Record of Achievement for Personal Learning and Thinking Skills Logistics Operations Level 3 Candidate Name: _________________ September 2010 Version 2 Introduction All apprenticeship frameworks must specify the outcomes which an apprentice is to achieve in the six Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) listed below and how they are evidenced. Achievement of PLTS must be based on evidence that is subject to quality assurance. This Record of Achievement is based on quality assured evidence within the Logistics Operations Qualification. The six PLTS and their outcomes include: Independent enquiry Creative thinking Reflective learning Team working Self management Effective participation PLTS must be formally assessed. However, Skills for Logistics considers assessment of units within the Logistics Operations Qualification provides relevant evidence for the achievement of PLTS. To this end, examples of where and how this evidence occurs and can be assessed, is provided within this document. However, assessors may decide to use alternative evidence, which is perfectly acceptable and should be recorded within this Record of Achievement. Skills for Logistics does not require PLTS to be accredited. Although PLTS are referenced and mapped to QCF units within the Logistics Operations Qualification, assessors should be flexible in their interpretation to avoid discrimination against those with a learning difficulty. For example care should be taken to ensure that interpretation of references to ‘speaking and listening’ are inclusive, as far as possible, of those with speech and hearing difficulties. PLTS should be assessed alongside the candidate’s assessment for the Logistics Operations Qualification and once achieve should be recorded on the following record sheets. 1 Logistics Operations Record of Achievement for PLTS – Independent Enquirers PLTS Criteria Suggested source of evidence within Qualification IE 1 To identify questions to answer and problems to resolve K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 1.9 Identify who the nominated first aiders are IE 2 Plan and carry out research, appreciating the consequence of decisions K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 2.5 Explain what the most likely accidents and emergencies in the workplace are and how to deal with them IE 3 Explore issues, event or problems from different perspectives K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 2.2 Identify hazards posed by machinery that is used in the workplace and demonstrate methods of making safe or reducing their danger in the event of an accident IE 4 Analyse and evaluate information, judging its relevance and value K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 1.2 Identify where alarms, emergency exits, escape routes, emergency equipment and assembly points are located Assessor devised alternative source of evidence 2 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Method of assessment Date achieved PLTS Criteria Suggested source of evidence within Qualification IE 5 Consider the influence of circumstances, beliefs and feelings on decisions and events K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 1.1 Take appropriate action in the event of fire, emergencies or accidents IE 6 Support conclusions, using reasoned arguments and evidence K/502/1072 Health, Safety and Security at work 1.1 Take appropriate action in the event of fire, emergencies or accidents Assessor devised alternative source of evidence Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Independent Enquirers. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ Date ________________________ 3 Logistics Operations Method of assessment Date achieved Record of Achievement for PLTS – Creative thinkers PLTS Criteria Suggested source within Qualification of evidence CT 1 Generate ideas and explore possibilities M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources Assessor devised alternative source of evidence 2.2 Identify the availability and demand for logistics resources in the organisation CT 2 Ask questions to extend their thinking M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources 2.3 Determine the level and type of resources used for the logistics operation CT 3 Connect their own and others’ ideas and experiences in innovative ways M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources 2.5 Plan the use of logistics resources to achieve a balance between usage and performance CT 4 Question their own and others’ assumptions M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources 1.6 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when optimizing the use of logistics resources 4 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Method of assessment Date achieved CT 5 Try out alternatives or new solutions and follow ideas through M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources 2.4 Use logistics resources effectively and efficiently CT 6 Adapt ideas as circumstances change M/601/7597 – Optimise the use of Logistics resources 2.6 Monitor the use of logistics resources to identity any positive or negative effects on the environment I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Creative thinking. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ Date ________________________ 5 Logistics Operations Record of Achievement for PLTS – Reflective learners PLTS Criteria Suggested source qualification of evidence within the RL 1 Assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements. The learner is given the opportunity to assess their progress towards the achievement of the apprenticeship. They should be encouraged to identify opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in Logistics Operations and discuss with their supervisor/assessor when they feel they have made progress in this area. They may also be invited to assess how their peers are progressing towards certain tasks. RL 2 Set goals with success criteria for their development and work This will be covered by the development of the individual learning plan. RL 3 Review progress, acting on outcomes This will be covered by the quarterly reviews. RL 4 Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism During a progress review, a learner should be encouraged to invite feedback on their performance and achievement towards goals set. Part of the process will inevitably include receiving praise, discussing setbacks and dealing with criticism. RL 5 Evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress As part of the review process, the learner must evaluate the learning experience and discuss with their supervisor/assessor. This will enable them both to plan future goals. RL 6 Communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences The learner will need to communicate progress (or lack of) to their employer/supervisor and assessor. Assessor devised alternative source of evidence I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Reflective learners. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ 6 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Date ______________________ Method of assessment Date achieved Record of Achievement for PLTS – Team workers PLTS Criteria Suggested source of evidence within the qualification TW 1 Collaborate with other to work towards common goals T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations Assessor devised alternative source of evidence 2.3 Communicate the purpose and objectives of the team to all members TW 2 Reach agreements, managing discussion to achieve results T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations 2.4 Plan the achievement of the objectives with team members TW 3 Adapt behaviour to suit different roles and situations, including leadership roles T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations 2.5 Set individual work objectives to each member of the team 2.6 Encourage team members to achieve team objectives TW 4 Show fairness and consideration to others T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations 2.10 Encourage team members to take the lead when they have the knowledge and expertise to do so 7 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Method of assessment Date achieved TW 5 Take responsibility, showing confidence in themselves and their contribution T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations 2.6 Encourage team members to achieve team objectives TW 6 Provide constructive support and feedback T/601/7603 – Provide leadership for your team in logistics operations 2.7 Provide members support to team I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Team workers. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ 8 Logistics Operations Date ______________________ Record of Achievement for PLTS – Self managers PLTS Criteria Suggested source of within the qualification evidence SM 1 Seek out challenges or new responsibilities and show flexibility when priorities change T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations Assessor devised alternative source of evidence 2.5 Plan the activities and resources that are required to respond to a particular problem SM 2 Work towards goals, showing initiative, commitment and perseverance. T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.2 Develop procedures for identifying problems SM 3 Organise time and resources, prioritising actions T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.3 Respond to problems within logistics operations SM 4 Anticipate, take and manage risks T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.8 Develop contingency plans 2.9 Implement contingency plans SM 5 Deal with competing pressures, including personal and work-related demands T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.4 Review problems that have occurred previously and the factors that led to them 2.5 Assess the impact of previous 9 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Method of assessment Date achieved problems on the logistics operation SM 6 Respond positively to change, seeking advice and support when needed T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.7 Obtain feedback on the plan SM 7 Manage their emotions, and build and maintain relationships T/601/7598 – Respond to problems in logistics operations 2.10 Obtain feedback from others on the use of contingency plans I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Self Managers. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ 10 Logistics Operations Date ______________________ Record of Achievement for PLTS – Effective participators PLTS Criteria Suggested source of evidence within the qualification EP 1 Discuss areas of concern, seeking resolution where needed Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector Assessor devised alternative source of evidence 2.2 Communicate effectively with others EP 2 action Present a persuasive case for Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector 2.6 Identify own learning needs from feedback obtained from appropriate people EP 3 Propose practical ways forward, breaking these down into manageable steps Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector 2.7 Agree a learning plan that is realistic, with an appropriate person EP 4 Identify improvements that would benefit others as well as themselves. Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector 2.3 Confirm tasks, priorities and responsibilities with an appropriate person 11 Logistics Operations Unit within qualification where alternative evidence occurred Method of assessment Date achieved EP 5 Try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views to reach workable solutions. Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector 2.8 Promptly action requests from others that fall within own responsibility EP 6 Act as an advocate for views and beliefs that may differ from their own. Y/601/9456 – Make an effective contribution to a business in the logistics sector 2.4 Perform work tasks in ways that are consistent with good practice in the organisation I confirm that this candidate has achieved the PLTS for Effective Participators. Assessor name _________________ Assessor signature ____________________ 12 Logistics Operations Date ______________________ Certificate of Compliance Logistics Operations Level 3 Personal Learning and Thinking Skills The candidate named below has satisfactorily met all the requirements for the following Personal Learning and Thinking Skills Independent enquiry Creative thinking Reflective learning Team working Self management Effective participation Date: Candidate Name: Candidate Signature: Candidate Registration Number: Work address: Candidate Managers’ Name: Candidate Managers’ Signature: Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: Assessor Number: IV Name: IV Signature: IV Number: Note: This document must be stored in the candidates portfolio 13 Logistics Operations