Ancient TimesOutline

 Ancient Times
 The Greeks & Their Predecessors
 Antiquity – 100BC
 The Birth of Art
 Art was born around 25,000 years ago
Although early artists are anonymous, most of what we know about their societies
comes from the art they left behind
 Art from this time is categorized into 3 art forms:
 Prehistoric Art
 The oldest surviving art objects are sculptures made from bone, ivory, or antlers
Venus of Willendorf is a small stone figure found in Austria dating around 20,000BC
 Venus of Willendorf
 Cave Paintings in Lascaux, France
 Egypt
 15,000 years later (5000BC – 1000BC) Egypt was the site of an extraordinary evolution of the
visual arts
 Egyptians worshiped a huge array of gods & goddesses represented in art by both human &
animal figures
 Central to Egyptian religion was a deep concern for life after death
Elaborately decorated tombs to provide a permanent residence for the deceased
 Pyramids
 Pyramids are lasting images associated with Egyptian architecture & have long been considered
masterpieces of ancient art
 Step Pyramid of Saqqara
 Pyramids
 The Great Sphinx at Giza
 The Discovery of King Tut’s Tomb
 The Discovery of King Tut’s Tomb
 Egyptian Music
 Since no notated Egyptian music exists, much less is known about music than about the other
There is, however, written evidence of music in Egyptian culture, including choral groups
in the service of Egyptian kings
There are also visual representations of musicians performing on instruments
 Feast at the Home of Nakht
 Greece
 For a brief Golden Age from 480-430BC, an explosion of creativity resulted in an unparalleled
level of excellence in art, architecture, poetry, drama, philosophy, government, law, logic,
history, & mathematics
This age is considered the high point of Greek culture
There occurred such a development in drama, architecture, sculpture, and music that
the age is still looked upon as the source from which our own culture emerged
 The Golden Age
 The end of the lengthy Persian wars in 480BC precipitated a flood of artistic energy resulting in
this age of Greek art
 The ending of war provided the necessary wealth for artistic patronage, and the stability of a
world at peace gave artists the confidence & incentive for renewed creative output
They believed that the gods must have approved of their actions to have given them the
victory over the Persians
 Athens
In homage to their gods, the Greeks undertook a great program of public
building in which architecture, sculpture, pottery, painting, literature, drama,
and music played important roles
 When Pericles came to power he embarked on a program designed to make Athens the cultural
and artistic center of Greece
The core of the program was the construction of a group of buildings on the Acropolis
 Athens attracted the finest scholars & artists from the entire Greek world.
This was the age of Plato,
Aristotle, Pythagoras…
 Athenians
 To live beautifully and happily was the aim of the Athenians
They believed that man was the measure of all things
 The Greeks were driven to master the world by knowing it and reducing it to logical explanations
Unlike Egyptians, life after death held little interest for them
 Pursuit of Knowledge
 Greek thinkers began to refuse to accept the blind will of their gods as an explanation of the
 They pursued knowledge
 It was the basic structure of the universe that they were seeking, and to them geometry and
numbers described it
 This mathematical reasoning dominated much of their lives, including their art and music
 The Greeks began to push earlier superstitions and magic aside in favor of logic and reason
 Greek Art
 All Greek art, architecture, and sculpture, as well as music, is permeated with this element of
mathematical exactness
 Painting
 The Greeks were skilled painters
 Greek artists achieved a breakthrough in realistic
Their paintings were extremely lifelike
 Unfortunately, very few of these paintings exist
Ancient forms of murals (wall paintings)
 Vase Painting
Vase paintings told stories about gods and heroes of Greek myths as well as other
stories such as warfare and drinking parties
 Sculpture
 The deep-rooted belief
that the gods could be
approached and
worshipped through an
image in stone brought
forth the highest talents
of Greek sculptures
 They sought to portray
two human behaviors:
passion & reason
The Greeks invented the nude
in art
 Realism - Exaggeration
 Laocoon and His Two Sons
 Music
 The word music is of Greek origin
 There is no way of knowing exactly what Greek music sounded like
All information we have about Greek music comes through the writings of philosophers
and scholars, paintings of instruments in Greek art works, and a few dozen fragments of
stone with music notation inscribed
 Greek music most often combined poetry, music, & dancing
 Music (continued)
 As in architecture and sculpture, music frequently had close associations with religion and was
used as communication between the Greeks and their gods
 Greek music must have sounded very different from what we are accustomed to hearing today
 Music was very important in Greek drama and was probably sung by many voices
Our word chorus comes from a Greek word
 Ethos
 The Greeks believed that certain scales (also known as modes) possessed moral and ethical
values in terms of emotional responses they produced in listeners
They believed music could influence human will in at least three ways:
Music could spur to action
Music could lead to the strengthening of the whole being or undermine mental
and spiritual balance
Music could suspend completely the normal willpower, rendering people
unconscious of their actions
 Architecture
 Monuments were treated by the Greeks as large sculpture and were built with the same rules of
symmetry and ideal proportions
 Main Features of a Greek Temple
 Orders
 In Greek architecture, several major styles governed the form of columns & other elements
 There were 3 styles (or 3 orders):
 Orders (continued)
 The Roman Empire & the Early Christians
 100BC – AD500
 Rome first rose to a position of importance around 400BC
 The Romans gradually came to think of themselves as a people with a destiny to fulfill-a mission
to bring law and order to all peoples by conquering the whole (then-known) world
 Roman “Art”
 The Romans recognized the greatness of the Greek culture and they sought to acquire the
glories of Greek art by possessing it themselves
When they conquered Greek cities, they stripped the temples & public buildings of their
There are records of Roman generals returning with enormous quantities of art
objects which then found their way into Roman homes
When this supply was exhausted, the Romans began importing artists to make
copies of captured art & to create works in the Grecian style
Therefore, the influence of Greek culture was spread throughout the Western world by
the Roman conquerors
Later, however, Romans put their own spin on Greek art
 Roman Culture
 Romans placed greater faith in the strength of their armies than in their gods
 They had only a vague concern for life after death & put little credence in any idea of
 The Romans were systematizers, excelling in architecture, engineering, and law
 Roman law has been the basis of all legal systems of Western civilization
 Their law was based on the standards of justice determined by common citizens using plain and
simple good sense
 Architecture
 The architectural needs of the Romans were very different from those of the Greeks
Public arenas were more important than temples
The Romans required public buildings where thousands could be accommodated as
spectators at public games & entertainments
 This gave rise to the dome which is now recognized as a symbol of authority because of its
extensive use by the Romans in public buildings
 Roman builders not only developed the arch, vault, & dome but pioneered the creative use of
 Pantheon
 Colosseum
 A huge open-air arena used for games and gladiatorial combats
 It is one of the most remarkable structures of its age because of its size and utility
Today, even in decayed condition, it is a main tourist attraction
 Underneath the seats were countless rooms for attendants, cages for wild animals, & even small
 It was built in such a manner that the floor of the arena could be flooded & on these occasions
audiences could enjoy the sight of naval battles fought before their very eyes
 Colosseum
 Roman Sculpture
 Not all Roman art was imitative of Greek models
 The Romans excelled in portrait sculpture
In order to honor their soldiers, prominent citizens, & merchants, they created
sculptural likenesses of them for prominent places in public buildings, as well as homes
 Augustus of Prima Porta
 Perspective
 A lasting innovation of Roman sculptors was the perspective created in groups of figures carved
in relief
By making distant figures smaller and placing them behind foreground figures, artists
created an illusion of space
 Ara Pacis Frieze
 Roman Music
 Music had practical applications in the Roman society
 It accompanied processionals, was an essential part of theatrical entertainments, and was a part
of gladiatorial spectacles
Similar to the marching band at football games
 Unfortunately, they had no system of notation denying us the possibility of even approximating
the sounds of their music
 The Middle Ages
 The Middle Ages (Medieval Period) extends from 5th – 15th Centuries (ca.400 – 1400)
From the fall of Rome until the Renaissance
 During the initial period (Dark Ages), barbarians destroyed what had taken 3,000 years to build
 Two major “shifts” occurred that had far-reaching effects on Western Civilization:
Christianity triumphed over paganism & barbarism
Emphasis shifted from the here-and-now to the hereafter
With that, from the body as beautiful to the body as corrupt
 The Medieval Period
 Divided into three important subperiods:
 Because the Church was the supreme power, art had to have a religious function
Illiteracy was almost universal so biblical stories were taught through the visual arts
Paintings, stained glass, & sculpture served as tools of religious education
 The Church & Medieval Art
 Artists were given exact specifications as to what they could create
 The artists were bound by strict rules governing how sacred subjects were to be depicted
These rules were intended to help the observer identify religious figures
 The structure of churches & cathedrals were also subject to certain rules
Decoration was not determined by the artistic taste but by theology
 Early Christian Art
 During its early days, Christianity had little place for visual art of any kind
It had no wealth
It was considered an abomination
After the Church became well organized & accepted, its more wealthy converts desired
churches built in a more elaborate fashion
 Christian focus was on salvation for a glorious afterlife, interest in realistically representing
objects of the world disappeared
Nudes were forbidden
Instead, Medieval artisans were interested exclusively in the soul, especially in
instructing new believers in church principles
 Early Christian Art (cont.)
 Art became the servant of the church
 Theologians believed church members would come to appreciate divine beauty through
material beauty
Therefore, lavish mosaics, paintings, and sculptures were the result and architecture
took on a new form
 Byzantine Art
 Byzantine refers to eastern Mediterranean art from AD330 when Constantine transferred the
seat of the Roman Empire to Byzantium until the city’s fall to the Turks in 1453
Later called Constantinople
 Mosaics
 Mosaics were one of the predominant Byzantine art forms
Consisted of small colored bits of tile & glass commonly used to form geometric
 Icons
 Icons were small wood-panel paintings believed to possess supernatural powers
Images of saints of “holy persons” often with halos and staring, wide eyes
Believers carried them into battle or wore away their faces by kissing them
Icons were later banned from 726 – 843 as a violation of the commandment
against idolatry
 Early Christian Music
 The earliest Christians had little opportunity to develop art & this equally applied to music
 Inadequate system of notation
 Jewish Psalms were incorporated into the Christian liturgy
These chants served as their greatest source of music
Psalms were sung unaccompanied by instruments
 Early Christian Music (cont.)
 The text was of primary importance in each of these musical expressions
 The melodic lines of early Christian music spanned a narrow range & emphasized the words at
the expense of the music
 As Christianity grew, there were many who came into the Church knowing “popular songs”
Believing these songs to be evil influences, the Church made every effort to purge this
popular music from the services
Music in the church at this time served one purpose, to serve God & could not exist for
its own sake as an expressive art form
 The Romanesque Period:
The Reign of Religion 500 - 1100
 The term Romanesque refers to the artistic styles influenced by the Romans
This style is marked by its sheer simplicity & its use of the rounded arch
 The Church, now well organized, reeducated its people in mind, manners, and morals
Provided moral & spiritual motivation for new art forms
Romanesque architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, & music reflected the culture
of the Church
 Architecture
 Romanesque architects & builders adapted the stone arch of the Romans
 Arches were of great solidity & strength capable of bearing tremendous weight
The necessity for fireproof buildings led to the use of heavy stone roofs
 Other characteristics: thick walls with few windows and heavily vaulted ceilings
 Notre Dame la Grande at Poitiers, France
 Sculpture
 According to Pope Gregory (AD600), painting & sculpture were supposed to teach: “What the
literate learn by reading, the uneducated learn by looking at pictures.”
 In addition, sculpture was almost always conceived as an architectural decoration, as well as an
educational object
 Sculpture (cont.)
 The sculpture from this time seems archaic
 The figures portrayed on the cathedrals were often elongated and like skeletons simply covered
with fabric rather than living forms
 The distortion of human form was motivated by two beliefs:
 Portal of St. Trophime c.1105
Arles, France
 Painting
 There are few original examples of Romanesque paintings because they were usually painted on
Either fire or normal decay destroyed most of them
 Music
 Vocal sound was predominant in the music of the religious service; it had to be simple
Instruments were commonly used for secular purposes; therefore, banned from use in
 Several styles of chant were developed
Monophonic vocal music – music consisting of a single vocal part
Ex: Dies Irae
 Music
 Vocal sound was predominant in the music of the religious service; it had to be simple
Instruments were commonly used for secular purposes; therefore, banned from use in
 Several styles of chant were developed
Monophonic vocal music – music consisting of a single vocal part
Ex: Dies Irae
 Gregorian Chant
 Chant used in Rome became known as Gregorian Chant (named after Pope Gregory)
 Guido of Arezzo contributed much to the development of notation & the singing style of
Gregorian Chant
 All chants shared 4 characteristics:
Based on church modes
Rhythms came from Latin texts
Composers were unknown
 Mass
 The Mass was one of the most important developments central to the church services
11 pieces of music were normally needed for the sung portion of the mass
These 11 pieces were divided into 2 sections:
Ordinary – constant; used the same texts for every service
Proper – changed texts from service to service according to the needs of the
Church calendar
 The Medieval Gothic Period
1100 - 1400
 Bridging the gap between the Romanesque Period & the Renaissance Period
Cultivation of humanism
 Architecture
 The Gothic architectural style began in France
 Gothic builders wanted their buildings to reach greater heights
Their ingenuity & experimentation created the pointed arch
 Reims Cathedral
Reims, France
 Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury, England
 Stained Glass
 Stained glass was a craft developed from the mosaics of the Byzantine art
 Stained glass windows served many purposes
Admitted the much needed light that was absent in the Romanesque period
Magnificent decorations giving the interior a warm atmosphere
Means of instruction serving as illuminated paintings for religious education
 Medieval Rose Windows
 Sculpture
 Sculpture was still an important part of architecture
In many structures, every space not occupied by stained glass carried a message in
stone (sculpture)
 Almost every cathedral had a special statue of the Virgin Mary
In fact, the Virgin became so popular that the artistic portrayal of Jesus was largely
replaced by that of His mother
 Innovations made it possible to achieve effects of movement & space
 Gothic Sculpture
 Painting
 During the Gothic period, the art of painting was considered a minor art
 The most famous painter of the Gothic age was Giotto from Italy
Art historians look upon his works as the beginning of a new era in painting
 Fresco – a technique of painting on wet plaster (combining plaster & paint)
 Giotto’s Life of Christ
 Music
 Gothic music, like Gothic art, broke with the past in its move toward humanism
 New innovations:
Polyphony – two or more independent melodic lines
Organum – style of polyphony that was greatly influenced by the traditional music of the
medieval church
 Guido of Arezzo made the preservation of Gothic music possible
 Secular Music
 In contrast to the sacred works, there is a large number of secular songs from the Gothic period
 Troubadours (from southern France), trouveres (from northern France), & minnesingers (from
Germany) set poems with secular themes to melodies that they composed or to well-known
tunes of the day
 Bernart de Ventadorn
 The winter that comes to me
is white red yellow flowers;
my goo luck grows
with the wind and the rain,
and so my song mounts up, rises,
and my worth increases.
I have such love in my heart,
such joy, such sweetness,
the ice I see is a flower,
that snow, green things that grow
 Hildegard von Bingen
 Among the earliest composers of Gothic music known by name was Hildegard
She is one of the earliest identified women composers known