17th Judicial Circuit Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board Meeting Meeting called by: Marsha Ellison, Chair Facilitator: Marsha Ellison 08/13/2014 3:00 PM Broward Governmental Center 115 S. Andrews Avenue 4th Floor-Room 430 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Type of meeting: 17th Judicial Circuit Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board Note taker: Alicia Borders, Secretary Specialist Meeting Opened @ 3:15pm MINUTES Board Member Attendees: Marsha Ellison – Chair, NAACP Commissioner Lois Wexler – County Commissioner Gordon Weekes – Chief Public Defender’s Designee Captain Scott Russell for Colonel Alvin Pollock – Broward County Sherriff’s Office Roosevelt Walters – Community At Large Ella Phillips – Vice Chair, Legislative Aide (via telephone) Judge Elijah Williams – Judiciary, Broward County David Watkins – Whiddon-Rogers Education Center Elder Mathes Guice – Community At Large Robin Bartleman - School Board of Broward County Representative (via telephone) Desmond Blackburn – Superintendent of Broward County Schools Designee (via telephone) Maria Schneider – State Attorney’s Designee Tamru Phillips for Mark Holsapfel – Department of Children and Families Yolanda Brown – Court Administration Assistant Representative Absent Board Members: Alan Levy – Business Community Mason Jackson – Career Source Broward Dr. Joel Kaufman – Behavioral Healthcare Consultant – (Excused) Assistant Chief Anthony Williams – Fort Lauderdale Police Department DJJ Staff in Attendance: Lois Salton – Residential Joseph Seeber – Broward Regional Juvenile Detention Center Superintendent Michelle Green Alicia Borders – Secretary Specialist (via telephone) Guest in Attendance: Joel Smith – ChildNet Agenda CALL TO ORDER Marsha Ellison Roll Call & Guest Introductions Marie Boswell Meeting Minutes could not be approved, there was no quorum. Chair's Report: Marsha Ellison REMINDER OF NORMS - No Discussion Report: BROWARD CAB 3 YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Ms. Ellison reported that Commissioner Wexler has agreed to provide resources to assist and assure that the Strategic Plan captures what is best for Broward. Commissioner Wexler reported that during the CAB DMC/Zero Tolerance Committee Meeting she volunteered the County’s resources by way of finances in efforts to develop a Strategic Plan for the CAB that is due on December 31, 2014. Commissioner Wexler reported that the CAB previously agreed that the report that derived from that committee would be the CAB’s Roadmap however Statute 985was rewritten the Strategic Plan has to have certain components embedded within it. Commissioner Wexler reported that she received several applications and the candidate chosen is Mr. Joel Smith. Commissioner Wexler reported that Mr. Smith has previously served on this CAB as a member for years and has worked for the Department as well as the School System and is also familiar with the issues of Broward County. (Mr. Walters advised that a quorum is not present.) Mr. Smith reported that he wanted to share where he is so far in his efforts and seeks guidance in relation to the direction of board. Mr. Smith provided the board with information on—the Comprehensive Plan, Circuit Advisory Boards, an overview on collective impact, and the Department’s Mission, Vison and Guiding Principles. Has read and studied the DMC document and pulled out the areas of interest to the board. Needs time to determine if the list of interest is unified to prioritize and target what the board wants to accomplish. Suggested a 1/2 Retreat or Workshop to get a common direction. County is willing to underwrite a leadership activity and facilitate capturing the information. Mr. Smith added that in relation to the board’s concerns in secure detention the JDAI Initiative in collaboration with the Casey Foundation and the State of Florida has a component that includes a regular series of evaluative visits to the detention center and suggested it be included in the plan as well. Ms. Ellison polled the body on the idea of attending a ½ day Retreat and on the inclusion of JDAI into the Strategic Plan. Ms. Ellison asked that DCF participate and provide feedback. Mr. Weekes expressed that the Retreat should include every vested body that deals with DJJ DJJ Detention/Probation JDAI DMC Community Service Providers Program Providers—Civil Citation/Diversion DJJ Data Integrity DJJ County BSO Fort-Lauderdale Police Department School Board Ms. Ellison advised that Mr. Smith has been requesting information from providers. Mr. Walters sought clarity with Mr. Weekes as to whether or not the DMC Plan in its entirety is needed. Mr. Weekes responded that he was with understanding that the DMC Plan and that any other Plan would build on to the Strategic Plan and that some of the issues from the DMC Plan would be adopted to develop a Strategic Plan. Mr. Smith concluded that this should be a facilitated effort and that his intent is to ensure that whatever the board’s vision and mission is creates a buy-in from the group to move forward. Conclusion: Commissioner Wexler provided financial resources to hire Joel Smith to assist with the Strategic Plan. Mr. Smith shared where he is in his efforts and sought guidance in relation to the direction of the board. Body was polled on having a ½ day Retreat or Workshop and on the inclusion of JDAI into the Strategic Plan. Mr. Weekes wants to ensure that every vested body that deals with DJJ is invited to the Retreat/Workshop including extending an invitation to all Delinquency Judges and the Dependency Chair from the Delinquency Division. All Board Members agreed to having a ½ day Retreat or Workshop to be held on Wednesday September 17, 2014 @ 2pm-5pm. DJJ CHAIRS’ MEETING IN ORLANDO FLORIDA Marsha Ellison Report: Meeting to be held in Orlando for CAB Chairs or their designee to discuss the Strategic Plan on Monday August 25, 2014 @9am-3pm Ms. Ellison asked for a volunteer to represent the body. (discussion took place) Commissioner Wexler advised that she will let the body know if she can attend. DETENTION FACILITY TOUR/ UNANNOUCED/ANNOUNCED VISITS TO THE DETENTION CENTER/DJJ DETENTION FACILITY SOP Superintendent Joseph Seeber Report: In follow-up to the request for the policy in relation to unannounced detention visits, clarity was provided for the board on procedure. Superintendent Seeber advised the body that after identification, staff in central control will contact him after their arrival and a tour will take place. (as long as there is operational availability) Mr. Weekes and Judge Williams advised that they recently participated in an unannounced tour of the facility and Superintendent Seeber and staff were very accommodating. Mr. Weekes reported that he has previously visited the facility however he experienced a more in-depth view during this visit and continued that the detention facility is consistent with a prison and is poorly designed. Mr. Weekes did commend the Nurse’s Station and the kitchen area. He encouraged the body to tour the facility to decide as a community if this is what they want for their children. Judge Williams commented that based upon the design of the building for the safety of youth on Special Precaution youth has to be placed on the floor on the boat bunks. He suggested considering a new building. Mr. Watkins advised that since the arrival of Superintendent Seeber there has been a shift for the better within the facility and agreed that extensive work is needed. He advised the body that the conditions of the facility has to be maintained and suggested that the body remain vigilant in keeping visual as to how the facility is being maintained. Ms. Ellison asked is there any indication that the needs will be addressed at that facility? Superintendent Seeber responded The facility is currently in the middle of a $500,000 dollar plus roof renovation project. Representative from Tallahassee looked through the building and looked at the list of needs. Department is currently in the process of prioritizing where the funding will be placed statewide. There is a commitment to address some of the facility needs however he cannot provide a specific timeline. In terms of the coloring on the walls, staff has been assisting with painting to help the facility resemble a school and not a detention facility. Ms. Ellison inquired if it is Dr. Negron who would have submitted the board’s needs assessment that would have sequenced the priority list. Superintendent Seeber responded he is unsure. He continued that Larry Olsten is in charge of overseeing all the facility’s maintenance improvement projects. (Consideration) It was suggested that the county replace the facility and clarified that the detention facility is a Department of Juvenile Justice building where the County pays for the pre-adjudicated youth. There was an inquiry relative to the existence of Coding and Rules Administratively that the County can/cannot run a detention center and bill the State accordingly. It was clarified that this issue is about a State Agency and fiscally constrained Counties. There was also suggestion that if some of the larger counties pull out since the larger counties are the donor counties to the fiscally constrained Counties the system will implode. It was added that Legislatively the secured detention system would have to be revamped. It was also clarified that the suggestion is not a threat or a viable solution however in discussion about detention center issues all constraints should be listed so that DJJ and the Board could think about the reality of Broward County possibly overseeing a facility. There was suggestion to do a Public Campaign to shame the department and a reminder that there are organizations within the community that are interested in the welfare of children. It was expressed that a new detention center would not be considered. It was added that this body understands the problem however the community is unaware because it is a hidden problem. Also advised was the importance in proceeding forward that there is also a commitment to have their children remain in Broward County and the reasons why. Conclusion: Mr. Seeber advised that the board has a planned tour scheduled to take place on August 21, 2014 @ 2:00pm and asked that the body arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to the visit for security purposes. Mr. Watkins shared that he recently had conversation with Dr. Negron and expressed concerns on her lack of communication with the 17th Judicial Circuit Advisory Board and suggested that she attend and support Superintendent Seeber on how to move forward with the detention issues. Facility’s SOP requested by the CAB was e-mailed to the board prior to this meeting Judge Williams will meet with Superintendent Seeber to figure out who the body needs to contact in relation to the structure of the facility. BY-LAWS COMMITTEE UPDATE Roosevelt Walters Discussion: Mr. Walters advised that he is in need of volunteers to join the committee. Ms. Ellison advised that Ms. Phillips, Ms. Schneider, and Mr. Weekes joined the Committee during a previous meeting. Mr. Walters advised that he will contact Ms. Borders with a meeting date DMC/ZERO TOLERANCE COMMITTEE Gordon Weekes Discussion: Mr. Weekes advised that the committee is in hiatus until the later part of the year because of the work that is taking place with writing the Strategic Plan. He continued that he circulates articles to the members to show what is taking place on a national level that trickles down to what this body should be aware of on a local level. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Commissioner Lois Wexler Report: Commissioner Wexler provided the body with a letter that went to Interim Secretary, Christy. Daly and the Director of Administration for DJJ in relation to County Cost Share. some of the counties have decided to withhold funds, others are paying what they prevailed in the lawsuit, however Broward has cut checks that represent what they should be paying and not what the State is billing so there is the potential that at some point and time the department is going to say that they don’t have enough monies to run the detention centers around the state. County is back in litigation with the State. Commissioner Wexler advised that when a county is fiscally constrained the donor counties come to their rescue. Mr. Weekes inquired about the timeframe the department will begin dispersing the 2014-2015 budgets. Commissioner Wexler responded that the payments are monthly and that the Department’s fiscal year began July 1, 2014. Ms. Ellison advised that the DJJ 2014 Legislative Report was provided via e-mail. PROBATION AND COMMUNITY INTERVENTION It was advised that Aquila Lovell would provide Ms. Borders with the Probation and Community Intervention Update via e-mail. There was discussion in relation to designees voting. It was advised that official letters has to be provided to the board to appoint designees. Meeting Adjourned 4:46 PM