Algebra 1 Syllabus - Amphitheater School District

Algebra 1 Syllabus and Classroom Policies
Contact Information
Teacher: Mr. Schneider
Phone: (520) 407-4168
Class Description
This course covers the basic fundamentals of algebra: simplifying expressions, solving linear equations,
factoring, solving systems of linear equations, and simplifying radicals.
Required Materials
 Composition Notebook for notes
 Loose leaf paper for homework assignments/practice
Grade Distribution
Tests & Projects – 50%
Quizzes – 10%
Class-Work & Homework– 20%
Final Exam – 20%
How Mr. Schneider Grades
Class-Work & Homework – Your full participation in class will be the strongest influence on your ability to
be successful and receive your desired grade. Your classwork grade depends on your active participation.
Homework will be collected, and it will be checked on a daily basis. Homework is your opportunity to practice
what you have learned outside of class. If you ever miss a homework check, if your work is incomplete or
unsatisfactory, your parents will be notified. If you miss 4 homework checks during a chapter, you will be
assigned study time before school during conference period or after school in the library. If you fail to attend
assigned study times, you will be referred to the administration and a parent-teacher conference will be held to
determine the best course of action.
Tests and Quizzes and Projects – Every point on a test and quiz is graded on a 4 point scale. 4 points are given
if the problem is correct and clearly demonstrates command of the given concept. 3 points are given if it is clear
the student understands the concept but there is a minor process error in the problem, or if the student did not
follow the learned process. 2 points are given if there exists a conceptual error, but the problem is completed or
if there exist multiple process errors. 1 point is given if multiple conceptual errors exist, or if there is a solution
with no work (where applicable). A score of zero is given if there is no clear, genuine attempt at the problem.
Each test and quiz is worth 100 points. The 100 points is based off the percentage of total points on the
test. For example, if a test/quiz has 10 problems, and a student receives a score of 36/40, the final score is
90. Projects are worth 100 points each and their grading rubrics will be provided individually.
Unexcused Absences – Per Amphitheater Public School’s absence policy, an absence is considered unexcused
when authorization for the absence is not received the day of the absence. If a student misses a test or a quiz due
to an unexcused absence and Mr. Schneider does not hear from the parents/guardians within that 1 school day
period, that test or quiz receives a score of zero.
Classroom Policies
Tardy Policy – Being tardy is a trackable offense. This means that every tardy must be accounted for. A
student is considered tardy if they are not in their seat when the bell rings. If you are tardy, you will lose your
classwork points for the day. Per the IRHS code of conduct, tardies are considered excessive after 2. In Mr.
Schneider’s class, for each tardy after 3, a student will be referred to the administration. If you know you will be
tardy, please talk with Mr. Schneider as soon as possible so that he will not mark you tardy and count it towards
the limit of 3.
The Four Basic Rules – Students in Mr. Schneider’s class will follow these four basic rules.
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared.
3. Be respectful.
4. Be positive toward your learning experience.
Food and Drink – Small snacks and drinks are allowed in my classroom as long as they do not lead to messes.
As soon as one mess is made and Mr. Schneider gets to clean it up, food and drinks will no longer be allowed.
Keep the classroom clean 
Electronic Devices – Your time in class will be focused on learning and practicing what you have learned. The
only electronic device you will be allowed to use during class time is your calculator (this does not include
calculator apps on phones or iPods). Mr. Schneider will be very strict regarding cell phones, no exceptions.
Your parents will be notified if I have to ask you to put your electronics away. After 3 notifications, you will be
referred to the administration.
By signing below, you acknowledge receiving and having read through this syllabus and set of classroom
policies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you this year.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email address: __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone numbers
Home: __________________________
Cell: ___________________________
Student Name (please print): ______________________________________________________