots of care Use of Class Time of care problems with neatness and neatness 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points minimal effort, poor use of most days good effort & excellent use of class class time use of class time time, high effort Creativity & Symbolism 1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points little originality / no meaning or symbolism in design idea creative / some explanation of symbolism extremely original / symbolism explained well and creative Total Points