A Look through the Wormhole: Identification of Bacterial Isolates from Vermicompost Rebekah Church, Sara Church Microbiology Dr. Stephen Baron October 20, 2015 Purpose: To inoculate, incubate, isolate, inspect, and identify a Gram positive and negative bacterium from the vermicomposting facility at Bridgewater College. Introduction: Vermicomposting is a very adept method of transforming solid organic waste into useful and valuable resources (16). The conversion process involves a series of intricate interactions that occur between certain species of earthworms and microorganisms in efforts to bio-oxidize and stabilize organic matter (11). Presently, there has been considerable research conducted on Eisenia fetida, a common composting worm, in regards to their interdependent relationship with the various microbial communities found in vermicomposting facilities (1). These earthworms play a critical role in the process of vermicomposting; however, it is the resident microbial communities that serve as the active component involved in the biodegradation and conversion processes during vermicomposting (1). Specifically, it is with the help of the aerobic and anaerobic microbes in the gut of the earthworm that organic wastes are grinded up and digested in order to be converted into valuable vermicompost (16). The vastitude of microbial species associated with soil found in vermicomposting sites assured that the vermicomposting facility at Bridgewater College would be a reliable source for cultivating isolates. The goal of this research was to isolate and identify two bacterial species obtained from the vermicompost. Researchers were able to successfully isolate and identify one Gram positive and one Gram negative specie of bacteria. Researchers were able to cultivate, isolate, and identify the bacterial species Bacillus cereus and Citrobacter freundii. Materials and Methods: The differential staining technique of Gram staining was administered to both the bacterial isolate from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate and sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate. In addition, an endospore stain was administered to bacterial isolate from sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate. The Gram staining technique is utilized to distinguish between Gram positive and negative bacterium. The endospore stain distinguishes between an endospore containing microbe and a microbe that does not produce an endospore. The following staining techniques used in the identification of the unknown were adapted from the second edition copy of Microbiology Laboratory Theory & Application by Leboffe and Pierce (13). Immediately after each staining procedure was completed, the bacterial stain was viewed and inspected under oil immersion with 1000x magnification using bright field microscopy. The endospore stain procedures were repeated three times due to the dye’s lack of adherence resulting from human error. After the completion of the differential staining procedures and the determination of the Gram reaction of the two bacterial isolates, the sequencing of the bacteria’s 16S rDNA was conducted using the following procedures (5). For this procedure, the genomic DNA from each bacterium was extracted from an isolated TSA slant culture through the utilization of a DNA extraction kit (Quik-gDNA MiniPrep from Zymo Research). The extracted DNA served as the template in the amplification of the DNA sequence along with universal primers in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The PCR procedure allowed for the amplification of a 1 kilobase pair (kb) sequence confined within the 16S rRNA genes present in the genomes of the unknown bacterial isolates. The products obtained from the PCR amplification were purified through the utilization of the nucleic acid based method of gel electrophoresis containing 1.0% agarose. After the gel was ran at 125-150 volts for approximately 30 minutes, the 1 kb sequence was excised from the gel using a gel extraction kit (Genelute Gel Extraction Kit, Sigma-Aldrich). The DNA extracted from each of the bacterial samples was sent to a sequencing facility immediately following the placement of the DNA sample in a vacuum (Speed-Vac). The Speed- Vac was utilized to ensure the complete evaporation of water, thus bringing the DNA to a state of dryness. The DNA sample from the first unknown isolate was sequenced using a universal forward PCR primer (U341F) and the DNA sample from the second unknown isolate was sequenced using a universal reverse PCR primer (UA1406R). Once the completed sequences were retrieved from the sequencing facility, the sequences were exposed to the BLAST database search against a collection of bacterial nucleotides to determine any similarities between the unknown sequence and the identified bacteria (15). The Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial isolates were subjected to several biochemical tests using various types of alternative substrates. The tests were conducted in accordance to the dichotomous key for selected Gram negative bacteria and the dichotomous key for selected Gram positive/acid-fast bacteria published in Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology (8). In order to confirm the identification of the isolate, additional biochemical testing was conducted. The reactions of both bacterial isolates were meticulously observed and recorded. The biochemical tests conducted on the Gram negative isolate include: Fermentation of carbohydrates (glucose, lactose, mannitol), Sulfur Indole Motility (SIM), citrate test, oxidation/fermentation, Vogues-Prokauer (VP), nitrate reduction, milk agar, starch agar, and nutrient gelatin tests (4,6). The only biochemical tests conducted on the Gram positive isolate included the fermentation of the carbohydrate mannitol and starch agar. For each of the mentioned tests involving the use of alternate substrates, the specialized media was inoculated with a bacterial isolate and incubated for a 24-48 hour period at 37°C. A phenol red broth test for mannitol and glucose fermentation was performed, and the results of the initial test were confirmed through a second test. For the mannitol fermentation test, the phenol red broth was inoculated with the Gram positive isolate and incubated for a 24 hour period at 37oC. For the glucose and lactose fermentation, two phenol red broths were inoculated with the Gram negative isolate and incubated for a 24 hour period at 37oC. In order to determine if the isolated bacteria produced the enzyme amylase, a starch agar plate was used to test for starch hydrolysis (6). Both the Gram negative and the Gram positive isolates were inoculated onto a starch agar plate and incubated for 48 hours at 37°C. After the 48 hour incubation period, both plates were flooded with Gram’s iodine and observed for a clearing zone to determine whether the starch hydrolysis had occurred. Both the Gram positive and Gram negative microbial isolates were then subjected to a catalase test and an oxidase test (4). The catalase test was conducted by placing a small amount of the bacterial isolate onto a clean slide containing 3% H2O2 and observing and recording the catabolic reaction resulting in the expulsion of O2 gas. This expulsion of O2 is characterized by the appearance or truancy of fizz (4). The oxidase test was conducted by using a sterile cotton swab to obtain microbial growth from the Gram negative isolate and then dousing it with ~ 100 microliters of oxidase reagent. An alteration in the color of the colony on the swab to the color black was used to discern whether the Gram negative isolate contained cytochrome oxidase, Cyt a/a3 (4). The oxidase test procedure was repeated twice to ensure the reliability of the results. Results and Discussion: Bacterial isolates from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate developed in a circular colony formation with a smooth texture. The isolated colonies were uniformly arranged with a shiny appearance, a low convex elevation, and an entire margin. The isolated colonies presented a foul, bitter smell. The results from the Gram staining procedure on the isolates from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate showed a Gram negative bacterium with a rod-like formation. The cells were present both singly and in a paired arrangement (Fig. 1). This bacterial isolate was successful in the fermentation of glucose which was made evident by the color change of the phenol red broth to yellow, indicating the production of organic acids as the byproduct. The isolate was able to degrade citrate in order to be utilized as the sole carbon source for the construction of cellular material. The conversion of citric acid into an alkaline product was indicated by the bromothymol blue dye which turned blue when the pH of the isolate reached approximately 7.6. When inoculated and incubated in the SIM medium, the bacterial isolate was determined to be motile indicated by the presence of a cloudy growth throughout the entire medium. The isolate was positive for the production of H2S through the degradation of sulfur containing amino acids by the enzyme desulfurase. This result was indicated by the color black when the FeSO4 in the medium reacted with the H2S product resulting in a FeS precipitate. The isolate did not produce indole by the means of tryptophan metabolism. This was indicated by the medium turning a yellowish color after the addition of the Kovac’s reagent rather than red which would have indicated a positive test. The bacterial isolate did not contain the enzyme amylase used to hydrolyze the starch polymer into maltose. This result was concluded by the absence of a clearing zone when flooded with Gram’s iodine. The enteric isolate was negative for the enzyme casein protease used in the degradation of casein. This was made evident by the lack of a clearing zone surrounding the bacterial colony. The bacterial isolate does not contain the exoenzyme, gelatinase, needed for the hydrolysis of the nutrient gelatin. The lack of gelatinase, was made evident by the solidification of the gelatin after incubation for approximately 48 hours. The bacterial isolate was capable of fermenting both mannitol and lactose. This conclusion was reasoned by the change in color of both phenol red broths to yellow. The change in color signified the acidity of the broth; thus, indicating the production of organic acids. The microbial isolate was determined to be a facultative anaerobe through the observation of the isolate growth throughout the entire tube. In both the nutrient oil sealed tube and the unsealed tube, the growth was indicated by the color yellow which was present throughout the entire length of the tube. The bacterial isolate was able to perform anaerobic respiration via the reduction of nitrate to nitrite through the process of dissimilatory nitrate reduction. This result was indicated by the change in color of the trypticase nitrate broth from a clearish color to cherry red, provided that the reaction did not require the utilization of zinc. The results of the VP test indicated that the isolate was unable to form acetoin via the butylene glycol pathway. These results were concluded from the lack of color change present proceeding the addition of reagents ⍺-naphthol and potassium hydroxide. The results from the oxidase test indicated that the Gram negative isolate did not contain cytochrome oxidase as a major electron transport protein. The absence of cytochrome oxidase was made apparent by the lack of color change following the addition of the oxidase reagent. The isolate contained the enzyme catalase used to breakdown the toxic byproduct, H2O2, formed during aerobic respiration. This was concluded by the fizzing that resulted from the inoculation of the isolate into 3% H2O2. The colony morphology and results of the biochemical tests served as the basis for the decision that the unknown isolate from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate was best categorized under the phylum Proteobacteria, genus Citrobacter, and specie freundii. The properties displayed by the bacterial isolate led to the determination that the phylum, genus, and specie were consistent based upon the homologous characterization of the unknown and the identified bacteria. Proteobacteria is the largest and most phenotypically diverse phylum, consisting of five classes: 𝞪,,𝞬,𝞭,𝞮 (23). Collectively, these microbes exhibit a great deal of metabolic diversity. They comprise the majority of the Gram negative bacteria known to have considerable significance in medicine, agriculture, and industrial complexes (21). This phylum of bacteria may have flagella, gliding filamentous stalks or other appendages, while others may have vesicles filled with gas. Some species of this bacteria are capable of carrying out photosynthesis, whereas others deposit sulphur within or outside the cells (21). The different subgroups of proteobacteria are defined based on their rRNA sequences (21).Gammaproteobacteria is one subgroup of proteobacteria that is comprised of both facultatively anaerobic and fermentative Gram negative bacteria (17). The genus Citrobacter resides under the class 𝞬 proteobacteria and consists of Gram negative bacilli from the Enterobacteriaceae family (12). These microbes are most commonly found in soil, water, sewage, food, and the intestinal tracts of animals, such as earthworms and humans. The facultative anaerobic bacteria may appear as rods approximately 0.3-1 µm in diameter and 0.6-5 µm long. Citrobacter bacteria are oxidase-negative bacilli that utilize citrate as a sole carbon source. In addition, these bacteria are motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Bacteria under the genus Citrobacter also ferment mannitol accompanied by the production of gaseous H2S (12). The previously mentioned biochemical characteristics were revealed by the isolate as a result of the specific reactions that occurred throughout a multitude of tests. Citrobacter freundii is classified as an opportunistic pathogen responsible for a number of significant infections seen in humans (2). It is known to be the cause of a variety of nosocomial infections within the respiratory tract, urinary tract, and blood of patients seeking treatment in medical facilities (2). In the environment, however, this infectious microbe plays a much more beneficial role. C. freundii is classified as an enteric coliform used in the indication of water contamination (18). Thus, ecologists and environmentalists test for this bacteria to assess the health and quality of various bodies of water. Furthermore, as a facultative anaerobe, Citrobacter freundii is capable of reducing nitrate to nitrite in the environment (18). This crucial conversion is an important feature of the nitrogen cycle, which is essential for the maintenance of Earth’s atmospheric conditions. Microbial isolates from sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate were presented as off-white or dull gray colored colonies with a rough, flat, and matted surface. The colonies were opaque with irregularly shaped undulated margins. The isolates from sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate were determined to be Gram positive due to the retention of the crystal violet dye when Gram stained (Fig. 2). When Gram stained the bacterial isolate showed a rod like formation of cells in an arrangement of tangled chains. The structural endospore stain of the Gram positive isolate showed the inclusion of an endospore within the microbial specie. The presence of an endospore was determined by the retention of the malachite green dye in the thick cell wall of the endospore. The spores stained by the malachite green were observed to be endospores lysed from the vegetative cells of the isolate (Fig. 3). The isolate contained the enzyme catalase used in breakdown of the toxic byproduct, H2O2, formed during aerobic respiration. This was determined by the fizzing that resulted from the inoculation of the isolate into 3% H2O2. The oxidase test result indicated that the Gram positive isolate did possess cytochrome oxidase as a major electron transport protein. The presence of cytochrome oxidase was made apparent by the color change to black following the addition of the oxidase reagent. The bacterial isolate was unable to ferment mannitol. This was concluded by the absence of a color change in the phenol broth indicating that an alkaline product was formed. The decision to designate the unknown isolate from sample B the 1 cm PEA plate as a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, genus Bacillus, specie cereus was based on the observation of colony morphology and the results of the biochemical tests. This interpretation of the unknown isolate was based on characteristics of the phylum and genus that were similarly displayed by the isolate. The phylum Firmicutes constitute as one of the largest groups of phyla within the domain Bacteria (9). The bacteria of the phylum are all Gram positive with a low percentage of Guanine and Cytosine DNA content (9). This lineage of phylum is highly diverse in regards to their oxygen preference, morphology, variety of habitats, and reproductive lifestyle (10). Some Firmicutes form an endospore, which is a differentiated cell that is resistant to specific conditions present in nature (10). This specific property of the members of the phylum Firmicutes is found in four representative classes of the phylum: Clostridia, Erysipelotrichi, Negativicutes, and Bacilli (10). Bacilli are characterized as Gram positive rods that are able to produce endospores resistant to unfavourable external conditions (14). Bacilli can be differentiated from alternative spore-formers due to their oxygenic preference, rod-shaped cells, and ability to synthesize catalase (20). This is noticeable when looking at Bacillus cereus, a specie of bacteria characterized by their rod shaped cells. This specie of Bacillus is distinguished by a thick layer of peptidoglycan that allows it to retain the crystal violet dye; thus, Bacillus cereus is identifiable as a Gram positive bacteria. This specie is a ubiquitous facultative anaerobe that forms endospores and is commonly found in soil. A sizable population of Bacillus cereus present throughout the vermicomposting process is used as an indicator of the quality and maturity in that particular compost (3). In addition to the indicative qualities, Bacillus cereus also produces an abundance of chitinolytic enzymes which play a major antagonistic role in the biocontrol of microbial pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani (3). Bacillus cereus is also known to manufacture antibiotics that are utilized in the nullification of fungal diseases that occur in the rhizosphere (22). Conclusion The gut of Eisenia fetida contains a variety of microflora that interact with the common composting worm in a symbiotic relationship. Throughout the process of vermicomposting, the dead, organic matter enters the intestinal tract of the worm and is chemically and physically altered. This alteration occurs through the joint effort of Eisenia fetida and the microbial community present in the gut. The microbial community, namely Citrobacter freundii and Bacillus cereus, plays an important role by acting as catalyst in the catabolism of organic matter. These microbes also serve as factors in the stimulation of other free microbial flora to further degrade the organic matter into vermicast. Consequently, the production of vermicast leads to an increase in the population of microbial species, enzymatic activity, bacterial respiration, colonization of nitrogen fixing and nitrifying bacteria (19). Description Max Score Total Score Query Cover E Value Ident Pseudomonas aeruginosa gene for 16S ribosomal RNA, partial sequence, strain: MF106 1792 1792 97% 0.0 99% Uncultured bacterium partial 16S rRNA gene, clone 16sps23-2f08.w2k 1788 1788 96% 0.0 99% Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRRL B-14935 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence 1788 1788 97% 0.0 99% Pseudomonas sp. CIFE_HT1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence 1786 1786 97% 0.0 99% Pseudomonas sp. LB-5 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence 1784 1784 96% 0.0 99% Table 1: Results from the BLAST database search of adjacent 16S rDNA sequence from the unknown isolate from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate (15). Figure 1. Photomicrograph for the Gram stain of isolate from sample D on the 1 cm EMB plate under oil immersion at 1000x magnification using Bright field microscopy Figure 2. Photomicrograph for the Gram stain of isolate from sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate under oil immersion at 1000x magnification using Bright field microscopy Figure 3. Photomicrograph for the endospore stain of the isolate from sample B on the 1 cm PEA plate under oil immersion at 1000x magnification using Bright field microscopy. Comparison of the unknown sample and Identified bacterium Citrobacter Freundii Unknown sample D on 1 cm EMB plate Gram Reaction Negative Negative Catalase Test Positive Positive O/F Test O/F, facultative anaerobe O/F, facultative anaerobe VP Test Negative Negative Milk Agar Negative Negative Starch Agar Negative Negative Nutrient Gelatin Negative Negative Nitrate Reduction Positive Positive Oxidase Negative Negative Citrate Positive Positive Glucose Fermentation Positive Positive Lactose Fermentation Positive Positive H2S Production Positive Positive Indole Production Positive or Negative Negative Motility motile motile Table 2: Biochemical Test results for Citrobacter freundii, derived from Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (7). 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